
Friday, October 5, 2012

Fun For Friday - Silly Stuff

Sometimes I have photos that don't have a theme or relation to each other.  Today I'm making up a post of these.

This is a good time of the year to clip the big hydrangea blossoms from the garden.  The are dried and stacked in a basket.

Rich came home from Starbucks (his second home) and said they had the same display, so I guess that made it legitimate in his eyes.

Last week I picked up grocery store sushi and this is the plastic tray it came on.  How beautiful is this throw away container?

I'm putting it to use next to my sewing machine as a catch all.

Here are some photos of my mantel decorations for fall.

I picked up these lights that have been dipped in yellow rubber or something at Joann Fabrics.  They have a nice soft glow.

This is the silliest quilt design sketch I've ever done.  What the??

Capital One offered to send me a new card for free with my choice of images.  How fun?

Hooray, it's that time of year 'em or hate em'?

That's my girl!  Hanna and Daniel walked the formal gardens at Miami University, in Ohio.  I'll definitely make time for this on my next visit.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and hope you enjoyed the silly stuff today.


  1. Not silly! Love it all except probably not the Mallomars. I don't think we have them here.

    I find quilt sketches like that every now and then and think, huh?!? Obviously it was important enough for me to sketch it out and save it but I usually can't even remember why!

  2. Happy Friday Barb! I LOVE that table runner -- Love Love Love it! And Hannah looks so cute and happy!!!

  3. Happy Friday I love posts like this
    very fun! oh Hannah looks great, so happy, doesn't that just make you happy.
    mallamors always look forward to them each year one box and I try not to buy another one!!!
    love hydrangea blossoms, soooo pretty, ok that cc is just so fun!

  4. Oh Fun!
    I love how you make simple things in life seem so much fun! Good reminder for the day. Hanna's smile is priceless!

  5. Love all your Friday Fun ideas. The credit card is great and of course, the Mallomars are just the perfect treat. It turned winter here in Denver today, snow!

  6. What fun - all of these "moments" make your day so sweet - like those Mallomars - have not had one in years!!

    Love your quilt on the table - just perfect!

    Always sketching when at a quilt show - how could one remember it all - quilters are constantly in inspiration mode!!

  7. As always - fun stopping by! Have a great weekend!

  8. Fun photos from NJ!! I love it! Have a good weekend, Barb!

  9. Great pictures!! I LOVE your credit card - how fun is that! I also love the quilt on the table - I need to use cheddar more :0)

  10. Enjoyed your "randomness" .... very fun :)

  11. your mantel is awesome~!!~ and i too like that bit of quilt that can be seen in the background . . . so perfect for fall.

    not sure i've ever had a mallomar . . . hhmmmm . . . that can't be a good thing to have missed out on. i'll have to fix that.

    the card is so very cool~!!!!~MUST get me one. i'll have to consider what i might want on mine . . . that alone could take a while. maybe i should have several made up. lol

    have a beautiful weekend Barb.

  12. The hydrangeas are pretty, but it's the quilt that catches my eye. Love it!
    It's fun to find uses for those pretty toss-away containers.

  13. Your personalized image on the credit card is THE BEST!!!

  14. Great post...I love the 9-patch-on-point quilt under the hydrangea blossoms. I can't tell you how many orphan doodles I run across...some on the backs of things that need to be filed in the bills drawer, some on junk mail envelopes...ALL on ugly stuff too scary to put in a post, LOL!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  15. Too fun, I enjoy seeing what others are up to :0)
    and it makes me think about getting out some Fall decorations too.....
    think it's time to put away the July red and white and blue stuff?

    Happy Sewing

  16. I so look forward to your "Fun For Friday" posts that I visited on Thursday. Duh! That's the state of things here; every day's the same. You are the queen of seasonal decorations!

  17. What a wonderful post!!! I loved every photo!! Beautiful hydrangeas! Your sketch made me laugh, I do those and they turn up all over the place. Cool sushi tray, I'm glad you found a use for it. The credit card is such a great idea!! Lovely photo of Hanna, those gardens look beautiful!!

  18. Great post! I like eclectic!

    I always feel inspired when I come over and take in all the great projects you have going!

  19. Very fun post, Barb! I need to go out and clip my hydrangeas and dry them while they are still good! Thanks for the idea.

  20. enjoyed your photos especially the last one!

  21. That catch-all tray is so pretty and handy. To think it would have been trash! And I love the strippy set of the quilt. The mantle looks appropriately autumn-like. Cute lights add nice ambience.


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