
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

odds and ends

Happy Tuesday - Just popping in with a post of randomness.

Here is a little quilt that I had hanging and I don't think I've shared it before.  It was made for a Brownstone Guild Challenge in 2009.

The challenge was called Literal Translations.  So you were to make a quilt based on a block name or a setting, i.e., Ohio star, barn raising, irish chain, bow tie, etc.

I did "Log Cabin".  It is raw edge appliqued and string pieced.

The backing is funny pig and holly fabric that I won at a fabric exchange.  It still makes me laugh.

Today I'm working in my "Frankenstorm" quilt.  It is really fussy working with this tiny pieces.

Look how much it has shrunk after sewing!  I'm not a great paper piecer, so this is a little bit of a challenge for me.

Last week I picked up a few Christmas Plants - Amaryllis, Paper Whites,

and for a change of pace, a Christmas Catcus.

Look at this lovely example of a red  and  white Christmas cactus quilt.  I found it on line Here.

Does this dog look guilty to you?
After the heat came back on, there were a lot of quilts to  put away.

Have a great week and I'll see you Friday.


  1. Very sweet little quilt. My mom and dad got a Christmas cactus for a wedding present 45+ yrs. ago and the thing is, they rarely bloom. Conditions have to be just right etc. etc. and sometimes theirs has gotten a bit neglected in the business of life! They always say that when their wedding plant blooms, it is a sign of how wonderful their marriage is going! Kind of a humorous family story, but it has always made me nervous to get one as I'm sure I would kill mine lickety split.:) Good luck with yours--they are beautiful when they bloom!!

  2. Oh Barb you backings always bring a smile to my face too.Wild backings have to be your trade mark. Lol
    Have been to the garden centre this past weekend myself and bought paper whites and hyacinths and hoping they will be flowering by christmas

    As for cocoa she looks like she knows exactly the right place to be.
    Love that red and white cactus quilt.

  3. Thanks for the giggle - I love those piggies.

  4. Of course I just had to smile at the pile of quilts. Looks familiar! I just love that log cabin quilt what a cute challenge that

  5. Another fun doll quilt - don't you wonder about the designer of that fabric?! Love those quirky backings you choose; they are half the fun!

  6. Love your plaid house quilt! And the the bestest ever!!

  7. Cute, cute little house! That green and orange one is quite something :). Very interesting.... And yes, your dog does look very guilty.

  8. LOVE the log cabin! So cute! And your Frankenstorm is awesome! I love the swipes of color across it! I love to paper piece, and would never attempt those tiny pieces without it. Yours looks great! And yeah.....what has Coco been into? Totally guilty look! lol Good luck with your blooms.....our Xmas cactus is in full bloom right now! It's never bloomed on Christmas....but I usually get 3-5 blooms throughout the year! We've had it for about 20 years's our only houseplant, since we only have 1 window in this house that faces the sun! Just remember to rotate the pot, because once it gets heavy to one side, it's really hard to train it back! :o)

  9. You have participated in many interesting quilt challenges. I have never been very good at coming up with ideas to go along with the assigned rules of a challenge. It always seems that the other person has the best idea! And your quilts generally have a surprise on the back.

  10. that red and white cactus quilt is gorgeous~!!~
    i have a small christmas cactus that came from a start off of a friend's plant. it's definately growing but is very slow and i only see a bloom once in a blue moon. i'm hoping that as the plant matures it might bloom more . . .

    love the log cabin challeng piece~!!~


  11. Yay, it's fun to get some bits and pieces from you during the week. Love your log cabin, you take part in lots of great challenges! Frankenstorn is amazing, I can't quite believe how small those pieces are. Coco doesn't look guilty at all, she's such a sweetie. I hope your Christmas cactus flowers for Christmas.

  12. Your Frankenstorm blocks look wonderful sewn together. It is amazing how much the seam allowance can make them shrink. I've always wanted to grow some bulbs inside. I will have to get some this week and try it for myself. What a gorgeous red and white quilt!!

  13. What a cute little quilt! The dog is just sharing in the quilt love. And oh how I admire your plant-y-ness. In my house they d.i.e.!

  14. Barb, With all the magnificent quilts you make and post, I end up commenting on a simple one like this. Your reputation for surprising quilt backs is epic, but you've outdone yourself with "pigs and holly."

  15. You do love a challenge! What a sweet little log cabin. I especially like the strippy border.
    I would think it would be hard to revisit Frankenstorm.....
    The red and white cactus quilts is gorgeous, is that amaryllis bulb in a thimble pot? So cute.

  16. Super cute log cabin!! What a silly backing!

  17. What a great bunch of plaids in your cabin ;-)
    The Christmas Piggy backing is very fun. Love all the plants - hope they all bloom at the perfect time.
    Your Halloween project is really tiny!! You are going to have a great collection of Halloween quilts.
    Glad your dog could 'feel the warmth'

  18. So very, very cute with all the fussy cuts in Frankenstorm!

    The little plaid log cabin is fun with that hilarious backing. I don't think I've ever participated in a challenge, but your challenge quilts always look like you've had so much fun with them.

    Coco looks like she's just waiting for the "No, no! Bad dog!" Ha ha, dogs are all alike: go for the total comfort.

  19. You have such fun with your quilt backings -- and names of quilts. Where, oh where, do you find the quilt challenges that you participate in? Somebody comes up with wonderful ideas for your challenges.
    The gray/silver pot the amaryllis is in looks like a thimble. Is it? or is it my imagination?

  20. It is really a wonderful post thanks for sharing..

  21. So many things to like in this blog post! I especially like the pigs and holly backing, what could the designer have been thinking? Also like the Christmas Cactus quilt, lovely, and like a previous poster, I think the amaryllis pot looks like a thimble.

  22. I love your cactus.

    Your Halloween quilt will be so fun to have around the stuff going on!

  23. I love plaids and stripes. Great rendition of the log cabin block.
    Frankenstorm is coming along nicely. Love the fussy cutting.
    That Christmas cactus quilt is stunning. Tempting and I'm not much of an appliquer.
    Oh, yes, coco looks like she's enjoying those quilts!
    Great post!

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