
Friday, February 22, 2013

FFF = Fun Family Fotos

Happy Friday!

Today I'm sharing one of my favorite family photo collections.

The dress up tourist gallery shots.

Here we are as a Civil War Era Family.  I'm pretty sure we are Northern Yankees.  Andrew actually looks just like a boy from that era, spooky.

This is my personal favorite!  Andrew and Hanna as Ganstas.  I love Hanna's smile, she obviously has no idea how inappropriate it is to be holding a gun and the bottle of jack.  Andrew is totally into it.

And this is the most recent one.  The staple Western Saloon Gang.  I love that mama's got the money.  My boys look pretty legit here.

While I understand that some people may find these tacky, I am unapologetic about them.  I love them!   They represent our family have a silly fun time together on vacation.

I wish they had them in Europe.  We could posed as Ceasers Family, Greek Gods, French Street performers......

My buddy Kelly is doing wonderful things with her scraps.  Check her out here.  I, on the other hand have an embarrassing technique for scraps.  I have them all in this tall wicker basket that I scrounge through or  just straight up dump out.

Hooray!  It is Oscar time on Sunday!

I think I'll indulge in a movie snack favorite.  Sno-caps sprinkled on top of hot popcorn.  It is sweet, salty, crunchy and chocolaty.  A perfect combo!

On a final note.  We have had some moving estimates and I'm ashamed to admit this but we have 26,000 pounds of stuff and an estimated 200 boxes to pack.  Yikes!

Happy Weekend Everyone!



  1. I've always wanted to get pictures like that taken, but never did it. Looks like fun! I'm afraid my scrap system is like yours. In fact, I decided to sort the colors yesterday and my basket was really packed. Whenever I have a strip or scrap I throw it in that basket under my sewing table and lately I would have to stuff it down or it would end up on the floor. DH took pictures of some of the mess yesterday and wants me to post them on my blog. I'll think about it.

  2. Our scrap styles are very similar:)

  3. I love your photos. Here in the Branson area we have several of these old time photographers. I actually posted a photo of my sister in my last post, posing as a saloon girl! I have a photo of me and my son on my sidebar. It's so much fun to play dress up! Love your blog.

  4. Moving? I did not know you were moving. Are you going to be my neighbor?

    If anyone was going to have their portrait done in Civil War garb, it would be you. No apology needed for the fun photos.

  5. Love the photos they are so fun and not tacky at all.
    Is that all the scraps you have???? (:

  6. You have a fun family tradition. Love the photos. Your scraps and mine are in the same condition. Did you have to have your sewing studio weighed? Hope it fits into the normal health recommendations.

  7. I love those pics - they are hilarious! Sounds like you will be packing for awhile! And then UNPACKING! Moving is the perfect time to ditch all that stuff you haven't touched in years! I'm a thrower, can you tell?!

  8. LOL - love your family photos! Maybe because I have a collection of them myself. The best of the lot is my youngest son as Conan the Barbarian - it makes me giggle just thinking about it!

    All I can say about moving is best of luck - and I mean that in a good way!! Scary and exciting at the same time.

  9. And will DH company pack and move you? It is not the packing that is so hard it is deciding what not to take as we downsize :0). Truck coming tomorrow for donated furniture.
    I love those pictures and yeah it looks like everyone is loving it...great memories. Maybe you could start a franchise in Europe for these "period" photos??

    Happy Sewing and good luck with your move :0).

  10. Your pictures are very fun! I think your system of dumping out the basket is a good one - I bet they go back in fairly quick and you can see it all easily. That's a lot of packing - I hope it goes well. Don't forget - pack your sewing stuff last :0)

  11. My family only had that type of pic done once at a State Fair, but it is a favorite of mine. You have a great collection of them!
    I appreciate your scrap containment method. Mine is similar. Whatever works (or doesn't really work but is what we know). : )
    Wow, that is a lot of stuff to move--13 tons, did you say?!?

  12. I love these pictures! What fun memories for kids to have. None of those pictures in my picture box for sure!
    Kelly has inspired me to clean up my act.. really, too many scraps in the sewing room. Got to do something with them. May be on Oscar night, I will bring out a bin at a time and clean them up.
    And, please tell me you have more than that pile of scraps?

  13. I love these pictures too - treasure the one my MIL had made of my daughters right before they became teenagers. Your pictures are wonderful and have so many memories.

  14. Those photos are the best!! I love that your whole family gets into the fun of it! I'm with Kelly- is that all your scraps?!? As for packing just think 1 box at a time and it will all happen. You come up with the best food ideas, I'm so going to have to try chocolate on popcorn one day- yum!

  15. I think those are such fun photos. We never came across any place doing photos like that.
    Have fun watching the Oscars.
    Oh, boy that is a lot of boxes!

  16. Hahaha -- I hate it when the moving man comes and rolls his eyes doing those estimates! When we moved 13 years ago we filled a big moving van and they had to call for backup. By the time the furniture arrived here, everything had been repacked into crates and it took 2 semis to deliver them. And now it's 13 years later -- we've filled in some empty spaces -- the thought of moving again terrifies me LOL! Very, very fun pictures -- you guys are too cute!

  17. Those photos are great fun. I too wish we had that sort of thing here in the UK. The nearest I've ever seen here are those cardboard cartoon type figures with a hole for you to put your face through - not quite the same!

  18. I am surprised thats all the scraps you have!
    fun photo's good luck with the move.
    hmmmm are you packing your sewing room ?

  19. this is a test comment from barb

  20. what~!? you're moving?
    sheeees i'm so behind on things. i better do some back reading of your blog~!

    i think that your family vacation photos are great fun and i can't imagine a better way to document a family vacation than a photo that makes everyone smile and "remember when"?


  21. Love those family photos. I think your scrap storage system looks great.....and really familiar!!!


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