
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Log Cabin Littles

Here are my February little log cabin offerings.  I made theses two mug rugs for my buddies out of left over blocks from my "Cabin Fever" quilt.  After 18 years, I had to use them in some way.

I'm calling these "Slave Quarters" because they are 1 room log cabins.

I selected the backings based on my friends interests.  I also attached the scrappy binding log cabin style.

Here is a Pretty In Pink courthouse step dolly quilt I made for Diane's Birthday.   We both love double pinks.  She currently has a great liberated log cabin on her blog from the same era as mine.


I chose this backing because we also both love lettering and script on fabrics.

And finally a blast from the past.  Here is a funky little liberated log cabin doll quilt that I made at the same 1995 Gwen Marston retreat as my recently finished quilt.

This one is made of all plaids with a yellow center, which is called light in the window.

The backing is scrappy leftovers.

I unearthed several little doll quilt tops while cleaning out the sewing room.  They are nice small projects that I can work on while the sorting and cleaning continues.

I'll be on hiatus for Friday as I'm going to the QuiltFest of NJ.  I'll share some photos soon.


  1. Did you enter any quilts?? I don't envy you cleaning up and packing...any things you don't know what to do with, sewing stuff, I'll send my address (LOL). Have Fun on Friday!

  2. Oh, how I loved this post, Barb!! Those plaid quilts are just, love!!

  3. Delightful post, Barb!!! Love your log cabins too...have a great time at the "Quilt Fest"!!!

    :) Carolyn

  4. Isn't amazing what we find when we clean up and out? Perfect little rug mugs, they will love them. The pinks are great and I really like that fabric on the back too, is it an old one? I love Gwen and all her quilts, itlooks like you enjoyed yourself making that little gem!

  5. Very cute Barb! I've always wanted to make a log cabin quilt -- other things just seem to get in the way. Have a great time at the quilt show!

  6. Another inspiring post full of quilty loveliness. I am tempted to shelve my current projects and make log cabin blocks! Thanks, Barb.

  7. All wonderful!! Gotta love a log :).

  8. Your log cabin's are so sweet! The singles are cute and I'm sure your friends will love them.

  9. Love the name for your mug rugs! : )
    What a cute little pink quilt. I've saved a foundation pattern for a mini courthouse steps block. This inspires me!
    The plaid quilt is wonderful. I love plaids almost as much as JulieQ!!

  10. Mmmm...I just love the all plaid log cabin, it has real homespun personality and speaks to LC has always been up at the top of my favorite quilt block. Thanks for sharing all of yours! I was the lucky recipient of one of the "slave quarters"...only you would think of that perfect!

  11. These are all so lovely. The plaid is my favorite. Love the way the cabins get a little crooked, like they're dancing.

  12. Your mini log cabin quilt is delicious! Love it to it's tiniest bits, front and back!
    Have fun at the show. Looking forward to some pics later on.

  13. You are so funny, slave quarters, I love it!

  14. How wonderful to see all these Log Cabins!!! They work so well as mug rugs and I love how you did the binding on those. Those plaids are wonderful, the cabins as well as the backing! have fun at Quilt Fest!!

  15. Very funny - one room log cabins! and they are so pretty too :)

  16. Another good month for a log cabin showing. The pink and white mini is really sweet and your plaid log cabins are fun and truly charming. Your free spirit is really evident in your designs.

  17. your little mug rugs are cute and i love what you did with the bindings~!

    i'm a lover of double pinks too.

    i have some log cabin blocks that i started a pile of and then never did anything with . . . i'm going to have to take another look at those. i hope it doesn't take me until i move, but it's possible.


  18. Fun name for the single block quilt! The plaid liberated is great, front and back.
    Have fun!

  19. Great fabrics all round. Me too about Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Cute little mug rugs - even the backs.
    I love double pinks, too.
    Love your liberated logs in plaids. Plaids seem to be making a comeback as are the log cabins.
    Have fun at the show!

  21. love the pink log cabin mini - the backing is wonderful. Slave quarters! You sure think of interesting names. Great way to use up extra blocks. Have fun at Quilt Fest!

  22. cute log cabin quilts. love the backings on all of them. have fun at the show.

  23. What a great collection of log's a housing development!

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