
Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Presidents

In honor of President's Day here in the U.S. I thought I'd share some of my collected Washington and Lincoln fabrics, quilts and china -

This is a quilt I designed, but never made-

Fabric I haven't used yet, but Love!

A GW silhouette

A GW sugar bowl

A wonderful little doll quilt from my friend Mary C. in 2008.
(it's about 8" x 12")

Lincoln S&P shakers

 I love, love red transferware dishes -

Best Plate ever -

A pillow-

A little Lincoln reading -

A chair I recovered -

Remembering Abe, which has been accepted to the 2012 AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster, PA.

A GW nine patch quilt that I have started and is on hold at the moment.

The back of a little quilt I sent to Sheila.

Believe it or not, there is more, but that's enough for today.  I love the history of these 2 great Presidents.

Happy Birthday Abe and George!


  1. Wow! Thank you for helping me get into the mood of the day. You have an amazing collection there. Congratulations on getting into the AQS show! How exciting!! I love your up and coming 9 patch too. Those specks of white really make it sparkle.

  2. Holy Cow! Those are some awesome collectibles Barb. I LOVE those Washington fabrics -- how fun.

    And Congratulations to Abe -- how exciting that he'll be in the quilt show this year!

  3. OH my goodness - thank you for all the wonderful visuals! I'm a huge fan of toile of any variety and medium. Congratulations on having your Remembering Abe quilt accepted for AQS 2012; can't wait to see more of the GW nine patch!

  4. Great post! Not many of us could put together a president's day theme to this extent. I especially love the 9-patch. Congrats on Abe being in the Lancaster show. I'm excited that I will get to see it in person - going on a bus trip there on the 15th.
    I have to admit I haven't read that many books on the presidents, but I have 2 favorites. John Adams by David McCullough and Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

  5. I love your collection! I just finished a quilt using 8 yards of the George Washington fabric. I, too just loved George on it.

  6. I can hear Marilyn singing now!
    What a great presidential collection. And big congrats on Abe's acceptance to the show....good luck!

  7. Sweet! I love them both too and your collection is fantastic!!

  8. What a wonderful collection you have!! Remembering Abe is such an amazing quilt and deserves to be in lots of shows! The nine patch quilt is so beautiful too.

  9. I like your presidential collection. Some interesting items. I have cobalt blue stemware with George or Martha on them. They were put out by Avon several years ago and made by Fostoria glass, if I remember correctly. You need some. You can find them in antique shops.

  10. Congratulations on having Remembering Abe accepted to the AQS Show!!! A wonderful achievement!! Good luck!

    A great collection.

    Love the toile on your chair.

  11. That is quite a collection!! The book of Lincoln photographs is wonderful, isn't it? There is a lot of yardage of the black and white GW print. It was on sale online, and I laughed out loud when I saw it. The large scale of the printing wasn't evident on the website. I love it, though! Your 9 in 9 in progress is incredible; just love it! Congratulations on being accepted into the AQS Show. Prepare for another ribbon!

  12. I don't know which part of your memorabilia collection I liked the most. You are a serious presidential groupie. Well done on entering your quilt AND being accepted.

  13. How great for you that your Abe was selected for the show. I have some of the same fabrics you do, too.

  14. Congratulations on getting accepted to AQS!!!
    Have you read "Mary" (Lincoln's wife)? Real good I recommend it highly.
    That little quilt is so wonderful, it really looks antique!!!
    I have never seen Abe and George china, I will have to keep an eye out.

  15. Yay!!! Congratulations on the quilt accepted at the AQS Lancaster. I am so happy for you! I have not met any other quilter who is as passionate as you about our presidents in quilts. I think your collection is worthy of a quilt museum.

  16. Your collection is fabulous love those plates. Your Abe quilt is awesome and the nine patch you're working on looks really great too.

  17. Wow, you have quite the collection -- very nice.

  18. What an amazing collection, Barb! And congrats on your quilt showing at AQS.

  19. That's an amazing collection! Congratulations to you and your quilt for being accepted into the AQS show too. You must be over the moon about that.

  20. What a great collection. Abe and I share a birthday so I have a special place in my heart for all things Abe!

  21. Sensational collection! Some great fabrics I've never seen. Very impressive.

  22. LOVE that little log cabin quilt~!!~
    congrats on your acceptance into the AQS show. very well deserved~!


  23. I love your presidents quilts Great fabrics on the cushion and. Oh that new fabric is wonderful! Thanks for sharing the quilts again and congrats on being accepted into the show

  24. What an honor and well deserved the Abe quilt is one of my favorite quilts you have made. I will be looking forward to seeing a ribbon on it

  25. OH MY!!! LOVE EVERYTHING!! and Goober dog are off to march around the yard with the American flag......wearing my Girl Scout sash.....carrying a Statue of Liberty souvenior!!!

  26. Congratulations on the upcoming AQS Lancaster show, I can't wait to see the quilt in person.

    Happy Sewing

  27. Wow, I had no idea there were so many Washington and Lincoln fabrics available! You have an awesome collection of GW & Abe stuff.

    I LOVE your GW quilt, but I think your Remembering Abe quilt is my favorite. Congratulations on getting into the AQS show!!

  28. CONGRATS on Remembering Abe! Wish I could see in hanging at the show.

  29. Congrats on the AQS show! I love reading your blog because it's so different than a lot of the "modern" quilt blogs I read, and this post is a standout, with all its presidential themes and treasures. I spent a year in DC with my husband a few years back and really fell in love with the history and the monuments, so exemplified by what you've shown us here!


  30. Congratulations on taking Abe to Lancaster! He'll be a hit.

    I love your start on the Washington 9-patch.

    You have assembled a wonderful presidential collection - wonderful fabrics.

  31. What a fun collection you have!
    I REALLY like the brown GW quilt-in-progress. It has an antiques look to it.

    Congratulations on your quilt making the show. It's a show stopper to me! I just love the way you've layered Abe over the background in the center. It really draws the eye in.

  32. Way amazing post on your presidential collection! Love all of it! Will be cheering for you to win big in the quilt show.

  33. Wow! How did I ever miss seeing this post? i loved every bit of it. I love all history, but am especially fond of Abraham Lincoln. Your quilts are wonderful. I have that complete set of brown and white china. with accessory pieces. I bought them in 1976 when they produced them for the bicentennial. I've never known anyone else who had them. They are always on display in my hutch and I use them for all special occasions and company. Did your quilt win in Lancaster? I hope so. I had that same GW fabric and made a tribute quilt for him that I hang in the high school media center during February every year. Kindred spirits, me thinks!


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