
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Report From the Front (VQF) Part 1

Happy (rainy) Fourth of July from New Jersey!

I'm late in reporting news from the Vermont Quilt Festival because Hanna had 2 wisdom teeth pulled on Monday, but she is doing well and looking like a cute chipmunk.

On With The Show!

To my utter Delight - Christine Wickert won Best in Show for her lovely silk quilt.  I first shared this quilt in this post.

She also received Best Appliqué and Exception Merit

I met her at the show and she is so nice and friendly, just a lovely talented lady.  She was so gracious and answered any questions about her masterpiece.

and here are some of my other favorites at the show:

This is my favorite pattern quilt at the moment - I just love all the elements and detail.

A really creative take on the Hunter Star - Best Quilting on Long Arm and Special Merit.

The judges honored me with a Blue Ribbon for my Mother's Garden. (bad phone picture, sorry).

I'll be back soon with more reports from the Shelburne Museum and more quilts.  I hope you enjoyed the quilts I posted today.


  1. Not only did I enjoy it, I just loved it! Impatient to see the rest.

  2. Enjoyed the quilts, cards and your comments very much. Also got a kick out of your comment == This is my favorite pattern quilt at the moment - at the moment, will have to remember that.

  3. Oh yes, I remember your post about the silk applique quilt. Looks like the quilt maker was justly rewarded this time.
    I like the log cabin quilt with the applique border. Lots of surprises in the applique.
    And congratulations on your ribbon.
    I like your Liberty quilt in the header.

  4. Oh my heart is in overdrive - the sailing ships! the fab log cabin! The piecing, colors & quilting - over the top!

    A couple of us were in Barnes & Noble & looked at American Quilter - there was your wonderful quilt!!! How exciting for you. Well done.

    Looking forward to more from VQF

  5. You photos are wonderful! Next best thing to being there. Thank you.

  6. Thank you so much for posting these photos and congratulations!

  7. So many wonderful quilts ... many thanks for sharing!

  8. I'm so glad Christine Wickert's quilt was a real winner this time. Lucky you, to see it again and to meet her. And another blue ribbon for your Mother's Garden...congratulations! Thanks for the pictures. It looks like there was a lot of variety!

  9. What a treat this morning, Barb! Thanks and enjoy your 4th of July. (your quilt is beautiful :-)

  10. Thanks so much for taking the time to include the description cards for each quilt, I love reading them at shows too. Lovely quilts...such beauty.

    Happy Sewing and Happy 4th

  11. I enjoyed this first post very much. What incredible quilts! Congratulations on your ribbon :0)

  12. Congratulations on your ribbon!!!

    Thanks for the delightful quilt show...almost like being there.

    Great header too!

    :) Carolyn

  13. Thanks for the amazing show. Congratulations on your ribbon! I can't say I'm surprised. : >

  14. Well-deserved blue ribbon, Barb. Congratulations!

  15. Congratulations on your blue ribbon, it is a wonderful quilt, with such a nice sentimental theme.
    I love the Best of Show and all in silks!!

  16. I knew your quilt would win a ribbon!! The silk quilt deserved best in show. It's lovely you got to meet the maker. I love the Hunter star, and the ships! I noticed your new header too! I hope Hanna is feeling better.

  17. Congrats on another riboon - richly deserved. I love the way you show the quilt and the card with the information. Thank you for sharing these amazing quilts. Happy 4th to you!! Hope Hanna is feeling better.

  18. Congrats on another riboon - richly deserved. I love the way you show the quilt and the card with the information. Thank you for sharing these amazing quilts. Happy 4th to you!! Hope Hanna is feeling better.

  19. Congratulations on your blue ribbon - I always love seeing this quilt. Really enjoyed all the others - happy 4th of July to you!

  20. What a lot of fabulous quilts and the silk one is amazing. Thanks for sharing the show and tell.

  21. How did I miss 2 of these quilts!?! Or were they just swarmed with people, and I couldn't get near them!?! That's probably what happened. Thanks for sharing these!

  22. congrats on the blue ribbon!
    omg beautiful quilts, the ladies of the sea has been on my radar for a few years now. I just LOVE that quilt.
    The Dandelion quilt is incredible would love to see her fabric choices up close! sounds amazing!
    The silk applique quilt is just amazing...
    hope Hanna is feeling better , usually a week at least thats what happened here :)
    thanks for sharing I appreciate seeing the quilts

  23. Woohoo, congrats on your blue ribbon. Were there more applique quilts than in the past, or is it just that they were the ones you were drawn too. There were some beauties there, but I don't think I'd have patience to work on some of them!

  24. Kudos on your VQF ribbon! It's well-deserved. Mothers Garden is one of my favorites.

  25. Your quilt continues to have a remarkable journey. Congrats! Your show and tell was also remarkable. Ive thoroughly enjoyed scrutizing the photos. Truly awesome.

  26. Congrats on your blue ribbon. Well deserved! And thanks for posting VQF quilts.

  27. Wow -- some gorgeous quilts -- thansk for taking the time to share the photos. And Congrats on another blue ribbon!!!

  28. got a ribbon!!!

    Oh my, to pick a favorite. So hard to do 'cause I loved them all!!

    I would most defiantly like to see that silk one in person!

    Thanks for sharing!

  29. Nothing makes my heart go pitter pat quite like a post filled with lovelies like these from a quilt show. The info on those cards is always appreciated. Your quilt is honored again--hearty congrat's on that!
    Looking forward to more photos from the show.

  30. Congrats on another well deserved blue ribbon and thanks for the show.

  31. So happy for your ribbon - it's such a great quilt. And thanks for all the pics - love going to these virtual quilt shows!

  32. Thank you so much for posting these magnificent quilts. They are truly beautiful and I do think the silk might be my favorite. Thanks again for taking the time to post them

  33. Great Show. Your heart is obviously with the traditional quilts~
    FYI, Mara Novak's red & white quilt did not receive best longarm quilting. That went to Marilyn Badger's Superstar, which you also show.

    Margaret Gunn

  34. Thank you for sharing these beautiful quilts with us. Congratulations on your blue ribbon! Well deserved.


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