
Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Friday - Penny for your Thoughts

Hooray - it's Friday - again!

Yesterday was my best friend, Mary B's, 82 Birthday.  In honor of her historic trip to NYC in 2011 for the Red & White exhibit, I made this little quilt for her.

Here you can see it is constructed of flying geese instead of 1/2 square triangles.

I wrote directly on the back of the quilt instead of making a separate label.

Speaking of Red & White and Birthdays.  Tomorrow is my son  Andrews 23rd Birthday.

I'm making him a red & white cake (red velvet, his favorite).

Pennies - my 2 collections:

I have been collecting wheat back pennies for years.  My mother also collected them so I have always thought of them as special.

I have 35 of them and the 2 oldest are from 1920.  I keep them in this little suitcase that my husband gave me years ago.  He just gave me one last week.  It had been a long time since I've added to this collection.

The other collection is pressed pennies.  Below is the one that started it all.  In 1992 I got this penny in Seattle at Ye Old Curiosity Shop.  They had an actual mummy and Andrew being just a little kid was mesmerized by it and called it "The Icky Man".  We bought a pressed penny and a post card of him.

I have 122 pressed pennies which I've collected from many different places.  Here are my pennies from Disney World and Disney Land, 60 in all.

Here are the other ones.  I display them in this little Victorian calling card dish.  I love mixing things irreverantly like this.

There is an official website to organize and purchase pennies here.  I just get them when I can.  It is very fun to go through them once in a while.

Have a FUN Friday everyone and a great weekend.


  1. great quilt, I loved the one in the show too!
    One of my DD;s has a bunch of pressed pennies we get them everywhere we go too!
    Happy Birthday to Andrew and Mary!
    enjoy that cake, yum!

  2. Your little red and white quilt is perfect... a great reminder of that show. Your friend is lucky to get such a nice gift.
    I collect pennies also but haven't ever thought of collecting the pressed pennies. I'm sure we have them in the kids treasures somewhere... putting them out in a dish is a great idea and a nice rememberance of past vacations. Thanks for the idea.

  3. what is a wheat pennie? Love the quilt!!

  4. Red & white- simple, bold, striking! Interesting collections.. was not familiar with pressed pennies.

  5. Our kids used to collect pressed pennies but I never was interested but now that I see your display, I might just start collecting some too!

    Happy Birthday to your son!

  6. It's great to see Mary B. She was one of my favorites who came to the Northern Michigan Quilters Getaway. She was also so sweet and upbeat.

  7. That is a terrific quilt!!
    Happy birthday to your son! I bet the cake will be delish!!

  8. Just love the little quilt and writing directly on the back is a great idea. velvet cake. Good on any day!

  9. Well, I learned something today, I have never seen or heard of pressed pennies. Does this mean I'm not very observant and have missed them or am I a dummy for maybe hearing others mention them and not understanding what they were? Perhaps I lead a sheltered life and I should get out more!! HA!

    Now who wouldn't want that Red/White?

  10. That is one jazzy quilt! And adorable son and lovely penny collection. I'll think of you next time is see a pressed penny machine.

  11. The red and white zig zag quilt is a perfect remembrance of a fun time together. I love to collect wheat pennies too. Occasionally, you'll get one back as change! That s a lucky day.

  12. What time should we come for cake?

    Oh you are just having a great time with red and white :0)

    Happy sewing :0)

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are wonderful quilter. I really like the tiny log cabin doll quilt, it is just lovely.

  14. Happy birthday to your son and hope he has a wonderful day, also to Mary . The quilt is just lovely, I too sometimes just write on the back.
    Love your pennies.....

  15. Btw I be there in September for cake,grin

  16. wonderful zigzag quilt and what a great present. what does red velvet cake actually taste like???? I've never tried it.

  17. We used to save wheaties for my father-in-law. He had a coin collection. Seldom see one nowadays but I will keep my eye out for you.

    The zig zag border I made today was constructed of flying geese also.

  18. Many happy returns!
    Stunning red and whites - quilt and cake!
    Fun penny collections. Special that your mom collected them, too.

  19. Happy Birthday Andrew...and I love the red and white quilt.

  20. A belated Happy Birthday to Mary B!!

    The red and white quilt is beautiful!

    Happy 23rd Birthday to Andrew!

    Interesting post. I have never seen pressed pennies before.

    Happy Easter to you and your family, Barb.

  21. sending birthday wishes to both mary and andrew. yes, please, and thank you. i'll have just a skinny slice.

    i love the signature following the zig zag path of the stitching~!

    we have a wheat penny collection and just the other day i got some change for something i bought and what do you know~! one of the coins was a wheat penny. i did a small happy dance when i discovered it. the wonderful daughter was underimpressed.

    your display of the pressed pennies is fun. i have a few and am considering using them in my mixed media art at some point.

    enjoy the easter weekend

  22. That little red and white quilt is gorgeous!! A super happy birthday to your smiley son. 23 is a great age to be!! I bet that cake was as delicious as it looks!! Those pennies are such a great momento. I got some for my nephew when I travelled in the US a few years ago. They don't have the machines in Australia.

  23. the red and white quilt is cute and a wonderful way to remember your trip together. "happy birthday" to your son, the cake you have made looks soooo nice!

    The pressed pennies are intrigueing me, might have to do some "googling" Happy Easter to you and your family.

  24. Happy birthday to Mary B and Andrew! That cake looks delicious!
    The red and white quilt is wonderful, I love it.

  25. Of course I love that red and white quilt, flying geese, how clever is that!

  26. Love the red and white quilt - you make lovely birthday gifts!! I enjoyed seeing how you display your pennies -both kinds :0)

  27. What fun collections! I think the only pressed penny we've ever purchased was close to you -- when we took our boys to the Statue of Liberty years ago. I was thinking of that penny a few weeks ago and wondering why we don't see more of those sorts of things.

    Happy Birthday to your baby! And I LOVE that cute little red and white quilt!

  28. Oooh -- love the penny with Sylvester on it! The kids have been trying to talk their father into a trip up there to see the mermaids...we'll have to see if they still have the penny machine.

    That mummy spooked me so bad as a little kid... My kids love him. :-)


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