
Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun For Friday - so Fun it's Scarey!!

Quilt friends are the best in the world!  Margaret gave me this fabric saying:  "When I saw this fabric, I knew it was for you!"

She was so right.  I just LOVE it.

It's elegant and creepy - what a great combination.  I really want to do something special with it and will give is some serious thought.

It is "Midnight Pastoral" by Alexander Henry 2010.

Now for some shocking news!  I'm actually enjoying the hand piecing of the apple core Halloween quilt.

I've gotten several rows together.

These long rows are a little tricky (and not really treaty).  I have to mind those pins, less I get bit.

Happy Fall Friday!


  1. That fabric is cool, unless you look close you may miss the skeletons!
    I love your apple core, great fussy cut fabrics!

  2. Yes, its true every time I see toile I think of you. the halloween fabrics are just fun!
    glad your enjoying it great job with the fussy cutting.

  3. Beautiful fabric. And your apple core is looking great!

  4. Ha ha! That is funny after last weeks warning to never attempt apple cores! I'm glad it is going better! I am working on one but I am English Paper Piecing the cores. I think it is more sturdy that way and you don't have to use so many pins! Have a great weekend!

  5. Glad to hear that you stuck with the apple core quilt - its looking really great! Love, love the toile fabric, and looking forward to seeing the project in which you use it! Happy Friday, Barb!

  6. LOL! It took some studying to figure out why you said the piece of fabric was creepy. Just a look at it, the fabric just looks like a pastoral scene similar to many I have seen. I got up close to the computer screen and finally saw the skeletal faces. Yep, definitely something for you.

  7. I guess once we get going on something that looked like a challenge our perspective can change. I love all the bright colors you're using. It will be charming when it's done. Keep going!

  8. I've got the Midnight Pastorale too. love it, such a hoot. the cores are looking great - glad you're enjoying it more.

  9. Love all your combination of halloween fabrics! Neat that you are having fun with this project. It will be charming when you finished with it!

    Happy "Friday", Barb!

    :) Carolyn

  10. A very fun Friday post :0) I'm glad you're enjoying your apple cores!

  11. Oh, yes, I need some of that fabric! I collect skeletons; I know, kinda strange, right? Obviously, you love them, too! Hand piecing can be fun; happy that you are enjoying it!

  12. I knew hand piecing those apple cores would be fun!

  13. Last year I bought two yards of that fabric from Fort Worth Fabric Studio. I've been wanting to do something special with it too. It's too cool to just cut up for any old quilt. I'll be keeping an eye out to see what you come up with.

  14. Cool fabric! I'm sure you'll do something exciting with it.
    Glad you are enjoying the hand piecing of the apple core quilt. It does look a bit tricky and is a treat for us to see!

  15. LOVE that fabric~!!!~just awesome and you are going to find the perfect use for it, i'm sure.

    glad to hear that the apple core is coming along a bit easier now. it looks as though you may have it done and ready to enjoy during this upcoming (quickly) halloween season.


  16. I would be tempted to machine stitch the rows to each other after hand stitching the pieces to make the rows. I don't know why one seems easier to do by machine. Ah, well, not to worry - no apple cores in my future. Yes, your toile is creepily magnificent.

  17. There is a relatively new product out called PINMOOR. They are small rubber-ish tips that you stick at the end of a straight pin. They are usually used to baste a quilt instead of using safety pins. I really like them - maybe that's what you need while doing the apple cores.

  18. I've seen that spooky toile around, it's really cool!! I can't wait to see what amazing creation you make with it. You made me laugh with you tricky/treaty joke!! Great to hear you're enjoying those apple cores,I bet you'll have it done in time for Halloweeen..

  19. I thought of your apple core when a newbie at our quilt group said she wanted to make one. I about choked until I saw that her pieces were 12 x 14 inches in size. No problem, new quilter. Go right ahead.

    I think your apple core is coming along nicely! And that sure is funky, terrific fabric!

  20. Haha -- that's an awesome piece of fabric! Looks like you're making good progress on your applecores! Happy Weekend!

  21. I have a piece of that fabric too...still haven't figured out quite what to do with it!

  22. That toile is hilarious! I have a lot of different toiles in my stash, but I have never seen that one - love it!

  23. That toile is awesome!! It should have your name on it somewhere!!

  24. I have tons of apple cores cut out but kinda froze there. Mine are very brights as well ~ kinda Mexican colors.. Love all prints Halloween though. Now I'm inspired. Thanks

  25. Great you are enjoying the hand piecing. Great progress. Love that Toile!


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