
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just Elfing Around!

Not much is happening quilting wise, so today I'm sharing some Holiday Decorating that I've been doing.

This is a vintage jewelry piece I purchased at a craft sale years ago.  I think it would be fun to make one of these.  It includes a rosary and lots of pretty baubles.

Hooray!  My Christmas cactus bloomed and it is Hot Pink -  My amaryllis was a total dud this year, never sprouted :(

I hang a lighted garland with fruit and nut ornaments around our eating area.  It is lovely at night but hard to photograph.  The paper whites are doing well on the table.

Even the bathroom is not safe at this time of year.  Our master bath gets a couple of decorations.  The feather tree has miniature vintage ornaments.

Here is my homage to my favorite holiday movies, The Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out! Fragileee) and Charlie Browns Christmas (I killed it).  The quit was made by Illinois friends when I moved to NJ.  

I collect lighted ceramic trees and it looks right at home on my 50s drink cart.

Hope you are having fun Decking the Halls!


  1. Oooh, it all looks beautiful Barb! Your eating area is so pretty and festive and I LOVE your Charlie Brown Christmas Tree!

  2. I love that vintage piece. I can see putting some vintage buttons to good use!
    The garland around the eating area is fun. It is hard to take good shots of those long and dark pieces. Kavita loves decorating this time of the year and our upcoming trip was no excuse to skip Christmas fun.. She 'made' us get the tree up and decorated it herself.
    This tour around your house makes me want to pull more decorations out just for the fun of it!

  3. I am always in awe at your ability to decorate and make your home look so inviting
    thats a beautiful quilt your friends made you I am sure it is very special.
    Love those toile pillows by your kitchen window
    so pretty.
    toile favorite

  4. Looks like some lively decorations Barb! I just got our tree up, so my decorating can really start!

  5. I like the picture of your leg lamp. LOL! I love that movie. I wonder if there will be a 24 hour marathon of showing the movie on Christmas Day again this year.

  6. I'm in the spirit!! I have a ceramic tree just like that my MIL did in the 60's. Love the garland!

  7. I love your red and white quilt! Awesome! Your other decorations look great too. It's fun to have something Christmassy in the bathroom too. The vintage jewelry tree is like one my MIL made for us years ago. It had colored christmas lights in it which don't work any more. It needs fixing and I need to find it. So pretty!

  8. The jewelry tree is a hoot! I am particularly in love with your garland - the placement, and the ornaments. Your entire house must be beautiful.

  9. I haven't started decorating yet - maybe this weekend. Hooray for your Christmas cactus!! What a wonderful red and white quilt - a special gift!

  10. It's great to see how much fun you have with decorating for the holidays. Helps to get me in the mood!

  11. Your home looks wonderful - lovely decorations! Love that vintage jewellery tree too:)
    Every Stitch

  12. You and me love a bit of toile. Can see it showing itself around your home which I must say is looking like a fun place to be.

    Nice red and white quilt too.

  13. Your house is looking so festive. I love the homage to the two movies! And your red and white quilt is perfect. You've been busy!

  14. All that's missing is the festive biohazard sign... oh wait, that's my house. I love your place at Christmas, so beautiful! I'm really enjoying the Advent calendar. Thanks.

  15. A very creative jeweled piece - one can look at and keep finding unique pieces. Your eating area sure looks inviting too - a place to linger over coffee & a plate of cookies!

  16. Lovely jeweled tree. I've also seen them done 3-D and on wreaths.
    Always love a red and white quilt. Those movie themed decorations are a hoot.
    I have one of those ceramic trees - need to find a place for it.
    You decorate like a pro!

  17. Oh my gosh we are seperated at birth.....My family loves The Christmas Story and it goes on as soon as everyone gets up. I think TLC has it on for 24 hours straight.
    My mom made one of those Christmas trees back in the 60's and my siblings and I pass it back and forth from house to house.
    Hang on to the amaryllis, last year mine finally February! A nice bright spot in the dull winter.

  18. I especially love that jewelry tree, as I've never seen one like it before. I'm sure not talented with beads & jewelry! I still use a ceramic tree just like that. I used to have a ceramic shop in the 1980's. A lot of good memories there!!

  19. Hee Hee I love your leggy lamp! The jewellery Christmas tree picture is so clever! Its fun seeing all your decorations, even the bathroom! The Red and White quilt took my breath away.


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