
Monday, June 18, 2012

Guild Luncheon

Saturday, June 9th, was the year end luncheon of the Brownstone Quilters, which included the Basket Challenge Quilt reveal.

Here is mine "Harvest Baskets"

The theme was "Basket" and had to include the challenge fabric, which I used on the handles and the binding. It also had represent a month.  I had September, so I made 9 baskets with harvest prints and autumn colors.

I used the liberated basket technique from Gwen's recent workshop.

I really liked the way the challenge fabric worked with these  two prints-

I used this beautiful bird and floral print for the backing and the used challenge fabric around the label.

For lunch I brought a layered Mexican salad.

As part of the Hostess committee I volunteered to make the centerpieces.  Norma and I found these cute tin "baskets" at Joanne Fabrics and I filled them with gerbera daisies.

Happy Monday - I'll see you soon with the other 31 challenge quilts.


  1. What a great quilt, I love that bottom block that you can see the pumpkin in.
    Gerbera daisies are one of my favorites!

  2. Your basket quilt is wonderful....that salad looks yummy!
    Love the daisies and cute pails! Very fun!

  3. I love your little quilt! The liberated baskets are so darned cute, and I love the different backgrounds and borders you used, too! Love it!

  4. Beautiful Barb! And your basket quilt looks perfectly Gwen-ish... well done!! :-)

  5. Love the liberated baskets! Your fabrics are wonderful. I just ordered Gwen's new book and I can't wait for it to arrive. She is so inspiring! Happy stitching!

  6. the basket quilt looks so fun and i'm looking forward to seeing the other challenge quilts.

    those happy colored pails are a perfect fit for gerbera's. i bet they really helped set the mood for a wonderful time.

    i've just returned from an evening quilt guild meeting. it's good company to be a part of~!!~


  7. Love your basket quilt - the salad looks wonderful too. Gerbera daisies are one of my favorite flowers - just love their big cabbagey leaves and how hardy they are. I'm on my third year of having some grow in my containers - they are so hardy!

  8. How Fun! I love those liberated baskets -- have you made that quilt just since Gwen's visit? Very cool!

  9. How perfect! Even your border fabric has little corn cobs in it. :)


  10. What a sweet quilt! Makes me look forward to my class with Gwen in a couple of weeks!!
    Love the flowers and the colorful summery baskets!

  11. Your baskets are great and the backing fabric is really gorgeous. You really are the Queen of fabulous quilt backs. Love the way you always have just the right backing fabric. Your salad looks really good too.

  12. Love the fabric you chose for your basket quilt! What a fun event- sald and centerpieces are grand.

  13. I love your baskets!! Such fun fabrics! That corn border fabric is fantastic. Those patterned tins were a great find and look wonderful with the Gerberas! I love the look of that salad! I'm going to google the recipe- yum!

  14. Such a perfectly wonderful basket quilt. You cleverly incorporated both the fabric and your month.
    That backing is yummy. The large scale repro prints with floral and bird motifs set my heart to beating a bit faster.
    Looks like a salad anyone would enjoy, and those daisies and buckets were no doubt the hit of the gathering.

  15. A beautiful quilt! You did a great interpretation of your month, and the challenge fabric looks so good as the binding. The "corn" basket looks beaded! Love your back too! Basket quilts are so lovely, and Gwen's baskets are just fun!

  16. Oh I really like your basket quilt! I was noticing the individual it is with each basket...COOL!

    The flowers AND your salad both look yummy!! Wish I could have been there, I would have eaten a BUNCH of that salad and would have probable tried to make off with one of the flowers!


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