
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vermont Quilt Festival 2012 - Finale

Thank you Pat!  She sent me this beautiful pincushion (pattern from Primitive Quilts magazine) and local Wisconsin maple syrup.  What a sweet surprise!  The pincushion is so beautifully made and I love the fabric.  My son said it was the best syrup he has ever tasted; I agree.

Here is my last post from the Quilt Festival.  If you haven't had enough, my friends have posted photos too;  Sue, Lori, Regan.  My camera ran out of batteries, so they have some different photos.

On Friday evening we went to Montpellier for dinner and looks what I saw.  I church steeple with quilting motifs!

The capitol building and garden was beautiful in the evening light.  Here are me, Sue, Lori and Jill.

Lori and I were able to have a joint Jubilee 50th Birthday celebration.  It was wonderful.

I hope you are beating the heat and finding time to enjoy some sewing!


  1. Such amazing quilts and I love the church steeple! Glad you all had a great time!

  2. Wow! The first one, Mr. Grimm is amazing! Love the blue baskets too. What patience people have!
    That picture of you with Lori and friends just put a big smile on my face. You all had loads fun and it shows.

  3. More beautiful quilts! I'd LOVE to do all those teeny baskets -- what a cool quilt. So fun to see a pic of you too!

  4. Can't get enough of quilt show pics; the steeple is beautiful.

  5. More stunning quilts! And that church steeple is incredible.

    Always special times - quilting+friends!!

  6. I love the baskets quilt!! I've never noticed a patterned steeple before. It's so fun seeing blogger friends getting together. Your new little pincushion from Pat is so cute!!

  7. Wow!
    so much to see.
    thanks for sharing you terrific pictures.

    Happy Sewing

  8. What a great time - quilts, friends, food...
    That's the best!

  9. What a lovely gift! The blue baskets are marvelous. Looks like you had a great time :0)


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