
Friday, May 4, 2012

Fun For Friday - Bubbly Part I

Happy Friday!  It is good to be home after 2 days of driving.

Later today we will celebrated the end of Hanna's first year by opening a bottle of bubbly!

Today I thought I'd share this fun little collection/journal that I started in 2008.  That is when I started marking champagne corks with the date and reason for the celebration.

I have 58 so far.  At first I only marked the special ones like Christmas, Birthdays, Oscar night.  But now I mark all of them.

I think this was the first one that I signed.

Here is one when Andrew was accepted into Ramapo College.

I treated myself when I finished my Mother's Garden Quilt.

A girls weekend in Chicago.  I bring them home from cruises, restaurants, where ever I was lucky enough to enjoy some bubbles.

Here is one of my personal favorites:  Just Sunday.  I've made no secret that I love champagne, I guess that Sunday it just seemed right :)

I keep them in this over sized brandy snifter.

And speaking of oversized; check out this bottle.  I bought it at an estate sale several years ago.  I think the owner was a liquor distributer or something.

And finally I leave you with todays fresh pick from the yard.
Lily of the Valley in a pretty champagne flute.

Fun things this weekend:
Saturday: Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby
Sunday:    Quilt show with friends.

I hope you have fun things planned to!


  1. What a fun post Barb! You reminded me to go gather some Lily of the Valley from our side yard, too!
    :-) They smell so wonderful...

  2. You come up with the best ways to preserve memories and events. Love the idea!
    At first, from the looks in the thumbnail I thought they were cookies.. I said to myself, boy she is good making cookies so soon after returning from the trip!
    I must be hungry :)

  3. what fun it would be to just pull them out and read the cork and have memories come flooding back to you.
    very fun.
    Can you believe a year has passed already!
    wow. Enjoy your weekend

  4. Fun! Do you have a favorite champagne?

  5. Fun post. We named our first poodle Moet!


  6. What a great idea! Someday, I hope to meet you in person. We'll have to share a bottle of bubbly to celebrate!

  7. I'm ready for a road trip to NJ just to meet your friend Moet and you!!! A very good idea!!

  8. Are you actually going to Kentucky - will you be wearing a fancy hat? If so, please share a picture of yourself...enquiring minds want to know!! :)

    Fun idea with the corks.


  9. Wonderful idea to preserve special memories!!...hmmm I would need an ENORMOUS brandy snifter if I was to save my bubbles corks! Gorgeous little posy of LOTV. Happy weekend!
    (I had a burmese named Moet too!)

  10. A girl after my own heart. I love bubbles too and a very novel thing to mark and safe your corks. Hope you don't decide to work out the cost of your habit. Lol

  11. I love your collection of corks! Very cool! And what a lovely way to show off the Lili of the Valley.....I've never thought to cut them, but I like them in a bunch like that!

  12. Well, I love the bubbly, but clearly I don't have your refined taste -- I think I only have it on NYE. I'm going to have to remedy this -- you're great inspiration LOL!

  13. Oh! I love lilies of the valley! Would love to have some in my garden, but I don't think they would do well in Texas.

  14. We have done the same with wine corks from special events, but now I realize as a champagne lover, I should be focusing on bubbly corks!
    Gorgeous bubbly flute! I remember lilly of the valley from my midwest childhood, but it won't grow this far south. Here's to memories!

  15. You are the silliest woman!! So sentimental!! Love ya!

  16. what an excellent idea and i love the way that you've displayed them~!!

    was Hannah excited at seeing her quilt? what a good mom you are to mark each of her college years with a quilt. she's a lucky girl~!
    will she be home with you all summer long?

    the lily of the valley are perfectly displayed in that champagne flute. very creative idea.

    hope your weekend is a continuation of your bubbly fun friday.


  17. If we ever get together lets have champagne! We'll have to have two bottles so we can both have a cork. :) Your idea is brilliant and I'm going to start doing the same. I can smell those Lily of the Valley through the computer, beautiful!!!

  18. Ohhh And Welcome home to Hannah, You'll be so happy to have her at home.

  19. I adore lilly of the valley! You know this post makes it look like you have any excuse for bubbly, lol. I love the whole idea.

  20. Those documented corks are so fun! Quite a conversation starter too...

    Enjoy those lily of the valley flowers. My patch has just sprouted leaves - won't be long though before that heavenly fragrance fills the air. It is my Mom's favorite flower - even her silverware pattern is lily of the valley.

  21. What a great idea to remember all your special events!
    I LOVE lily of the valley, mine are just coming up. The fragrance is heavenly!!!

  22. Ilove your champayne cork journal and think I just might have to steal the idea from you! Thank you for sharing.


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