
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fun for Friday - Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins!!

Happy Friday!  This past week has been all about pumpkins.

I went to Norma's last Friday for the first pumpkin making session.

Here is our work area on her lovely porch. 

Sneakers came by to look over our progress.  I love Norma's green batik pumpkin.

Here is the crop of pumpkins we made.  The Pattern is Lil Punkins, A Tiny Treasure pattern from Sweet Treasures.
Designed by Amber Hiebert.

Here is a close up.  They each have a distinct personality.

On Wednesday, Jill and Susan came over to make some with me.

We even had pumpkin soup for lunch.  I made grilled Swiss cheese sandwiches on cinnamon raisin bread.

Here is the crop from Wednesday.   Coco was quite interested, as she always is.

What a fun batch!

Here are some more close ups.  We used real tree branches and pieces of floral picks and made our own curly vines.  We also added cinnamon sticks and whole cloves to the stuffing to make them smell good.

Here is a special one that I made with my new Midnight Pastoral fabric.  Very Martha Stewart, if you ask me.

Lastly, this is a football snack that made on Sunday.  It was so easy.   A package of corn muffin mix and package of hot dogs. 

Make corn muffins according to mix directions.  Spray a mini muffin tin with Pam and fill 2/3 full with mix.

I heated the hot dogs in the microwave just to take the chill off and cut them into 1 1/2" pieces and pushed them into the mix.

Bake according to the muffin mix directions and viola' little bite sized treats.

Happy Harvest and Football Season Everyone!!  Have a Fun Weekend.


  1. We can always count on you for the fun! Those fabric pumpkins are precious! I think my favorite is the one made with repro cheater clothe. The little corndog muffins look like something my family would like. Happy Fall to you!

  2. Your Friday posts have truly been fun reads. I hope you can find topics to keep them going.
    Is that a black bird on the top of the Midnight Pastoral pumpkin? The fabric was a very good choice for your pumpkin!

  3. Wow -- you've been busy having some wonderful fall fun! I'm intrigued by the cheese sandwich on cinnamon raisin bread -- never heard of that but I'll bet it's yummy. And those corn muffins look wonderful!

  4. Those pumpkins look wonderful . Looks like everyone had a great time.

  5. I love your pumpkins---they are awesome! :) I'll have to give the 'corn dog' recipe a try. Looks so quick and yummy. :)

  6. Your midnight pastoral pumpkin turned out great, good idea with the feathers too. It looks very festive and fallish.
    I must try the the corn muffin/weenies this weekend. Even the kids will eat those!
    It looks like you like fall as much as I do!

  7. You always have such good ideas! The pumpkin soup and swiss grilled cheese sammys sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing. :)


  8. I love those overalls! You look so darn cute and your pumpkins are so stylish. You sure know how to craft in style with great friends and yummy food.
    Would you believe I got rid of my hand made pumpkins few years back? What was I thinking? May be it's time to make them again.

  9. Tis the season! Love the pumpkin patch!!!

  10. How cute is Sneakers?! (and Dosh of course!). I'm obsessed with your black and white pumpkin... so perfect for Halloween. Love and miss you guuurl, I can't wait to see you next weekend!

  11. Fabulous pumpkins--looks like fun!

  12. Those pumpkins are too sweet! I love the bird on your Midnight Pastoral.....adds a smidge of scary/creepy! :o) And those muffins are a great idea....thanks a bunch!

  13. Pumpkins that don't go mouldy and that are ecological (reusable!). What a great idea!

  14. Pumpkins that don't go mouldy and that are ecological (reusable!). What a great idea!

  15. Another fun Friday. The pumpkins are too cute and a great way to use all those fall fabrics we've collected. Your " Martha " pumpkin is a scream. Have a terrific weekend.

  16. Oh My! Now how darling are those little pumpkins!!! Looks like you gals had a pretty productively fun day!!

  17. I love your Midnight Pastoral pumpkin with the feathers! What a great use of that fabric!

  18. Cute pumpkins! I love the idea of using cinnamon sticks and cloves in the fillings.
    Love your overalls!!
    Love Sneakers!!! Cats always want to be part of the action.

    Looks like you all had a ball!!

  19. fun pumpkins - they look like great cat toys!

  20. cute pumpkins and i love that they are potpourri pretty too~!!!~


  21. So GOSH , DARNED cute!~ I'm going to have to make a couple of these. When I'm in the mountains next week, I'll gather some "toppings". :)
    I started a new blog.

  22. I like the pumpkins made of batik (?) fabrics best and the one with the headless guy holding a pumpkin and the "Martha Stewart" pumpkin are great but a little scary to me!

    Coco looks interested but I think Sneakers stole the show!

  23. Love ALL those pumpkins! And...that snack is something that would be a big hit at my house! I'm going to try it tonight! ;)

  24. OMG!! Blogger is letting me comment on your site again! Steve and I have been trying to figure out why it wasn't working on some sites, and I don't know what we did, but it is working now!

    You and your friends ALWAYS seem to be having such fun and the projects are really fun and unique. On the odd occasion I can get friends together to sew, they all dive under furniture when I get the camera out, LOL...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  25. Your pumpkins turned out great! So fun to see your projects!

  26. Oh Barb, I loved this post!! All those pumpkins are so much fun!! I can just imagine the fun your all had picking fabrics and decorating with curly sticks etc. The pumpkin with the headless guy is hilarious!! The photos are wonderful too, love the one of you with your arms full!! You are going to be so ready for Halloween!


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