
Friday, February 17, 2012

Pink Lemonade

Happy Friday!

I finally finished the Pink Lemonade quilt along that Lori hosted.  I wanted to make 2 so I made a smaller version.

Here is the first one

The back

The second one, which I changed up using the little shirting print.

And the back.

Since I used fabrics on the back that both had a china them, I decided to quilt the tea cup design.

I used this template.  It was a little large for the size of the quilt, but I thought it worked well enough.

The thing I love about this design is that it appears circular, but I machine quilt it with my walking foot.  Here you can see by doing serpentine lines, you achieve the circle.

Thanks again for a fun quilt along, Lori!

Have a Fun Weekend!
Go Oscar!


  1. So sweet, I love the chrome yellow.
    What a fun thing using the tea cup pattern, looks perfect with the quilts.

  2. Both of them are adorable! I never would have thought to use my walking foot with this pattern, but it makes perfect sense!! I think the quilting looks fantastic!

  3. Love them both. They are so sweet! Chrome yellow and pink look so good together. I would have never thought of using a walking foot for that quilt pattern.
    You are genius!

  4. I like both versions but I think the one with the cheddar best. I have used that same quilting design in the past but not for quite a while. A reminder that I should use it again.

  5. Very cute Barb! I love that pink bubblegum color too!

  6. Great quilting that called pumpkin seeds?

  7. It's great to see the same pattern done in 2 different colour ways. I noticed the quilting straight away, it's such a great pattern, thanks for showing how it's done.

  8. Thanks for showing them side by side, Barb. It's such a dramatic difference, with just changing alternate block fabrics. Amazing! They are both so darned cute, and I love the backing fabrics you used. Totally reversible as a table topper!

  9. So darn cute!
    the quilting pattern is just terrific, curves to compliment the sharp angels but not overwhelming.

    Did you bind these the same as the tumbler quilt? I'll have to try that method.

    Happy Sewing

  10. I loved the quitting pattern too and the hint on how to do it with the walking foot. Good idea. The backings just made me smile!

  11. These turned out great!! I love the quilting design. I've been wanting to try that one for awhile. I never would have thought of it for this quilt.

  12. Thanks for the tip about using the walking foot. I think I'll get that template. It looks like a good way to quilt the circles! The little quilts are darling.

  13. Oh, Barb. These are both so cute - both front and back. I especially love the pink thread on the yellow and the teacup design. Here I thought you didn't participate and you did TWO!

  14. Both are adorable as are the different color versions. Must say the yellow & pink just says Spring!

    Great choice of quilting design too.

  15. Thanks for the tip on the tea cup/pumpkin seed quilting with the sewing machine - brilliant!

  16. OH OH It's LOVE!!! I'm lovin' both of them!! Of course seeing how projects are quilted is always a treat for me!!!

  17. Sweet quilts, Barb, both of them.
    I like that quilting pattern on these quilts. What do you use for marking? I don't mark. I'm petrified by the possibility of marks staying in. I've heard SO many stories.
    Love the backs. I seldom use a backing that's logical or perfectly related to the front. I like surprises.

  18. Love them both. I am still going to make Pink Lemonade. Just got some cheddar fabrics.
    Please tell me also, what you used for the markings. I agree with Vivian - I have heard so many stories!!

  19. They look great! I liked seeing your version in shirting and liked seeing a finished quilt in the reduced size. I also made mine smaller and sent it to the hand quilter. Boy do I wish I'd thought of the teacup template. Excellent choice!

  20. both of these little quilts are wonderful.
    i'm still quilting mine. seem to be a teeny bit stuck on choosing a pattern for the alternate (yellow) blocks . . . maybe i should consider the teacup design . . .


  21. Both of your little quilts are darling! I LOVE the way you've quilted them. I wouldn't have thought to use the walking foot, so thanks for sharing that tip.

    I didn't feel up to joining the quilt along this time. I'm saving the directions though. :)

  22. Barb you are such a sweetie to share your cheerful quilt. I am sure it gives Ann a warm huggy feeling when she sees it.

    I have several of the same commemorative plates. My mother collected them and we called them the picnic plates as they were used summertime for "cook outs". I got 35 and my brother got 35! My mom like collecting!

  23. WOW gorgeous & gorgeous!! Barb, they are both simply delighful as is the backing fabric..not to mention the quilting, beautiful!!

    Lucky Diane..i've just come from her blog. cheers, Marian

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