
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cinderelly, Cinderelly

Night and Day I'm Cinderelly.
I'm continuing to clean out, sort through and rearrange my house in preparation for selling and moving.

But First - Hooray!!  At the Quilt Fest, my buddy Jill won a Judges Choice Ribbon for her lovely quilt:  Sweet Emiliee.

I forgot my camera in the car so I only have a few phone photos - sorry!

Here is my Best in Show.  While the subject is a sad one, the memorial quilt is really thoughtful and wonderful.

There was a wonderful Red & White exhibit and this one was my favorite.

And here is an example of really creative quilting on a border.

While cleaning out the attic on Saturday I found several quilts and tops I had forgotten about.   Here is a little paper pieced flying geese that I made in 1997.

the backing fabric is shipping tags.

In the attic I found this school house quilt that I made in 1993, the first year my son went to pre-school.  Wow, I guess it really didn't care how that printed fabric on the borders was cut!  The lattice has quilted school houses in red thread.

I'll have some more "treasures" from the attic to share soon.

Back to cleaning....Have a great week!


  1. Have fun cleaning and walking down memory lane Barb! Jill's quilt is gorgeous - thanks for sharing!!!!

  2. The quilts are beautiful! I love Jill's quilt, I can see why the judges loved it too.
    Cleaning is good and bad, you never know what you will find!

  3. Your friend's quilt is outstanding, I'm sure you'll find all kinds of treasures as you clean and sort. And I'm sure you'll find all kinds of other things too! It's refreshing to purge once in awhile. Good luck!

  4. I loved Jills quilt too, so glad it won a ribbon.
    the red and white was my favorite too and the quilt made such a statement I asked Jan what it said...
    Ashes of Death
    I thought this quilt was so powerful.
    there was one more quilt I just loved and the workmanship on it was amazing.

  5. Jill's quilt is very cool - love the quilting too. And I don't mind those borders on your school house quilt at all - the whole thing is very charming!

  6. A great post Barb and perfect for showing how quilts always tell a story whether it be happy or tragic.

  7. Nice to have company on this moving journey :0), the cleaning, packing, sorting, and donating isn't that much fun but it will pay off in the end....right???

    Happy Sewing

  8. I just love the quilt Jill made. The quilting is really neat. Congrats to her.

  9. Jill's quilt is beautiful and so is the quilting! Love the red/white quilt. Thanks for did Mother's Garden do?

  10. I was thrilled when Jill told me she had won judges choice. It is such a sweet quilt:)
    Love the r&w paper cutting quilt. It is amazing!!

  11. I can hear the little mice friends singing along with you! : )
    Congrats to Jill! What a beautiful quilt she made!
    I love your teeny flying geese mini, Barb!

  12. I am just catching up on blog reading so it is new news that you are moving. Wow, 200 boxes!! Keep your head down Cinderelly, you've got your work cut out for you. Thanks for sharing your found treasures. I bet there won't be much new quilting done for awhile.

  13. Congratulations to your friend Jill - Her quilt is absolutely lovely! Your phone takes great pictures. I enjoyed your little sample from the show. That border quilting is an interesting idea.
    I like your little schoolhouse quilt - I can't wait to see what else you uncover :0)
    Good luck with your packing!!

  14. I love your friend's quilt! It is gorgeous!! It's fun finding forgotten things, but I know it's a lot of work doing all the sorting & preparation for moving. Good luck with your move.

  15. Thanks Barb, to you and your wonderful blog friends, for the compliments on my quilt. I have to say, I cannot take credit for the hand quilting (all thumbs here, only machine quilting). "Keep on keeping on", Barb.

  16. Thrilled Jill won a ribbon for that beautifull quilt and treasures in the attic rather than the trunk.
    Shall look forward to what else you are going to dig out.

  17. That schoolhouse quilt is so beautiful.

  18. Jill's quilt really deserved that ribbon, it is beautiful.
    I feel for you cleaning out...I just sold my house and now I am packing and packing and packing.
    Good luck with selling!

  19. So glad you found time to come down from the attic, Cinders, to share some fab quilts. Love Jill's quilting, the red roosters brought a smile to my face!(that's a fast food chain here in Aus). As usual your own treasures are wonderful. Love the wonky plaid broders.
    Hope the packing continues to go well, what does Ms Coco think of all this I wonder?

  20. I love your post title, its so cute to think of you as Cinderelly! You sure are finding some treasures!! Jill's quilt is so beautiful!! Thank you for showing us your favourites, love the red and white one! Have fun cleaning and packing.

  21. Packing and moving - sending you good Karma.
    Love the treasures from your attic - looking forward to more.
    Congrats to Jill.
    Thank you for the show pictures - wonderful quilts!

  22. the red and white rooster quilt is wonderful~!!~

    i also love your little flying geese quilt and wasn't surprised at yet another stand out backing choice~! even back then.


  23. What fun to see your blasts from the past! Looking forward to more.
    Jill's quilt is wonderful; not surprising that her piece was the judge's choice. I love it! Your choice certainly is thought provoking.

  24. So fun to find treasures you forgot you had! Love the wonky border on the schoolhouse quilt. Good luck with all your cleaning and sorting.
    Congrats to Jill! Love her design, colors and fan quilting.

  25. Well, Hello Cinderella!
    You have been working non-stop. Treasures from the attic are so fun to find and your treasures are so spectacular! I actually love that wonky print border on Andrew's pre-school quilt.
    Jill, I hope you are reading this. Congratulations! Your quilt is beautiful. Your quilting is so amazing! It makes me want to take a second look at my soft pastels.

  26. The quilts are all wonderful. I love Jill's winning quilt with the Baptist fan quilting.

  27. You've shared a very special group of quilts, both the ones from the show and yours from the past. Your earlier quilting is a lot more special and charming, compared to what I'd find around my house. I especially like the little houses, with the border just as it is.
    Thanks for sharing them with us.

  28. Congratulations to Jill, her quilt is wonderful. Loved seeing the others. The Japanese one is very poignant. Love the other sna dwill have to file away the neat border quilting idea.
    The quilts from your past are such a treat to see.

  29. I don't envy you the moving and cleaning but it must be fun to find things you haven't seen in years! I cringe when I look at my old projects!

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  31. Love, love, love your schoolhouse quilt. I would have to display that one all the time. Wonky borders are my favorite - so antique looking! Thanks for sharing Barb, and hope your move is going well.

  32. Dear Cinderella

    Thanks for taking the time to show us some quilts. I specially liked the quilting on the first one, and your flying geese quilt is so cute.

  33. I hope you put a sleeve on that schoolhouse quilt and hang it up somewhere....and the flying geese, too. Love them both.

  34. I like the quilting design on Jill's quilt. A winner for sure!

    I just realized there was no Friday Fun with Barb.

  35. It will be neat to see what quilt finds you come up with to share with all of us

  36. Barb, i can't believe you've had them stashed away all these years!! I love them both but especially the small house quilt.. gorgeous fabrics, it look so vintagey :))) cheers Marian

  37. Oh Barb! Jills quilt is spectacular! You will have to let me know where you are moving. Back to IL?


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