
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Here we Show Again....

Here are the last quilt photos to share from the quilt show.

But first Good News~  The Silk Quilt was voted Viewers Choice, so there is justice in the world.

Hanna loved this quilt.  It was fun to tell her about the Dear Jane phenomenon.

This quilt

Is made up of this - 

I'd love to do one of these one day -

Beautiful quilting here!

Here was one of my favorite features of the show:

Photo of the original quilt



In the meantime, I'll be visiting the Happiest Place on Earth, or as my husband calls it, The Mother Ship, since he works for a Disney company.

Have a fun week everyone!


  1. More wonderful quilts!
    Have fun at Disney.

  2. Joanne stole my leading line LOL! Thanks for sharing all those beautiful quilts. And have FUN at the mother ship -- you Lucky girl!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Barb... wonderful quilts! Threadline Kathie made on of the blocks in that Milwaukee group quilt. It's fabulous, isn't it?
    Have a great trip!

  4. Thanks for those great pictures. Have fun at Disneyworld.

  5. Love this post--I love visiting quilt shows vicariously and the quilts you show are really stunning. Are you at Disneyworld or Disneyland? If the latter--you're in my neck of the woods! Have fun!

    Elizabeth E.

  6. This batch was just as stunning as the last! Thanks again, Barb, for sharing them!

  7. What inspiring quilts! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. Have a great time at Disney. I'm going there too with my family later this month :0)

  8. Thank you so, so much for sharing these wonderful quilts. Have tons of fun at Disneyland.

  9. Inspiring quilts- what a treat to see them and what a treat to be on the mothership. I'm always happy when I go to Disneyland.

  10. I loved that house quilt too wouldn't it be fun to take a picture cut it up and give the pieces to a friend to make a quilt like that! just great.
    Glad to hear the silk quilt won viewers choice, I think that is a high honor personally
    have fun at Disney

  11. Another set of beautiful quilts! Thanks for posting the pictures. I love the replicas of applique quilts. Dear Jane is a beauty. It never gets old!
    Have fun that the Disneyland!

  12. It must have been a really good show with so many wonderful quilts! So glad the silk quilt received Viewer's Choice.

    Have a good time on your trip!

  13. Very nice selection. I too would love to do one like the fractured houses one day.
    Have fun in Disney!!!

  14. Great quilts! Have a fun time!!

  15. Another stunning group of quilts. Such great diversity, and thanks for sharing all of them with us.
    So many to enjoy, but I keep going back to look at Rare Birds. I love the whimsy, the uniqueness, and the creativity. That quilter and her friends must have a collective great sense of humor.
    Enjoy your time away!

  16. Thanks for sharing all the lovelies!

    I think my overall favorite was the one titled "Butterflies Flew To My Garden", and of course the Silk one.
    What an unusual quilt, I just couldn't seem to quit looking at it!

  17. All of this quilts are mind boggling amazing!! What a great show! Have fun at Disneyland! I wonder if the giant tea cup ride is there still, that's the first thing I'd do if I ever went there.

  18. the Layers of Memory quilt is mind boggling and wonderful and i'm surprised at how well all of the blocks fit together in The Jennings Homestead quilt. one can see that there were different interpretations of various elements/colors/etc and yet it comes together very well. amazing.
    love the history within the Emancipation to Inaugeration Exhibit. the folk images are fascinating and the history so important~!
    thank you for sharing Barb.

    enjoy your Disney adventure and give Mickey a kiss for me.


  19. Another great quilt show viewed from my computer chair! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Fabulous quilts! I'm so glad the silk one got the win.
    The house puzzle looks great. I love those kind of quilts, and Charlotte is so clever.
    Others are just beautiful too.
    The special exhibit looks real interesting. I could spend some time there taking it all in.
    Have a great trip! Heheheh.."Mother Ship". :)

  21. More fabulous quilts - the Nocturnal Spontaneity really struck me -

    Enjoy the warmth - have a great time!

  22. Thanks for the shows! Glad your favorite won Viewers Choice. I don't really pay much attention to the ribbons. I guess I'm not an experienced show attendee. Our local show is not juried. It does seem like you'd want certified judges. After attending the Mid-Atlantic show I think Mancuso's emphasis is more on the vendors. Many fantastic quilts, but I'd say 2/3 of the floor space was allotted to vendors.

  23. You are right the silk quilt is spectacular!

  24. Really enjoyed looking at the Emancipation to Inauguration quilt - have always been fascinated by those early quilts. Have fun at Disney - hopefully you are in Cali for a while!!


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