
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Popping in to report on the little bit if quilting I've done lately.

Hand quilting update on the Jubilee quilt.

Here is the back view.  You can really see how the wool has great loft and body.  I'm loving it.  Surprisingly, I'm using a size 9 between.  It has great strength and I'm able to achieve small stitches (small enough for me anyway).

If you are wondering if those circles are a pain to quilt, YES they are.  But I like the look with the stuffed berries.

Here is an update on the projects I took to the retreat, which was fabulous!

I got all the blocks pieced on this.  I have to get it on the wall and play with it.

Here are my blocks for my eventual king sized bed quilt.  I'm loving it so far.

and Hooray!  I purchased one of Lori's quilts from AAQI.  I've been wanting to and when I saw this one it really spoke to me.  Lori has done an amazing job toward achieving her goal of $1000. for this worthy organization.

That's a wrap for me.  Have a somber and joyful Easter week if you celebrate, and if you don't Happy Spring!


  1. Gorgeous quilting on your Jubilee quilt. Yes, I was wondering if those circles were a pain to quilt. : )
    Your dizzy geese (or whatever you call them--they are going every which way, so I thought they might be dizzy) looks like a fun project. Is it lap or bed size?
    Your George quilt (don't know what you call it, either) is looking very handsome. Love the double 9-patch blocks.
    I got one of Lori's quilts this time around, too! Congrats on yours. You have to move fast!

  2. Then hand quilting really adds a lot to your jubilee quilt! Beautiful!

  3. Yea for your Jubilee - it's looking fabulous. My center is almost done - can't wait. Your other projects look great - very productive!

  4. Your Jubilee OMG!!!!! the quiting is just amazing! Love it

  5. Thank you again for purchasing my little AAQI quilt. it means so much to me.
    No comparing my ginormous hand quilting stitches with your lovely Jubilee quilting!! OK?
    Love me some George!!

  6. Oh my goodness! That hand quilting looks amazing! Your patience is amazing. Love.. love.. love those flying geese blocks. You made quite a progress. King size quilt? I have made only one. And that's how it's going to be for a long time. I usually stop at queen.
    I am glad you got Lori's quilt. It's beautiful and found a perfect home.

  7. I like how the feathered wreath quilting has the red berries in the middle of the design. I would not like quilting those circles either but so worth it.

  8. oh gosh~!~your hand quilting is absolutely beautiful~!!~love the wool batts for their puffiness.

    you've got lots accomplished during your retreat. such a good feeling when that happens~!

    i thought that this little AAQI quilt was lovely too. i'm glad that you have given it a happy home.


  9. Gorgeous hand quilting on your jubilee quilt. That is going to be one fabulous quilt.

    Nice to have achieved so much on your retreat.

    Happy Easter Barb to you and yours's.

  10. Barb your Jubilee quilt is awesome! I am so in love with your hand quilting. I am also coveting the Flying Geese quilt, I love the colors your chose.
    King size huh? very brave girl! Lori's quilt is wonderful, I need to make another one too.

  11. Barb your jubilee quilt is looking fantabulous! Good luck with all those berries, they will be worth in the end :) love your other quilts and how great that you have one of Loris little quilts.

  12. The hand quilting on the wool batting really creates a beautiful texture and does almost look like trapunto. Your wild geese are just too cute!

  13. All such great projects, but I LOVE Jubliee! Such beautiful hand quilting!!

  14. Wow! You've got a lot done! I LOVE that Jubilee quilt - can't wait to see it finished. And the King's quilt too. Happy Easter!

  15. Love how the quilting is looking. And the Flying Geese quilt is stunning. You got a lot done on retreat. Whenever I go, I ask myself why I'm doing this during the packing- it feels as if my whole sewing room is coming with me. But once there, I'm delighted with all that gets done plus the fellowship among participants.

  16. OMGosh what a gorgeous quilt! Your quilting designs are stunning. Well Done!!


  17. OMG, your Jubilee quilt looks fantabulastic. I love it.

  18. Your quilting looks so beautiful!! I like the background diagonal lines. It will be fun to watch your progress with this quilt. Your geese look wonderful as well.

  19. Your Jubillee quilt is fabulous. Love the puffy berries. I love quilting with wool. The only reason I use a small needle is because I feel I have more control.
    Looks like you got a lot done at the retreat. You are such an inspiration.
    A joyful Easter to you, too!

  20. you are amazing! The quilting is fantastic! I love your other projects too and what a great purchase - I love that little quilt! Happy Easter to you and your family xxx

  21. The hand quilting looks sensational and I love your flying geese a lot. I've never made a king size quilt but I'm cheering you on. It looks fabulous too.

  22. Fabulous texture on your Jubilee quilt; it's looking good. Fun to see all the progress you've made on the three quilts; retreats are great for progress, not to mention the fun friend time.

  23. Visiting your blog is fun! I love to see the progress on your quilts. The Jubilee is gorgeous, and flying geese are definitely in my future. But what I really want to know - are you going to call the last top, "George Washington Sleeps Here?"

  24. Barb, your hand quilting is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! Cant wait to see it finished! Love the flying geese blocks. Enjoy your Easter break.

  25. I gasped when I saw your amazing Jubilee Quilt quilting. Those little berries are poppingly gorgeous!! Your flying geese is one big flock of happiness, love all those fun colours and fabrics! Lori's quilt is a treasure and has gone to the right home. Happy Easter to you!!

  26. Your Jubilee quilt is stunning - such a beautiful quilt and your lovely quilting.
    Your other projects are great too.
    Congrats on getting one of Lori's AAQI quilts and contributing to such a great effort.
    Have a good week!

  27. OMG are you one talented quilter. Your eye candy is getting me motivated, in my mind's eye anyway!!!

  28. Love your hand quilting. Looks beautiful.

  29. Your hand quilting is beautiful, Barb. What a great quilt. I love the flying geese, too. I can see that quilt made up of my Kaffe fabrics that I seldom cut in to. Great projects!

  30. your hand quilting is gorgeous. I would not want to do those circles!

  31. I think I left the wrong comment on the wrong post, but I wanted to make sure that I complimented you on the Flying Geese blocks. Love, love, love. You almost persuade me to add another project to my growing list!

    Elizabeth E.


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