
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Santas Workshop

Lucky Lucky me!!  I won this beautiful doll quilt from my friend Maureen.  What a wonderful selection of reproduction fabrics and I love the binding print.

What a lovely label.  Thank you so much, Maureen, for the quilt and your friendship.  I will treasure this quilt.

She gave away 4 doll quilts.  Visit her blog, Pursuit of Quilts,    it always full of wonderful inspiration.

Santa's Workshop, otherwise known as the sewing room is a very busy place lately.  I put up a small tree with old red and pink ornaments.  Every year I think I don't have time, but when I make the time, I enjoy it so much. 

I've made a few more tissue covers and also the pink yarn tree.   This is the only tree that gets tinsel - I adore tinsel.

I am working on some small gifts.  These are in progress...

I love this fabric by Michael Miller.  It is called Nevermore -

This is a handy tool that I'm using to press a 1/2" hem. 

Hope you are all enjoy the preparation of the holidays.  It is so fun to visit your homes through bloglandia this time of year.  I just love seeing everyone's decorations.

p.s. good luck - tomorrow is 12-12-12


  1. love that pink tree, just made me smile!
    the fabric is wonderful, wow! I love birds on fabric and on quilts :)
    thanks for sharing, love seeing how people decorate too.
    lucky you that quilt is just beautiful. a treasure

  2. I like that tree. I haven't used tinsel on a tree in a long, long time. It used to be the very "in" thing to do. And I always tried to pull it off the tree to save for the next year. Silly when it was so inexpensive to purchase.

  3. Wow, lucky you a fabulous doll quilts. i became a follower of Maureen's blog.

  4. What a sweet gift and I love that new header!!! How cute are those??

  5. The doll quilt is sooo cute, and I love the Nevermore fabric. How great to have some Christmas-y loveliness in your sewing room!

  6. Wow -- you lucky girl -- that's a sweet little quilt. And your tree! I LOVE it!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE tinsel too -- I SO wish I had the time to cover our big tree with it -- what memories! Your little tree is PERFECT!!!

  7. What a beautiful quilt from Maureen - Lucky, lucky you - is right!
    Can't wait to see what "Nevermore" is up to....
    Cute sewing room. :)


  8. Your little quilt is really wonderful, you have good friends! And I love your pink/red tree - it is just beautiful!

  9. How fun to put up a tree in your sewing room. It is so pretty!!
    What a beautiful quilt from Maureen!

  10. What a sweet quilt to receive. I LOVE your tree. I didn't know you could still find tinsel. It makes your sewing room so cute.

  11. Your flying geese quilt is darling. Love the cheddar & other CW fabrics. I also love your doll bed and the little stocking hanging on it. The nevermore fabric is interesting. I wonder what you're making?

  12. Your sewing room looks adorable, mine is one hot mess right now.
    What a great idea to use that Ritz hem guide, I will be buying one!
    Love the Nevermore fabric, what could you be making???
    What a lucky win, flying geese is one of my favorite patterns.

  13. I love the peek into your sewing room with the little quilts on the wall and the colorful ribbons along the window, not to mention the fabulous pink and red tree. Cute yarn tree, too.

    Lucky you with winning the lovely flying geese quilt. Pursuit of Quilts is new to me; headed there now!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Oh, Barb, I was happy to see you win that quilt from Maureen--and tried really hard not to be jealous! : )
    Cute little tree in your sewing room (I love the little quilts on the wall--and what are all the ribbons from?).
    I love that Edgar A. Poe fabric. Very fun.
    That is a very clever hemming tool--thanks for showing it. I've never seen one.

  15. It is so fun to read all these comments - I hadn't noticed the yarn tree or the little stocking on the doll bed. I've had that hemming tool since the 70's - it was a required supply for my first Bishop sewing class. Love the tree and especially the tinsel - glad to see you placed each strand and not thrown it on the tree (my mother would be proud of you!!)

  16. It's already 12-12-12 here in Oz. Maureen's quilt is lovely!! It's fun to see a glimpse of your sewing room, and your tinsel tree. I love the Nevermore fabric. That hemming tool looks very handy!!

  17. What a yummy little quilt to win!! Fun to see all your marvelous ribbons. I love the little doll bed by your tree. I love the tinsel on your tree too. We always had tinsel when I was a kid - carefully recycled from year to year. I think I can guess why its only on the tree in your sewing room :0) I'm excited for 12/12/12. I've been telling my family it's my magic birthday - lol!

  18. What a beautiful quilt from Maureen.
    Your sewing room, (ooops - workshop) is beautiful!
    Wonderful creative space!!

  19. Congratulations on that little quilt win- and it is such a beauty! And I agree that 'Nevermore' fabric is lovely ..will keep an eye out for some. It is such fun making gifts isn't it? Lovely pictures - full of Xmas spirit - thanks for that!
    Every Stitch

  20. Congratulations on your win Barb! It is a beautiful quilt.
    Love the Nevermore fabric!!! Looking forward to seeing what you make with it.
    Ohhh, so many ribbons!!! Wow!

    Great new header. I love the way you used the selvedges.

  21. Barb how cute is your new header? Love the use of selvage. Congrats on your win, Maureen definitely makes beautiful little quilts. I love tinsel as well it just says Christmas to me :) 12/12 which is today here in Australia is my 20th wedding anniversary.

  22. Your little tree of vintage red and pink (a favorite color combo of mine) ornaments is so pretty! I love tinsel, too, and usually have it on the tree. Not the last couple of years - I'm afraid my son's beagle will try to eat it. I've heard that can be wicked. Your sewing room looks so inviting - love the little quilts on the wall and the clock - looks like an easy one to read. The hemming tool looks very useful - much better than my method of eyeballing it! Glad you like the little quilt.

  23. Love your cheddar quilt with the flying geese! Getting ready to post mine that I won also!! Love your pink tree - and you have been one very busy lady...

  24. Sigh...your doll quilt from Maureen is lovely! I believe I have found my next doll quilt project. Even more than that, I admire your doll bed. I wonder if I can convince DH to make one for me? I'm always looking for doll beds when I'm in antique shops, but have yet to find one. Other doll furniture - yes, beds - no. And who is the lovely doll gracing your doll bed? She looks like one of the mini-American Girl dolls, but I can't really tell. Thanks for the smiles before work this morning!

  25. I LOVE --> your header (nice to see it back again), the raven fabric, the tree with pink ornaments, all the little quilts, your flying geese quilt from Maureen, and where in the world did you get all the ribbons? awards at quilt shows? ribbons from 4-H projects at county fairs? recognition for being a good deeds doer? I'm so envious of all your decorations. Your home looks festive and happy.

  26. What a great gift & would you look at that valance of ribbons?! Your doll quilts are fun; I need to start a wall of them, too. A very festive sewing room indeed.

  27. Hi Barb, the little quilt is a real treasure! I love your christmas decorating, look at all those ribbons hanging like bunting!!! I think now I have to start collecting red and pink baubles.

  28. Oh, I love it!!!! What a great friend to send you such a pretty quilt.

  29. i was lucky enough to receive one of Maureen's little quilts too and loved the variety of fabrics that she used. a kind heart and very talented hands~!

    your looking ready for christmas and that nevermore fabric is awesome~!!~


  30. Love that tree on the toilet! I have a similar one from my mom. And hooray for real life! All the pixie dust in the world can't touch the real life in my sewing room. Your Christmas prep is fun to see. Have a great one!


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