
Friday, March 22, 2013

Fun For Friday - I'm LEAVING!!

Just for the weekend.....
This weekend is our annual Shawnee Retreat!  Hooray!! I'm Saved!

But first a little Frida love.  I bought 3 yards of this fabulous fabric at the Lancaster Quilt Show.  Won't this make a wonderful backing?

This is my favorite art book of her work.  She was a talented and fascinating woman.

Little Day of the Dead figures of Frida and Diego keep company with my thread.

Today I'm also sharing a fun note and photos I received from Gwen Marston (my mentor, idol and friend.)  It was such a fun surprise for me.

Here is a photo from 1995, my first Beaver Island  retreat with my dear friend, Mary B.  The theme was log cabin quilts and  I made 1 small quilt a day.

Gwen in on the far left, I don't know who is in the brown pants, then me looking totally dorky in a denim dress and sweatshirt (nice hair, lol) and my Mary.

Here is the log cabin quilt that Mary made.  I loved it then; I love it now.

Here is what I'll be working on at the Retreat:

The Flying Geese project:

And my king sized bed nine-patch quilt (not worked on since the retreat 2 years ago - ooops.)  I even added some more of those chinzy looking brown florals.  Oh yea, I have a backing already.  Now I just need to SEW!

I hope you are doing something really fun this Weekend and Happy Spring!


  1. Wow!! Love those wild flying geese! Can't wait to see how that develops. Good luck on getting the king size George 9-patch done! I know how hard it is to get such a big one done. Have fun at the retreat!

  2. Have fun this weekend. I love your new fabric! Love everything you've shown actually, especially the flyong geese.

  3. I love the quilt show fabric, I did not see that one.
    Your flying geese is awesome, I think I just pinned that kind of quilt the other day. Is your goal to get the "presidents" quilt done at the retreat?
    The log cabin quilt is a classic, even if your denim skirt is not (:
    Full disclosure I owned one too...

  4. Loved that picture of you in 1995! LOL. Need any more brown florals? I have some and I love what you are doing with it.

  5. Love your projects for your retreat I'm sure you'll make lots of progress. The backing fabric you bought is fabulous can't wait to see what you use it for.

    In July Gwen Marsden is coming to Australia and I have booked into a one day workshop with her. I am terribly excited about it and will be counting the days till then. The photo from 1995 is lots of fun. Happy sewing!

  6. What a fun post! The Frida fabric is great, and your Flying Geese- love them. Hope you make great progress on your quilts at retreat, and enjoy a little chocolate and chatter, too. Show us what you get done. Have fun.

  7. So sweet! Your smile is still the same as it was then in your dorky skirt.. LOL
    Love the backing fabric. Flying Geese are so fun and happy.. Like this post! Have a great time at your retreat.

  8. It's always fun to look back and see what we were wearing and doing years past. We will probably say the same thing about today's pictures in twenty years. :)

    Haven't commented for a while but have been following along and have enjoyed your posts. Have fun at your retreat!


  9. Your quilts and fabric choices really reflect your retreats to Beaver Island and your tutalige under Gwen M. Love the denim!

  10. What a silly photo!! Gotta love that skirt! lol
    Have a fun weekend. Looks like some great projects to work on.

  11. have a great retreat. wonderful note from Gwen. no, you don't look dorky.

  12. Yeah for retreats!! Have a marvelous time! That backing fabric is so interesting. The flying geese project is so happy and bright. I look forward to seeing your progress on both projects. :0)

  13. I think you will definitely be having more fun this weekend than I will!
    Another great backing fabric. How do you find them?
    Oh, those flying geese. Aren't they fun?
    Now who would have thought to put George, chintzy stuff and 9-patch blocks all together on one bed--and it works! Love it, Barb!
    Have a great weekend!

  14. LOVE your flying geese project! Great fabrics.:)

  15. I know you've already gone, but I hope you have a great time.

  16. You're my hero(ine) with your wonderful backing fabrics. Nothing is too unique to use, compared to what I see you using. Makes me braver, and that's good.
    I'm sure you're having a great time at the retreat. Happy quilting!

  17. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Frida Kahlo fabric. I have read every book I can get my hands on about her (and Diego) - you could say I'm a little obsessed. I can stare at her artwork for hours - its so emotional. I'll have to look for some of this fabric - can't wait to see what you use it for. Have fun at your retreat!!! XX Dixie

  18. Such fabulous fabric!!I'm a huge Frida Kahlo fan!! I love her art work and she had such a fascinating life. Your flying geese blocks are so fun and colourful, they look like they're fun to sew. Wishing you a super fun weekend away.

  19. One more great fabric post..makes me wanna drive up there with my scissors!!! U are motivating me to stop already with the relaxing pablum and get to work with some of my favorite fabrics. Have a wonderful time.

  20. Nice pics; I do like the flying geese especially. You made me go and look up Frida Kahlo. I've seen her photo round a lot recently, but never knew her story. Thanks for opening up my mind.

  21. Groovy picture - fun to look back.
    You have a gift with fabric - buying and using!

  22. Monady morning catch up for me....I hope retreat was tons of fun and very productive.
    I worked all week end, but since I work in a fabric shop it isn't too bad. ;)

  23. Hope you enjoyed the retreat! Love the projects you are taking along.
    We all have those dorky photos! lol
    Spring? It's snowing here today!

  24. I hope you had a wonderful retreat Barb. I LOVE that chintz quilt -- it's going to be fabulous!!!

  25. That's great backing fabric Barb and your flying geese project is great. Hope you had fun at the retreat and hope to see photos!

  26. Love the flying geese. Hope you got lots done and had a fab time away!!


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