
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Golden Oldie

Today I'm sharing a quilt I made in 1994 for my Husband, Rich.

The great thing about Amish style quilts is they never go out of style.

I just did simple black machine cross hatch quilting.

The back was really fun to make.

I created a weird city scape by raw edge appliquéing this fabric and adding a red moon.

It's berry time and on Sunday I made a mixed berry pie - the recipe is here.  I used mixed berries, and I substituted half of the sugar for Splenda.

It has lemon zest and a little lemon juice -

Yes, that is store bought pie crust.  Don't judge me.  People love my crust.  Is that a Five Guys soda cup?   Don't judge me.

I got fancy and did a little woven lattice top.

A little egg wash and it's ready for the oven.

Turned out great, juicy and sweet.  This is a little battery operated lightening bug jar.  They actually glow.  Its fun and I don't have to feel bad for the bugs.

There will be a break in the Fun For Friday this week.
I'll be in Vermont at the Quilt Show.  My Mother's Garden quilt will be on display.  If you see me around the show - say hello!

Have a great week, hope you are enjoying the summer!


  1. What a fantastic quilt and that backing is out of this world!! I'll be looking for your quilt at the show.

  2. Everything Lori said plus... Please send me that pie!

  3. What a classic quilt and I adore the back! The test of the pie is in the taste and if it tastes as good as it looks, it's a winner.

  4. Can't wait to see your fabulous quilt up close! Hope to see you there!

  5. You always seem to have such fun backs on your quilts. Your wild side showing through on some of them.

  6. That pie looks delicious!! Love the fun back on your DH's quilt. Have a great time in Vermont - how exciting to have a quilt in the show!!

  7. love anything Amish and that pie looks delicious~!!~

    enjoy your time at the show.


  8. An amazing Amish Quilt and a Berry Pie!! it's always a treat popping over to your blog!! Have a great time at the show. Your Mother's Garden quilt is so beautiful and will dazzle the viewers at the show. If you see Regan, give her a hug from me!

  9. The back of the quilt could easily have been the front. It's great.

    Your pie has me dribbling all over the keyboard - I just might have to make one now.

    Good luck with your quilt, it's wonderful and deserves to win every prize in the show.

  10. Great quilt and the back is wonderful. It would be a real surprise and shock for a purist, LOL. If I ever see any of your quilts hanging in a show, I'm going to ask to see the back.

    Not judging, just jealous about the pie crust, soda cup, etc.!

  11. Love that quilt -- I made my hubby an amish quilt too. I'd show it, but it has cat hair on it LOL. That pie looks YUMMY! Have a great time at the quilt show!

  12. Mmmm... love that pie! I am going to try baking it this summer. Thanks for the recipe.
    Amish quilt is so striking. I love the black background and the backing is so YOU with the red moon.
    Congratulations on your quilt being in the show. One of my very favorites of yours! They are lucky to have that in the show!

  13. Love the Amish quilt, especially the back! Your berry pie looks luscious. Good luck at the Vermont show!

  14. You are so right, those Amish quilts never go out of style. Yours is a beauty. Have fun at the show!

  15. Great quilt, Barb. Have a fun time at the Vermont Quilt Festival and save a piece of that pie for me, please.

  16. Berry pies never go out of style either. :) Hope the show is fun!


  17. Whenever I see a fun backing, I think of your quilts. Small piece for me, a la mode:)

  18. Love quilts with black background - yours is classic...the backing is hilarious and that red moon is a great touch.

    I always like coffee with my pie - black, no sugar or cream...

    The lightning bug jar is so darn cute - I noticed we have lightning bugs back this summer which is a good sign...didn't see any last year.

    Enjoy the Quilt Show!

  19. What a great quilt Barb...the back is absolutely amazing! WOWSER! Yummy pie! Have a great time at the show!

  20. Best wishes for your Mother's Garden quilt - I'm sure everyone will love it - judges too!

  21. It looks yummy and picture perfect!
    Have a good time in Vermont and congratulations on your quilt making it in!
    Amish quilts are timeless, love it!

  22. That is definitely a quilt to satisfy everyone. The Amish front for the traditionalist, and the funky back for the modern-leaning quilter. It's great.
    I'm seeing a growing list of familiar names heading to the Vermont show -- you, Lori, Sue from the UK -- I'm envisioning a group photo ahead. I enjoy matching faces to names and name to events.

  23. Hi Barb. I am just popping over from Rachael's blog after reading her wonderful interview with you. I love your house block and the story behind it.

  24. Mmmmmmm PIE!!!

    You are right about Amish quilts, they will always be GOOD!! Your backing is just outrageous!!

    Have fun in Vermont, and as usual, you know I'm jealous!

  25. Oh I'm looking forward to your pictures from the show :0)
    Good luck with your quilt one more time. It is really a lovely piece of tribute to your Mom.

    Happy Sewing and baking :0)

  26. Hope you enjoyed Vermont. Love your quilt and that back is fantastic. No judging, that's the same pie crust recipe I use at my house.

  27. When you were using that crazy building fabric for the back of your husband's Amish quilt, I was using it to make a pair of pants for my 3-year-old son. He loved them! No really, he did!! Now he's 21, so I guess he has outgrown Mom's sewing, except when I make him a quilt, of course.

  28. When you were using that crazy building fabric for the back of your husband's Amish quilt, I was using it to make a pair of pants for my 3-year-old son. He loved them! No really, he did!! Now he's 21, so I guess he has outgrown Mom's sewing, except when I make him a quilt, of course.


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