
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Happy Wednesday!

I've been busy this week doing housework.  The deep exhaustive spring kind.  Not only am I cleaning; I'm cleaning out.  Do you ever get in that mood where literally nothing in your house is safe from the garbage man or the good will?

I was looking at this little log cabin quit top and thought I'd share it today.  It is very small, the blocks are only 2 1/4 inches, making the little quilt top only 6 1/2 inches square.

Here is how I did it.  I used 1/4" graph paper to paper piece it.  As you can see, the paper is still on, and the binding is glued.  Wow, was I lazy at the time or what?  I hang it in the sewing room.

With coco at school today, I decided to work on Hanna's first year college quilt, the red and white house quilt.

Working from my sketch, today I'm inking the names of the homes and schools in Hanna life from birth through today.  Houses have one chimney and schools have two.

I made a little paper template to practice the spacing on.

I prepped the backing by ironing freezer paper to stabilize it.

A word about perfection:  Piffle!!
This is my handwriting.  It is not perfect, I am not perfect, life is not perfect, but it is mine, so on the quilt it goes.

Nearing the end of the 12 blocks, I realized something was wrong.  I had a house left instead of a school......way back on the first block I inked the wrong thing - snap!

Time for a tear down (actually just a new chimney section).

Quick tip of the day:  Use a sticky roller to remove the threads after you un-sew, otherwise known as ripping out.

Sure is quiet in bloglandia.  What's everyone up to?  Catching up on Mad Men and the Killing maybe?


  1. Must be Spring cleaning time; I've been doing the same thing. A third of my clothes are gone!
    Looks like a nice table you have your Featherweight in!
    House blocks are such fun, and having your real handwriting for the addresses is as it should be, methinks :)

  2. Great quilt...I could see myself writing the wrong thing on one of the blocks too! I noticed it was quiet out in blogdom too...must be spring cleaning time!

  3. I love how you are inking the homes and schools on the quilt. What a special quilt this will be! I make mistakes like that all the time - happily yours was fixable!
    What a tiny log cabin quilt - it really is wonderful - paper, glue and all! I I enjoyed reading the text fabrics you managed to squeeze in there :00

  4. the house quilt will be so special for her.
    I am starting to do some spring cleaning too...wish I could find someone to do it for me!LOL
    hugs from Louisiana

  5. HOUSEWORK???? Well I'm NOT hanging around here!!!

    Oh but wait, you have some cute stuff! Swooning over your new design, what a great idea!! And who doesn't love the red/white!!!???

  6. Oh, those beautiful, crisp red and white houses and schools! That's the kind of housework I like. And your petite log cabin is adorable. Happy spring!

  7. Oh, man, are those house blocks ever cute! What a great idea for a quilt. I love that you're writing the addresses on them. And it IS quiet our here, isn't it? Sure not like it used to be. Maybe everyone is tweeting or something. I need to start deep cleaning too -- really looking forward to it. N.O.T.!

  8. Precious tiny log cabins...such a soft spot in my heart for that pattern. Glued binding? should check out my recently posted bias binding effort...
    Oh yes...deep cleaning, throw out, donate or rummage sale kind of cleaning...I have been at it since January and have about finished for now. But the house feels lighter!

    Noticed blogging is on the down side too...figured it was Holy Week.
    The Killing - one of the few must watch shows I do (after Downton Abbey!)

    Wishing you Easter Blessings.

  9. Oh this little house and school quilt is going to be adorable.
    Maybe we're all outside cleaning up our yards.......that is what I have been up to.
    What kind of ink are you using to write on the houses?

    Happy Sewing

  10. That's the kind of housework I don't mind doing.

  11. yup a bit of spring cleaning here too!
    have a sticky roller right next to my cutting mat
    it works wonders to clean off those thread lint from cutting and good to use as I am walking out of the sewing room I love that little log cabin quilt, adorable!
    Love the houses and love that your just writing right on the blocks, good for you!

  12. I think the house and schoolhouse quilt will be great! Are you planning to write what years she was there too?

  13. Doesn't it feel great to have a good clean - I have been doing that recently too.
    Love the log cabin - I was wondering how to make a little one, thanks for the details.
    Great red and white!!!
    I watched all 4 seasons of Mad Men on Netflix before the latest season premiere, just so I would be ready!!

  14. LOVE your teeny tiny log-cabin quilt!!!

  15. Nice post. You might like this post about not being perfect.

  16. You're just about there and they are such neat blocks. The handwriting is yours which matters.
    The log cabin doll quilt is amzing, I love it. I heard something good this week about housework, "be thankfull because it means you have a roof over your head."
    Love your header!

  17. lazy~!? anyone who attempts a log cabin with pieces this size is definately not lazy~!!~amazing~!

    a great idea to personalize the house and school blocks. i'm glad your goof was a relatively easy one to fix.

    love that word: Piffle
    :- )

  18. I have been doing the spring cleaning too! One more closet and I am done...then I can get back to fun projects.

    Your little log cabin is delightful!


  19. Very sweet! Except the unpicking!!

  20. Did you stitch your little graph paper quilt from the back so you could see the lines on the paper?
    It sure is adorable.

    Happy Easter

  21. I love your tiny log cabins. Sewing on graph paper is a perfect idea. I have been out in my garden (a little) it is still pretty chilly here in the Pacific Northwest, and I just got started on The Killing, so had to watch all of last season TWICE before last Sunday when the first episode of the new season came on. Waiting waiting now for next Sunday, also getting ready for a fun retreat. If you have Netflix you might like "Lilyhammer." You can watch it on streaming, I really liked it. Doing some machine quilting tonight.

  22. I can't believe how tiny that log cabin quilt is! WOW!

    I love your little red school houses and love love love your blog header!!!! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  23. Love your tiny log cabins. I think I might give those a try! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Your tiny log cabin blocks are impressive. Such patience you must have had when you worked on them. Great final result.

    I fear I've been making my house blocks wrong. I've found conflicting instructions on how many chimneys are on each bldg, and I just picked one version and went with it. Oh dear. What's a gal to do? Maybe it's time for me to perform roof revisions.
    The written addresses on your blocks are such a creative idea.

  25. I have to say I love your header!! The bird and that beautiful hand quilting, stopped me in my tracks. How amazing is that little log cabin!! It's good you left the paper in so quilt historians in hundreds of years know how it was made. Your house/school quilt is going to be so special. Your use of Your own handwriting is perfect!!!

  26. I love the little log cabin quilt! What a great idea for finishing something quickly. I have been sewing one-handed since a week ago Friday, so I haven't been getting much done. I mistook my driveway for a swimming pool and took a running dive into the asphalt. But I'm supposed to get the seven stitches out of my elbow on Thursday, so then I will get back to work on my Jubilee quilt-- I have ten blocks made so far.


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