
Monday, March 5, 2012

Here we Show....

Before sharing the beautiful work I saw, I want to have my say about the Judging (or lack of) at this show.  The Mancuso Management does not employ NQA certified judges, instead they enlist a couple of teachers they have hired to do workshops and have them do it.  I don not feel this is right.  I could say a lot more about this, but won't.  I repeat, it is not right.

This is my Top Pick.  Barb's Best in Show.
It is made entirely of silk.  Silk.  Silk.  Silk.

Here is a view of the back.  This won Second Place.

It was luminous and lovely in every way -

These are 2" bugle beads and seed beads added to very edge of the binding - stunning!

Here you see she has quilted each square with different patterns.  Incredible.  If it sounds like I was a little obsessed with this quilt, you are right.

And the rest -

What a fun wool quilt.  The detail of embroidery was lovely.

Hanna was with me on Sunday.  It was super fun to walk around and see which quilts she liked.  Here she is with my "Passage to India".  Unfortunately the light was not hitting it, so the crystals didn't really show.

I forgot to take a photo of the Placard for this one - It was a big winner at the Mid-Atlantic show, 2012.

Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show Best in Show.

 I love everything about this quilt - the title too!

I love the glow this one had -

Pretty quilting and look at that fun motif on the left -

This was a joyful quilt with lots of movement.

Every colored half square triangle had a matching colored button - every one!

Okay, I will leave it here for now, but will post have more in a couple of days.


  1. LOTS of eye candy in this post! Thanks for sharing your pictures. That silk quilt is incredible!!

  2. Thanks for sharing, as always!

    The quilt without a placard is by Megan Farkas. I think it's title is "Hanaogi".

  3. Yes we had a lot of the same favorites. I agree that silk appliqué I loved looking at all the quilting in the blocks! The crazy quilt I wanted to go buy velvety,silks great threads and a book on stitches! Thanks for sharing.
    Ps we kept asking who the heck was the judges. They were WAY off in m h o

  4. Thanks for all the pictures and the way you added all the labels is wonderful. The silk quilt is amazing!
    I do agree with you about judges.

  5. Ah these are great! I needed a quilty fix. Thanks for sharing them. I can't begin to imagine making a silk quilt like that. Gorgeous. My favorites were yours, of course, the crazy quilt, and the title give peas a chance!

  6. The silk quilt is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your photos of all the quilts.

  7. Thanks for the show! I honestly laughed at that turkey. What a great sense of humour. And honestly the stunning details in so many of the quilts -- just WOW.

  8. thanks for sharing these. I'd love to see that silk one in person. I'm sure the colours on it are really great.

  9. oh, wow, I LOVE that turkey quilt. tofurkey rather...

  10. Wow! Thanks for the great show. I'm with you on the silk one. Just incredible. You really have a lot of very talented quilt makers there!

  11. What an amazing show! And yes, that silk quilt is every way! Can't believe it didn't take best of show!

    Thanks for sharing all this quilty goodness with us, Barb!

  12. What a wide variety of beautiful quilts! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I'm with you that the hand quilted silk quilt should have won.

  13. Great pictures and I appreciate the info tags too. I totally agree with you about not using NQA certified judges. I have a dear friend who is an NQA judge and it involves a ton of work to get certified and to stay certified. They really know their stuff. You would think shows as large as this one would employ certified judges. I think they would be an asset to these events.

  14. My favorite picture is the sweet grin on your daughter's face next to your quilt. Just love this!

  15. I love the Cheddar feathers quilt as it has a bit of folk art appeal.
    The silk one looks just perfect! the quilting is over-the-top!

  16. PS, How fun to go with Hanna!!

  17. Thanks for sharing so beautiful pictures ! XXX

  18. Beautiful quilts. I can't imagine working with silk, but what beautiful results. Love the wool crazy too. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Wow! That silk quilt is amazing! How fun it must've been to look at it closely. And I've always loved the Little Brown Bird quilt -- I was just looking at the book the other night. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  20. A fun use of fabric design on the turkey. Very creative.

    I can see why you like the silk applique quilt so well. I wonder if working with silk fabric is harder to do applique with.

  21. Oh wow... What a group of talented ladies. The ones you chose to highlight were all winners in my book. However, the silk one is astonishing, and the little brown bird and the wool crazy one amazing and I could go on and on. I enlarged each quilt and the detail and workmanship is awesome.

    Thanks for sharing.


  22. Saw you here. Congrats!

  23. A stunning group of quilts - thank you for taking us along!

    The words "quilt judge" have always created much discussion. I am so surprised that a show of your caliber and size did not use certified judges.

    Your Passage to India is fantastic!

  24. I do love a good quilt show.....this one looks beautiful.
    and silk quilt is remarkable....thing of the time in that one and the cost of fabrics too!

    Don't get me started on is why I never enter shows.

    Happy Sewing

  25. Hi Barb,
    I have never seen a whole appliqued quilt out of silk. I imagine it would be a difficult thing to achieve! It looks stunning in picture, I am sure it was even better in person.
    Love all "Barb's picks".
    Hanna looks so happy. I bet you two had fun!

  26. thank you for sharing these~!
    i have to agree with you about that silk quilt. everything about it is amazing~!!~


  27. I looked around to see if they had anywhere that they asked for feedback about the show. For me it was the worst of this reoccurring NJ show. How can a blue ribbon quilt have waves/ripples at every edge? I did not take a single picture.

  28. Thanks for taking the time to photograph so many wonderful quilts. Your "Passage to India" looked fantastic. What a fun day.

  29. Thanks for sharing all these amazing quilts. The silk quilt is a sight to behold!! The Vege Turkey is so clever. It's fun to see your quilt again hanging in all its beautiful splendour! It's a shame about the judges. Are they just trying to save money?

  30. I agree with all the comments on these gorgeous quilts!!! I am usually not much of a crazy quilt girl but that was very cool!
    Ah judges......follow the money girl and you will have your answer!

  31. Fabulous quilts in this show. I'm shocked that the silk wasn't best of show. The maker must have been broken hearted?
    Don't get me started on judges...!

    Hannah looks darling next to your quilt.

  32. Thank you sooo much. I agree about the judging - quilts must be uniformly judged according to a set of guidelines. What fun to attend the show with Hannah!

  33. I feel your frustration about quilt judging. I am often placed in that love-hate-completely don't understand position when it comes to how judges score certain quilt. I may never completely understand what goes through their minds, or why they can take off points when it does not seem they should. I saw the silk quilt you show here at VT last weekend, and I myself have worked with silk, and understand how amazing it is to applique that.

    Margaret Gunn


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