
Monday, September 17, 2012

Oaks show in Review (2012)

Happy Monday.  On Friday Pauline and I tool a little drive to PA to see a quilt show and today I'm sharing my favorites.

I must say that I really enjoy the older patterns and traditional quilts more and more.  A sign of age?  Perhaps.

This just says "aahhh" to me.

This came out a bit fuzzy, sorry.  I loved this scene.

each rock has been hand stitched.  Incredible.  Inspiring.

This would look so fabulous in my Living room - wonderful!

 This needs further study - I love the color combinations.

 What a charming pig Dottie is!  Well done!

This was a fabulous display of War of 1812 soldier cot quilts.  I wish I had been part of this challenge.    You can read more about it here.

 This was my favorite.

 Here are a few more from the display -

I bought a few Fat Quarters and a weighted hoop designed by Sharon Schamber to aid in machine quilting.  I'm sure it will revolutionize my technique.  I'll report on it soon.

**I have received 2 emails from a reader and there is no sender on the email.  You have asked about the purple toile that my friend used.  It is:  Marcus Brothers, Faye Burgos.
I hope this helps.  In future please leave a comment with your email so I can answer your questions directly - thanks - barb **


  1. Thanks for the pictures from the show. I am drawn to the traditional patterns, too. But I love when they are updated with modern fabrics. I am of the mind that this does not show age - no reason, just not giving in.

  2. Always like seeing quilt show pics, and the traditional are near to my heart, too, but I think the pig is my favorite!

  3. Beautiful quilts, Barb! Thanks for taking us along...they are amazing,aren't they??

  4. Great quilts Barb. I would have been drawn to the soldier cot quilt challenge too. Talking of challenges how's yours going? I see Lori has her fabric on her blog.

  5. I love the variety of quilts you've shared with us. The soldiers cot quilts are great, I'll pop over and read more in a minute. Your hoop sounds interesting, maybe you'll do a review for us when you've had a chance to try it out.

  6. Wow! Thanks! They are all amazing, and just make my hands itch to sew. I think the first one is my favorite too. You are lucky to have such a great show nearby!

  7. I must say that I really enjoy the older patterns and traditional quilts more and more. A sign of age?

    I would say no to that. I am younger and feel the same way. Anyway, You have made some funky stuff over the years. (compliment)

    Thanks for the photos. I hope you had a great time.

  8. Quilt shows are always so inspirational. Thanks for sharing. The hexie quilt is my favorite.

  9. I wish I could have seen the 1812 exhibit too, incredible quilts , what a fun project that would have been.
    love the first quilt, I am with you....I love the traditional quilts...but I do like fun quilts I just don't feel the need to make them as much as the antique /traditional quilts

  10. I like the quilts you picked out, especially that spider web.
    The soldier cot quilts were great, didn't you love the one with all those itsy bitsy triangles?

  11. Looks like it was a great quilt show!

    The soldier's cot quilt exhibit looks like it was very interesting. Being from the midwest, we don't see anything historical from that time period often. It would have been fun to research the cot quilts and make a reproduction.

  12. Those quilts are beautiful! I've always loved traditional quilts. Lately, I've been drawn to brighter colors or pastels, but I still love traditional quilts and I'm always torn as to which direction I should go on the "next" quilt!

  13. I enjoyed these quilts very much - thanks for sharing your pictures. I like traditional quilts too - I don't think it has anything to do with age - just what you like :0)

  14. Oh, My Goodness! The hexagons quilt is saying AAAAAH to me, as well !
    And so does the clamshells one !

    Hmmmmmm..... Inspiration, inspiration..... THANKS for showing, Barb !

    PS : and by the way, Oh how I LOVE your header ! ;>)

  15. Thanks for the post - lovely pictures. The first quilt - with the hexagons is very pretty isn't it? Interesting that there does not look like any fussy cutting of the hexagons - just randomly cut from a particular fabric. It gives it a special scrappy look that is full of character! - though there is a lot of fun involved (and time wasted !) in fussy cutting....

  16. Fascinating quilts, every one, but the cot quilts really caught my attention. I would have spent a lot of time at that display.
    Thanks for the link to the challenge info. The quilt photos there affirm that my heart is definitely connected to quilts of the 1800s.
    Thanks for sharing the show with us, Barb.

  17. The old ones make my heart sing too...I just love the scene with the

  18. that first quilt is really super~!!~ love the non-traditional way that it was all set together.

    i'm hoping that i have enough battery life left to follow your link on the cot quilts . . .

    thanks so much for sharing the show.


  19. I love the cot quilts!! All the quilts are wonderful. I think I would like to be in some kind of group that makes reproduction quilts. I don't know if there is such a group near me, though.

  20. Great Show!! That little pig quilt is soooo stinkin' cute!!! I must show Mr. Brown Dirt this one!!!


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