
Friday, July 6, 2012

Fun For Friday - Shelburne Museum

Last Friday we spent the day at the Shelburne Museum.  I love to visit this outdoor museum of historic buildings and the collections are incredible.

First some quilts from their permanent collection -

This handsome elephant was embroidered on a baby quilt

beautiful inking!

this is one of my favorite quits of all time -

The beautiful wool rugs of Patty Yoder.  She uses her sheep as inspiration and material, clever gal.

This one is my favorite. I just love the smug expression.

This is the hat box room.  I love them, they remind me of toile' wallpaper.

For my friend, Pat, miniature rooms and doll houses from their extensive collection.

Lastly, I'm slightly obsessed with the Carved Circus exhibits.  This one is a 3 ring circus that a couple made for their 4 children.

It has over 35,000 pieces.  I think it is the people in the crowd that really impress me.  (crazy)

And this is a carved circus parade that took over 25 years to make with several assistants.  In real life it would be over 2 miles long.  The scale is 1 inch to 1 foot.

When I feel tired of appliquéing leaves, or making berries, I intend to think of these exhibits.  I mean seriously, it's a little crazy, isn't it?

Here is a YouTube of the Carved Circus Parade - Unreal!

I hope you enjoyed this visit to The Shelburne Museum.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I remember standing in front of that carved circus for a very long time mesmerized and had to go back again before we left the museum for the day.
    Incredible . great quilts too btw!!!!

  2. Crazy - yes!! But wonderfully so!! Thank you so much for sharing these treasures with us. The sheep rugs are really something else! I'm off to watch the circus parade!!

  3. Beautiful quilts, love the first applique one especially.
    The circus is amazing I enjoy looking at all those details. It must have been their hobby?

  4. Thanks for sharing, Barb. I've wanted to visit this museum for years. One of these days!

  5. It has been many years since our visit to the Shelburne Museum. I have forgotten so much of what we saw. The circus people blow my mind. What a labor of love that was.

  6. The applique quilts and the circus are all labors of love. I'd love to get there someday.

  7. Thanks for sharing. Love the Shelbourne Museum - so much to see. I love the pic of the quilt border - thanks!

  8. Am salivating! I've never been to the Shelburne and am dying to visit!!! Thank you for posting these shots.

  9. I love the Shelburne and that circus is just so amazing...I remember standing there looking at all the detail and thinking how a kid must feel to stand there in awe of it all.
    Wouldn't be fun to have a behind the scene tour of all the quilts they own?
    I wonder if they do that?

    thanks for sharing these great pictures :0)

    Happy Sewing

  10. Thanks for the great pictures! I love the carved circus. It reminds me of the Calder circus at the Whitney museum. When I was young, my aunt made a birthday cake for me with ceramic circus figures (complete with tent!) on the top. Unfortunately, it's long lost. ;-(

  11. Wonderful, wonderful quilts! I love that bold date on the first applique quilt :0) The fabrics in the signature quilt are lovely too - did you get a picture of the whole quilt? Thanks so much for sharing these!

  12. Amazing photos - the first one makes me want to start in another log cabin quilt, like - right away! Gorgeous quilts all around and that small carvings are spectacular. Would love to visit the Museum someday.

    Thank you for sharing.

  13. Thanks for the treat - loved the mini Museum tour.
    Great fun!
    Thank you for sharing.

  14. Wow!! I'm going to need to plan a trip to Vermont! Thanks.

  15. I can see that a return visit is in order. Vicki and I went a few years ago when all of the quilts from the collection were displayed. We never made it past the quilts!
    We can all be thankful that these fabulous pieces of Americana were saved.

  16. Wow! I've always wanted to go to The Shelburne Museum -- now I REALLY want to go. The quilts look fantastic. And that circus display -- {Speechless!}

  17. Thanks so much for the whistle-stop' tour of the Shelburne. The quilts (and everything else) are amazing! It's been on the list of places I MUST visit for quite a while!!

  18. Wow! So much to see and inspire from. Love the circus. Got to put it on my list to visit.

  19. I spent 5 days there last summer. I kept going back every day, all day and just never got enough....

  20. I spent 5 days there last summer. I kept going back every day, all day and just never got enough....


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