
Friday, June 15, 2012

Fun For Friday - clip and save

Remember in the olden days, like year ago, when there was no Pinterest?

I used to "clip and save" like the old coupon saying.  I like to buy old quilting magazines and tear out the things that I am interested in.  I still do this, except to QuiltMania, any magazine that expensive deserved to be saved, for now.

So here is my filing cabinet full of great inspiration, research and patterns.

I'm a little behind in my filing, don't you think?

This label maker makes the job easier - it's great!

The other day I found this cute wine stopper at a cookware store.

It is made of hard rubber - it just crackes me up.

So pour a glass of wine and enjoy some time with your quilt files, or pop over to Pinterest and see what's being offered there.

You can click here to see my Pinterest account, which is still new and not nearly as interesting as my filing cabinet.

Happy Friday!


  1. Pinterest is so much fun - it's really visual overload, isn't it?

    I found another filing system for keeping track of digital quilt inspiration - Evernote. It's an app that is available for computer, iPad and smart phone. I clip and save pictures, web addresses, or whatever strikes my fancy and Evernote syncs the clippings to all my devices. Now I can access all that inspiration no matter where I am! NAYY, just a happy user.

    Happy Friday!

  2. I also pull out the pages of things i like but I have mine in binders which is a little bit harder to leaf through.
    I love the wine stopper. going over to check your Pinterest now.

  3. Pinterest is fun for visual inspiration , I love checking out what antique quilts are pinned by people...
    filing, not my thing either, it piles up in baskets
    ok I love that pillow with the buttons on your sofa
    very pretty....

  4. I remember when I used to file my inspirations! When we moved to PA I got rid of all that.. Lots of magazines too. Besides, I am not as organized so things were all over the house and it was time to clean up..
    Pinterest! Not as busy pinning there as when I first started pinning but I love it!

  5. Snipping and clipping is the easy part... going through to purge the collection is where I fall down on the effort. Must give Pinterest a try.

  6. I have a basket full of ideas that need filed. I'll get to them one of these days! :0)

  7. It's funny we all do the same things! I haven't totally gotten the hang of pinterest yet - but it seems to be a good thing. Happy browsing :).

  8. What a nice post Barb--I'd love to look through those files!! :-) And the wine stopper is great! Have a good weekend.

  9. Love Pinterest as there is so much info and pretties! It does absorb lots of time as I get drawn in for too long! Enjoy!

  10. Holy Moly Barb, your files now rival mine! Do you remember the binder Gwen Marston had, filled with nothing but photos clipped from old magazines like Country Living? It was the best! I save a ton of pictures to my computer. They're fun to browse through even though I'll never make any.

  11. The stopper is a riot! You are so much more organized than I am with your tearouts. Thanks for your link to Pinterest. I'm on my way!

  12. Your filing cabinet system looks better than how I save my magazine patterns and inspiration. I have file folders but not nearly as organized. And they are on a shelf. I also have some see through plastic file thingamajigs that have a closure on them to hold things in. All are on a book shelf. I have a file cabinet with embroidery patterns but that is not organized well either.
    I imagine you will find lots to put in your Pinterest files. I took a look see. Not a lot there yet but then you are just getting started.

  13. Your file system looks like a good idea. I still save the whole magazine.
    So far I've just been enjoying other people's Pinterest boards. I find it a bit overwhelming :0)

  14. Ha ha that bottle stopper is hilarious!!! It's a great idea to clip and file! I can imagine the treasures you have in there.. I think Pinterest is amazing but stay away from it because I know I could easily spend hours looking at all the amazing images, I'd never get anything done..

  15. Very cute bottle stopper.

    I am resisting Pinterest. It looks even more addictive than blogging!!

  16. We love our pattens and inspiration don't we?!

  17. Ohmygosh -- that filing cabinet looks so gorgeous and amazing! I was a clipper too, but my clippings are an organized mess and I couldn't ever find anything. I LOVE pinterest just for that reason -- I can easily find stuff.

  18. Oh yeah, I totally understand that clipping/filing thing. I tossed a bunch of magazines when we moved (they're sooo heavy!), but I went through and saved a bunch of pages of quilts etc. that I liked. Filing, I'm not too good at that either.

    Your Pinterest boards look good! I don't do it a lot now - it uses up so much time! I need to not spend all my time on the computer!


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