
Saturday, March 3, 2012

As The Iron Steams - finale

It was a quiet, somber, dignified affair.  

I would like to thank everyone for their concerns.  It has been a difficult time for us...

All kidding aside, I did try to save the old iron.  I just could not trust it again.  I hold myself to blame for some of that.

I have betrothed myself to this new one.  I would not ordinarily buy such a fancy one, but Macy's was having a great sale.  I've tattooed the date on her just to see how long our relationship will last.

As you can see, I've put her on a pedestal and intend to treat her with respect and kindness.  I also plan to use a tap/distilled mix to help prevent build up.  I have also promised to clean it as instructed, at least 2x a month, if not more.

I went to the Mancuso Tri-State Quilt Fest and saw some lovely quilts - report to follow.

In the meantime I have some new reading:

Great photos and inspiration here -

Have a wonderful weekend everyone - and thanks again for tuning in to "As the Iron Steams (and dies)".


  1. Oh dear.....may she rest in peace I'm sure she has a been a devoted companion :0).

    Happy Sewing :0)

  2. Condolences on the passing of your iron - I know the feeling - mine died this week too! However, I just got another $20 at Walmart. I have a tendency to push them off the ironing board which no iron, no matter how pricy can tolerate. Anyway, I'm going to tattoo mine to so I'll know just how long it survives - Have a great weekend!

  3. I think we have the same books on our shelves! Great little quilt on the dollbed...

    In our house my DH has the fancy iron and I have several inexpensive ones...never thought of tattooing them though!

  4. Congratulations on your new "relationship!" I've never cleaned an iron. Yours may last forever!

  5. Fun posts! I wish you luck with your new companion.

  6. The memories, oh, the memories. She may be gone, but her pressing spirit, tales of her good deeds, lasting friendship, and valor fighting against wrinkles and lumpy blocks will live as long as you continue to quilt.

    I have 2 of your 3 books. Great reading and they're filled with projects that could keep me busy for months.

  7. Margaret FarabaughMarch 3, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    I will start a novena to St Sebastian the Patron Saint of Irons (actually iron workers but close enough).

    May your iron rest in peace.


  8. Poor, poor iron. You'd think we quilters would get used to tossing irons. Your new one looks so pretty.

  9. I am looking forward to hearing more about the quilt show. The books look great! I haven't seen the first one before.
    Farewell to your old iron and welcome to the new one.

  10. I have had some irons rest in peace too!

    You will love you new books...The Civil War Sewing Circle is wonderful..I have made a few little quilts from it. Great history reading too!

    That little doll bed is a treasure!

    Carolyn :)

  11. You are very funny, mine dies too last week and once again I was out there trying to find a lovely new one, bought a Russell Hobbs and must say don't like it is to hoping

    Love the books

  12. Great fun - good idea to date it.
    Are you guess-ta-mating a yr long life?

  13. So sorry that your iron ran out of steam but glad that you were not hard pressed to find a new one! Ok bad dad puns aside :-) those new books are fantastic, lots of inspiraton and you will really enjoy them. I adore the little quilt on the doll bed, just too gorgeous for words.

  14. I feel your pain at having to farewell a trusty friend. I had to do the same, bought an expensive one, changed it twice and threw the new one out in disgust becuase it seems they had built in the incontinence on the assembly line. Now I hav4e a trusty cheaper one.
    I love the look of the new books and your doll quilt is gorgeous, love seeing that one.

  15. You are too funny...I love that candle, it even has your name on it!
    Nice selection of books I think I have all 3. Did I miss a good show?

  16. We work our irons hard :0) Hope you come to like your new one. Those look like some great new books! I look forward to hearing about the show.

  17. Awwww, sending my deepest condolences. But look at that sexy replacement! Nothing steams like a Rowenta imho. I have two of them -- one is 15 yrs. old and is still pretty amazing. The cord frayed about three years ago, so I got a new Rowenta. THEN (after I'd spent the money) hubby fixed the frayed cord. Der. The new Rowenta steamed like crazy for about two years but then she started to leak a little. Two years of fab steam worked for me though. I'll be real interested to see how long yours lasts -- what a great idea. I got an olisio about 6 months ago. I really like it, but it just doesn't have the Rowenta steam power! Have Fun!

  18. I was so hoping for a happy ending with the old iron, but you sincerely tried! Here's to many years of steamy bliss with the new one!

  19. This tickled me! Sorry you lost your iron, but glad you got a bright shiny new one! Yay!

    And the date you put on it reminded me of......when I was a kid, my father would write the date on various things in his room, like the alarm clock, or the radio. But it was never that day's date.....he would pick a date a few years in the future, write that on it, gather all the children around and then announce to everyone, "Little hands will break this clock by this date!" Omg! We all would look at each other, and just wonder WHO would do it! lol

    In some ways, it was a little terrifying.....but then again, it was kindof a challenge! Ha!

  20. Farewell old iron.. and welcome New Fancy Iron!! Great idea to write the date on it, you can celebrate your anniversaries! Your Tumbling blocks quilt is such a sweetie, I love it when you display your minis on the little bed. Enjoy your reading!!

  21. Poor poor sad...

    But hey the new kid in town looks swish! I love that you'd tattooed him! Great idea!

  22. You're a genius - two amusing posts out of you iron dieing! Have fun with your new books. I enjoyed taking a close look at the fabrics in your little tumbling blocks quilt. Captivating!

  23. I enjoyed the "saga" of the iron!! Too funny. Your new iron looks fabulous. Nothing worse that trying to press blocks etc with an iron that is not committed to the task!!!

  24. RIP iron! lol. I've got The Civil War Sewing Circle and have had a look through History Repeated - both great books, enjoy your reading.

  25. Sorry for the end of your iron, but happy you have made a connection with a new one. Love the doll quilt and both of those books.

  26. Your tumbling blocks quilt looks fabulous on the doll bed.

    May you find new iron love.

  27. great looking new iron~!!~
    i have some new quilting books coming in the mail . . . seeing yours makes me anxious for them to get here. oe of the books that i considered getting was the first one that you have photographed. as i had to draw the line somewhere i opted for 'maybe next time' on that one.


  28. Hilarious! Love the votive candle burning beside it. Several years back I just KNEW my iron was going to croak so I bought a new on and kept it in the closet. I STILL have the old one (going strong) and the new one gets dragged out on Quilt Night when all my pals come by (I even have another mini-ironing board for such an occasion).

    Great post!

    Elizabeth E.

  29. All the best with your new Rowenta! Mine is my favourite for appliqué but I never put water in it now (sometimes all the water would decide to pour out - over everything!).

  30. what a fun post! I love my Rowenta too (-: I LOVE the little doll quilt laying on the bed! too sweet

  31. gave saving the iron a good try? Have fun with the new one!
    I just got a new one too. Didn't think to tatoo it. I think I'll do it out of curiosity.
    Great books you have there. I got the top one for Christmas last year and really enjoyed looking through it.

  32. Thanks for the obit least it died doing what it loved to do, still heating up. Enjoy your replacement!


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