
Friday, November 9, 2012

Fun For Friday - lucy, doll quilts, and houses, oh my!

Happy Friday!  and it is a happy one.  During the nor'easter we only lost power for 12 hours, whew.  I am still keeping my NJ neighbors and friends in my thoughts and prayers!

I met a group of men at a local restaurant who are here from Oklahoma.  It was a pleasure to say Thank You to them in person.  It was hard to be out power, but it must be hard for them to be far from home and working in the cold.

On to some fun!!

We have had a lovely little house guest:  Lucy Rabbit

Here are a few photos of our visit. 

She has been on a world tour since June 2011.  You can see her full visit with us here at Lucy's World Trip.  You can also see where else she has traveled.

Two fun events are going in Bloglandia -

Taryn, of Repro Quilt Lover is hosting a fun on-line show of doll quilts.  I have a few posted including these:

More Fun at Beth's blog:  Love Laugh Quilt.  She is having her 3rd house party.  You can send her house blocks for a chance to win some to build your own neighborhood.  She is also collecting miscellaneous 12" charity blocks.  So nice!

Here are a couple of my favorite house quilts that I've made.

This one includes blocks from friends.

I made this one for the NQA show auction in 2010.

Thank you again to all my friends who have sent me such nice notes and checked in with me during this stormy time!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I am so glad you are safe . Your dog is a labrador????I also have one a black, aren't they super sweet!!!!!
    Love that knitted doll, she is very cute.

  2. I was wondering if you lost power yet again! Glad it came back quickly.
    The doll quilts are sweet, very you.
    We have a house challenge coming up, you gave me some good ideas!

  3. The cheddar doll size quilt strikes my fancy. I like the way you used the pillar print in it.
    I understand there are still places without power. No fun for sure dealing with that sort of thing.

  4. Your Friday Fun always gets my day off to a happy start!

  5. Sweet doll quilts! Twelve hours without power must have seemed like an eternity though with the uncertainty if it would come back on. Thank goodness the crews are there and able to help out. Hope this is all over for you soon.

  6. You are always so upbeat no matter what is going on!!

  7. Your small quilts are so cute. You always have such a neat way of using fabrics together.

    Little Lucy is quite the traveller. :)


  8. good news you made it through another storm.
    love your little quilts and your house quilts. Fun!

  9. Man, I can't believe the weather you guys have been having! I'm glad to hear your power wasn't out too long -- do you have to keep your quilts hidden from the neighbors when it gets so cold without power LOL? Love those doll quilts. Have a good weekend!

  10. So nice that Lucy kept you company during the storm. She sure is getting around!
    You seem to have a quilt or two for every occasion. ; c ) Your first doll quilt is very sophisticated. Love it! Is the second one made with rolling stone blocks? Those have been on my list for a while. Great house quilts! What else - very fun!

  11. Lucy has quite a story to tell. So glad your power is back and how nice you had a chance to say thanks in person the the work crew. Very sweet doll quilts. Happy Friday to you too!

  12. I live in Owasso, OK, and three men from our church, First Baptist/Owasso are/were serving with the Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief Team in Middleton, NJ, preparing meals served by the Red Cross. The group got as far as Johnstown, PA when our Ed suffered a small heart attack, was hospitalized & had a stint put in. Our Darrell stayed at hospital with Ed--but all of their clothing continued toward Middleton with the Team! Ed's wife flew up Sunday & they returned to Owasso Monday. He is doing ok. Then today we have word that Darrell, who eventually made it to NJ, fell, hit his head & has a bleed in the brain. His wife & son flew out this afternoon. Please remember all of them in your prayers, as we pray for all of you are/have been without power through this ridiculous weather.

  13. I love love love your yellow makes my heart sing:) Glad you have would be too cold without it.

  14. i LOVE that first doll quilt~!!!~
    such a simple pieced interiour surrounded by that incredible border fabric . . .
    it's a tiny masterpiece~!


  15. I look at that little yellow creation and just sigh. I recognize most of the fabrics as ones in my own stash, but I wouldn't have had bravery to combine them as you have. They're wonderful together, and that AWESOME border (I save that word only for special situations) seals the deal. It's a little masterpiece, in my mind, Barb.
    Glad your hours without power were few. Our hearts ache for everyone still dealing with the catastrophe along the eastern coast.

  16. Barb, i love the two quilts you've linked to Taryn's blog..gorgeous bright fabrics!!

  17. You've had Lucy visiting!! She's such a fun house guest and would have kept you company in the storm. I've already made 3 house blocks for Beth and will make a few more. It's great to see your house quilts! And I'm off to look at the doll quilts..

  18. Love all those gorgeous cheddars and the border fabric is just so perfect.
    Love your version of zigzag quilt too.

  19. Lovely display of your dolls quilts. . .and your house quilts, too. A friend and I were in a bee that went bust, and now she's left with just half the amount of house blocks she thought she'd have. I'm sending her a link to your blog as you have some good ideas for featuring house blocks.



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