
Friday, December 7, 2012

Fun For Friday - What The Dickens?

Happy Friday, I hope it's a fun day for you.  This morning I tried my hand at making a video on my camera.

Well, I'm no Marty Scorscessi, but here is my 2012 Dickens Village display.  The music is a little to soft to hear, but it was early and someone was still sleeping.

The area on the table is the village with cottages (watch out for that deadly train!) and on the piano is the town with shops.

coco has a dog crate in our dining room and it got a new draping.  I love this antique bow tie with my wallpaper.

This week I made one of my favorite recipes:  Honey Mustard.
It is great on Ham or Turkey or with pretzels.  It will thicken when refrigerated. 

4 oz. coleman's dry mustard
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp black pepper

1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 cups of sugar
2 sticks butter

3 beaten eggs
Cooking instructions:
Combine the first 4 ingredients with 1/4 cup of water in sauce pan - whisk to make paste.
Add vinegar and sugar, keep whisking.
Bring to a boil, whisking regularly
Add 2 sticks butter, keep whisking until all better is melted.
Turn off and let cool for 2 hours.

After cooling, add 3 beaten eggs to mixture and bring to a boil again.
Remove from heat and let cool for a couple of hours,  then refrigerate.

Recipe makes about 3 cups and keeps very well.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!


  1. I love your Christmas village! The video made it more real. The bow tie quilt makes a good camouflage for the crate and the honey mustard dip looks good. I love pretzels, but have never dipped them in honey mustard - might have to try it.

  2. Goodness me, your village is wonderful....can't help but wonder how long it took you to set it has been years since I have set mine up... perhaps I will dig out a few things and do a small area... your train is extra special to the whole effect. Merry Christmas.

  3. Great job on the video - you've put a lot of work into that village! Enjoy!

  4. Very pretty Barb! I kept listening for your laugh -- it must have been very quiet 'cause I missed it. Your houses are much better planned than mine. I LOVE you little lighted lamp poles too -- I've never seen those!

  5. I never heard your laugh. :)

    The bow tie quilt is wonderful. I can leave anything like that draped over Hezzie's kennel he would pull it in and chew on it while we were gone - even if it is just laying on top. Coco is obviously a bit more refined.


  6. Oh my gosh! The Christmas Village is so festive! I love it!!

  7. Great job on the video, Barb! I love the Dickens village and the bow tie quilt.

  8. Fun little village you created! Such attention to detail. I love Coco's kennel drape, with or without the accompanying wallpaper, and I love the wallpaper, with or without the accompanying kennel drape.

  9. Your village is fantastic! And I love the train, too! And your wallpaper is gorgeous!

  10. Great village. Inspires me to finally put mine out, but I don't have a cool train! I could hear the music just fine--nice touch, but I didn't catch the laughter.

  11. How fun to share your Christmas village with you :0) I LOVE Coco's crate cover! It goes perfectly with your lovely wallpaper.

  12. The cheddar bow ties are just wonderful. Unfortunately I can't see the video on my iPad.

  13. What a treat to get a video!!! I just love your little towns!! It's wonderful how it spreads out over the piano, and the little train too. I'm humming Santa Claus is coming to town... Yellow will suit Coco. That Honey Mustard looks delicious!! thanks for sharing the recipe. I'll pass that onto Phil, he's the cook in the house. He's cooking Duck with Cherries as I type.

  14. love that cheddar bow tie, looks beautiful with the amazing wall paper. Ok Coco is one loved dog for you to share your antique quilt to cover the crate! Enjoyed the video did I see Dorothy standing there????

  15. Oh how I wished for one of these village scenes. I looked at the pieces and parts for ages. Both in shops and online. But I really had no place to display them so I never purchased any.

  16. Love your cheddar quilt and the fantastic village. I have some houses/shops too but no place to display them now. One year I set it up on a chest complete with mirror skating pond like yours - next morning a tornado must have hit that village - all the pieces were askew, snow on the floor, skaters on their bumms, very funny but I almost choked our cat - she had such fun but it was futile to try to keep it prisine. Glad she had fun!

  17. What a lucky pup to get such an beautiful cover!I did not know you could make honey mustard, it looks much better than the bottle stuff.
    Your Christmas Village is amazing!

  18. Barb,
    I love the cheddar bowtie quilt! And the mustard recipe is so in sync with the cheddar quilt. lol I've never made honey mustard sauce, but I am keeping the recipe to try. It looks delish! Your video was the start to my day, and put me in the Christmas mood. Thanks!
    Judy in Virginia

  19. Love your Dickens Village! So festive and pretty.
    coco is lucky to have such a beautiful quilt adorning her crate.
    Thanks for the recipe. Sounds good.

  20. This is a yellowy post. From the mustard to that wall paper. Two things I may have to use. Thanks again!


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