
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pressing Matters

Who doesn't love a good pun?  I have had some pressing matters the past few days.

1.  I had many projects that needed pressing.
2.  Pressing does matter.  It can save or kill a quilt top.

Hooray!  My Halloween Apple Core top is done.  It is 13 (unlucky number) apple cores wide and long.

So.... I only sewed 2 of the long rows wrong.  Ripping out is always painful, but when it has been hand sewn,  waaaaa   :( ::::::

This was some tricky pressing.  It was difficult to avoid un-pressing previously pressed areas.  Know what I mean?

After about 40 minutes and 3 refills on the steam iron and a dose of starch, it turned out great.

I spent time pressing lettering onto Steam-A-Seam.  These will be on the borders of the Apple Core Quilt.  can't read them?  he he

Here is a little project I worked on recently and was able to use my pressing stick, which helps to keep from un-pressing.

This was a lot of pressing.

These were left over blocks from my Lincoln quilt.  I'm going to machine quilt it and use it as a runner.

Finally, I pressed a lot, and I mean a lot of bias stems for my Jubilee quilt.  Here is the first border that is ready for stitching.

Good Luck with all your pressing matters!


  1. it turned out so cute! Looks like Coco likes it too!
    love the log cabin table runner, very nice!
    hmm pressing stick looks like it can be very useful!!!

  2. A very "hot" topic indeed and you "flat" out covered it. :)

    Your apple core quilt is very nice - it has a "plaid" look to it.

    Very nice work on all of your projects.


  3. O.M.Goodness, you weren't kidding---that is a LOT of pressing---but oh so worth it! Your projects are wonderful---all of them!! Love the colors in your apple core. Looks like you did a great job sewing those together. I haven't tried those yet. I'm a bit intimidated by the curves.

  4. I love the apple core......can't wait to see what it says! And the border for your jubilee is gorgeous! Yay!

  5. The apple core turned out so well! Thanks for another inspiring and informative post. The pressing stick looks very useful.

  6. Your iron has been pressing overtime!!! Looks like some awesome projects!!

  7. Awesome as per usual! I love how Coco approves of the apple core quilt. It turned out beautifully. Can't wait to see the border lettering! Have a great day.

  8. You've been working on some beautiful projects. I love your applique border! Hooray for finishing the apple core top - it looks wonderful. The leftover blocks make for an amazing runner - marvelous fabrics with just a little sparkle :0)

  9. Now that you have pressed so beautifully where do you store these tops until there next step? You've been very productive Barb, I do love all the projects :0). Oh that runner will be divine, I can just see it with Christmas decorations on top :0).

    Happy Sewing

  10. You've been busy and everything looks wonderful! Nice work!! :-)

  11. You had quite the pressing situation. Everything looks fantastic on both sides.

  12. Oh the joys of pressing! The apple core top is wonderful and so worth it. All the quilt tops are beautiful.
    That reminds me I need to iron some shirts - not so much fun.

  13. oh that halloween piece is very cute and your hand stitching is perfect~!

    it's good to see your jubilee quilt coming along. working on the borders means things are getting close . . . ~!!!~ can't wait to see it~!

    love the table topper too. the log cabin is one of my favorite patterns and it looks as though you've used some pretty skinny "logs" in that one. great use of your leftover blocks.


  14. the halloween quilt turned out great - woohoo!

  15. Your apple core top is so cool with all the fabrics you used.....still can't get over that you hand pieced that one.
    I love the log cabin, great colors and it will be a very nice runner..machine quilting it?
    How do you prep your applique? From here it looks like the edges are already turned under?

  16. The apple core Halloween quilt is marvelous! Your patience with the pressing really paid off. Love the log cabin table runner... gorgeous fabrics!

  17. Talk about Pressing for Success! We need a photo of your iron too :o). Which could be another interesting thread - everyone has definite opinions about irons in the sewing room.

    I have been piecing an intense log cabin quilt, myself. 48 pieces in each block & like you pressing correctly can make or break the project.

  18. I love to press (quilting term) and iron (sewing term)! I love a good spray starch and a good steam iron too. I have to say I've never heard of a pressing stick before but I think I get the idea how to use it. You did a great job pressing all your projects!

  19. Holy Cow Woman -- that's a lot of pressing! I love your cute little applecore -- can't wait to see it with borders!

  20. I feel your pain about ripping out hand stitching! The bright side for me is always that it comes out easier than machine stitching.

  21. I love seeing the backs of quilts. I agree pressing matters but I must admit I'm a bit naughty and look the other way sometimes, I'll remember this post next time I'm faced with unpressing. How fun is your Apple Core, and I'm excited to see what the border will say. Your log cabins are fabulous too!!

  22. LOVE all your projects. I remember when the quilt police said no to steam. Nonsense!

  23. Those are some serious pressing matters!
    Apple core looks great. That table runner is amazing. You have got patience, girl!

  24. Love all of your pressing projects! The Halloween apple core is awesome. Love the log cabin and all of your pumpkins, too.

  25. Wowzers. Love the apple core quilt. Can't wait to see it finished.


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