
Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun For Friday

Extra Extra Read all About it!

My husband has accepted a great new position in New Haven, CT.  We're excited about the prospect of a new home and I'll still be close enough to my NJ friends to stay in close touch.

My buddy, Jill, made me this cute Valentine present.  Isn't it terrific?   It it were played in Scrabble on a double word score, with a 7 tile bonus, it would be worth 84 points!! 

It came is this adorable vintage valentine bag, complete with pink doily - too sweet!  Thanks Jilly.

At the Garden State Quilters guild meeting Judy gave me this beautiful Danish Christmas plate after seeing them on my blog.  I was so touched!  Thank you Judy!  It is extra special because we don't have this year, and it has the 2 beautiful swans and it came to me the week of my Anniversary!

Here is my favorite "almost from scratch" bread recipe.  Here at our place we just call it Green Bread, but it's really Pesto Cheese bread.

You'll Need:

1 16 oz pkg of hot roll mix
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbs shredded provolone cheese (I usually use asiago, cause I like it)
1 1/4 cups HOT water
1 large egg
3.5 oz. pesto (use can use fresh or jarred)

Combine roll mix, yeast packet from the mix and 1/2 cup shredded cheese in a large mixing bowl.
Add the hot water and egg and beat 2 minutes at medium with an electric mixer (the kitchen aid works best).  Add pesto and blend.
Cover and lest rise in a warm place for 30 mins or until doubled in size.
Stir dough 25 strokes (isn't that weird?) with a wooden spoon and spoon dough into a greased (I use pam) 2 qt casserole.
Sprinkle with 2 Tbs cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 mins or until nicely browned.
Let cool somewhat before slicing - if you can :)

The first night I usually serve it with a pasta dish.  After that it's every man for himself until its gone.

and just for fun if you missed it -

Here is Banana Joe, an affenpinscher, who won the Westminster Dog Show's Best in Show.  

"Yea, I'm kinda a big deal, even if I fit inside one of my trophies".....

Happy Friday everyone and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Congratulations on the new position! I was hoping you'd be coming west, but now the uncertainty is behind you so that's a good thing.
    Good luck with all of the moving details ~ hope it all goes smoothly for you and that you find another place with a great sewing space. :-)

  2. I like asiago cheese in cooking. And I really like Stella cheese as my Grandfather started that company !!

  3. That is such wonderful news! Lots of new exciting adventures ahead of you. Jills gift is brilliant! I'd never thought of glitter and scrabble together. I guess glitter goes with everything really. I can't wait to try the green bread recipe, it looks delicious!! That little show dog is as cute as a button!

  4. Congrats to your DH on his new position. Best of luck with your house hunting and move.

  5. New jobs must be in the air. My Husband also just accepted a new position in a new company. It's a bit exciting. Congrats to you both!
    I have to try that bread! Who needs pasta, I just want the bread!

  6. How exciting! Change is good. Have fun house hunting! The valentine Jill made is awesome. Vintage scrabble tiles are so fun to play with.

  7. Oh, a whole new house to decorate! Hope you find space for another fab sewing room!

  8. Barb, so happy about the job and move, exciting times in CT. Been dying to ask for some time how that was all going . You must be so happy.
    Love Jills present to you .
    Have a fab weekend.

  9. Congratulations to your DH on the new job! I just checked New Haven out on Google maps. Somewhere there will be a beautiful new home with a large bright creative space for you. I hope the transition will go well.
    So how many points do you get for the heart? :0) Especially on a triple letter score!? I love it - you'll enjoy pulling that out for many Valentine's day's to come.

  10. Congrats to your husband. Glad you excited about the move. Not everyone would be. I can almost smell that bread. Yum!

  11. Love your Scrabble gift--such a cute idea! Congrats on the new move. The recipe looks delicious--now I wish it was dinner time!

  12. Congrats on your husband's new job and woah, a move. cute valentine's gift!

  13. Congratulations on your husband's new job! You will still come to visit us in PA???

  14. Good luck on your move!
    What a clever and fun Valentine! My Mom and I play Scrabble once a week--I actually understand all of that scoring jargon!
    The bread looks yummy--afraid I would eat it all!

  15. A brand new chapter - how exciting! The bread looks so good,is it really that easy?

  16. Oh Wow! I wish you and your family all the best during your transition. True friends I have found are the type that even if you have not seen them in a long while when you do it is like nothing has changed.

  17. Wow..moving..hmm..there are jobs here in Charlotte, NC:) I can see from your nice gifts that you are well loved.

  18. Congrats on the new job, good luck with the move and finding the perfect house.
    I have to make that bread sounds yummy!

  19. Congratulations on the new job, new house, new adventure. It's all so exciting. Oh my that bread sounds delicious!

  20. Congrats to your DH on his new job! That bread looks so good - are there any leftovers? I'll be right there...

  21. Great news! Just don’t turn hoity-toity on us.

  22. New job, new house, new sewing room.. Oh so much to look forward to! So happy for both of you.
    This was an anniversary to remember, I bet!

  23. Exciting changes coming...congrats! Your bread looks yummy and the vintage valentines are fun!

  24. Congratulations to your husband on his new job - all the best for the move!! New adventures ahead!

  25. Congratulations to your husband on the new job.

    Your green bread looks wonderful. I keep sniffing the air to see if the aroma has got here yet!

  26. The bread looks delish, but when do you add the pesto??

  27. I'm with Jan -- I was hoping for more westerly movement, but I know that wonderful new opportunities await for you and your hubby. Thanks for the Westminster update -- I totally missed it last week!

  28. Thank you for sharing the bread recipe. I will have to try that - it sound easy and delicious.


  29. bread + pesto + cheese = YUM!

    Congratulations to your DH on the great new job. I wish you well on the move; I've always enjoyed trying a new place to live - exciting to try something different!


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