
Friday, April 5, 2013

Fun For Friday - Food Fun!!

Hooray!  Today I'm making a total mess of the kitchen and is it fun!

Our house went on the market on Tuesday and we've been super blessed to have received 3 offers in the first 2/3 days.  We accepted one and the family is thrilled to buy our home - whew!

So after keeping the kitchen clean, clean, clean I'm having a great time messing it up.

My son ordered "Bubble Room Orange Crunch Cake" for his Birthday celebration this weekend - great choice, I love it!

Here is the Bubble Room restaurant in Captiva, FL that invented this fabulous cake.

And here is their Orange Crunch cake -

Click HERE for the recipe.   I'll photograph my finished cake this weekend.

The secret to this cake is a layer of walnuts, brown sugar, butter and graham cracker crumbs.   No, I'm not gorging on candy, lol, it is for another project.


The cake batter has 1/2 cup orange juice and 2 TBs of orange zest.  It's fragrant and delicious.

I got a really fun and funny give away prize in the mail.  I won the Downton Abbey T-shirt from my blog buddy and recent AQS Lancaster Winner, Teresa of Fabric Therapy .

Check out this address - what a hoot she is!  Thanks Teresa!

Thank you to all who have asked about our moving process.   We are house hunting this weekend and hopeful to move in early June.   Now that the house is sold, maybe I'll get a little sewing done.

Have a fun weekend!



  1. I am soooo happy for you that your house sold quickly! What a huge relief! Keeping up appearances for the sake of a potential sale is about the worst aspect of moving. One of the best aspects of moving? Looking at houses to buy in the new place and dreaming of all that your family will do there. Good luck with the rest of your moving process. And may you find time for some good ole fabric therapy.

    P.S. The cake looks fabulous - love the idea of the baked-in crunchy layer.

  2. Congratulations on the sale of your home. Love the T shirt!! AND your new header picture--very happy! :-) Have a great weekend

  3. I'm so glad your house is sold. That's one less thing to think about as you prepare to move. I hope the house hunting goes just as well. That shirt is so fun and Teresa is right about the Master Quilter :0) That cake looks dangerously good.

  4. Wow, that was a fast sale!! Congrats--and have fun in that kitchen. What a pain to have to keep everything "presentable". Good that it didn't have to go on too long! : )
    That cake sounds mean. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  5. I was just thinking of you today and wondering what you have been up to.Now I know! Congratulations on the 'SOLD'. Isn't it fun to mess it all up after being on tip toes for a while?
    That cake sounds yummy! Happy Birthday to Andrew. Hope your house hunting trip involves lots to choose from and you find one with a really nice sewing room.
    By the way, a perfectly addressed envelop by your friend!
    Have fun this weekend!

  6. Congrats on such a quick sale! Now on to the fun part, finding your next new perfect home.

  7. What?!! You had to keep the kitchen clean, clean, CLEAN for 3 whole days? lol Seriously, congratulations. I've been through two long, stressful house sales so I am happy that you didn't have to go through that. Good luck on the weekend. Hope you find the house (and more importantly, the sewing room) of your dreams!

  8. Oh, and that cake looks delicious! *Pinning*!

  9. How exciting! Congratulations on the quick sale!
    The cake looks fantastic!!

  10. Congrats on your quick home sale. That cake looks fabulous.

  11. Happy Birthday to your son, looks like a fabulous cake too.
    Congratulations on selling the house so quick, now you can relax, well sort of.....hope you find something you like this weekend.
    Do the new buyers have kids?
    Did you use the apron to make the cake?

  12. OOps saw it was a t-shirt not an apron...

  13. Not surprised your house sold quickly it looks really lovely. Big relief for you though, good luck with the house hunting. Love the address on the envelope, true of course and the t shirt is a real hoot.

  14. Wonderful news on the house sale..that kind of thing can be tricky and stressful...all meant to is hoping a wonderful new sewing room for you coming right up.

  15. Congratulations! I hope they can get a mortgage! We had to sell our house 3 times because the 1st two could not get a mortgage, we are still waiting for the closing, but hopefully these folks can get their acts together we can be done with this by May 1st. It is nice to be in the new house though while waiting.

    Happy Sewing and best of luck

  16. Oh, my goodness! that was fast. Congrats! on selling your house so quickly!
    OOO! that cake sounds yummy!

  17. Yay! The house sold quickly! BooHoo! You're leaving! The cake looks so good. I wish I had had that recipe when my mom was around: she loved orange cake. Messing up the kitchen is the best therapy not involving fabric!

  18. Hooray for your speedy house sale - and that is encouraging to know real estate is beginning to spark! That cake sounds sooooo good and what a fun looking restaurant.

    Happy house hunting - may it contain the sewing studio of your dreams!!

    PS - love the D. A tee shirt.

  19. So glad your house sold so quickly! Keeping everything clean, clean, clean is a pain.
    Now on to the packing. Good luck with that and with your house hunt.

  20. OOOPPPs forgot,that cake looks yummy! And I would love to eat at that place.

  21. Congrat's on the quick house sale, love your flowery new header, the cake looks yummy, and WHERE CAN I BUY THAT T-SHIRT?!? I adore it and need something other than quilting T-shirts in my closet.

  22. Congratulations on such a quick sale of your home.
    That cake looks delicious!!
    Good luck with looking for your new home.
    Happy baking .... and sewing!

  23. Congratulations on selling your house so quickly! When we've sold houses in the past, I've always hated keeping the house in show condition and have thought to myself, "Do real people live like this?!?"

    That orange crunch cake looks delicious and I may have to try it someday. Do you have any trouble getting the layers out of the pan after baking?

  24. Wow, that was a quick sale. Good luck house hunting.
    My mouth is watering over that cake!

  25. congrats thats so exciting and the best news! I hate having a house on the market so happy for you it was FAST!
    good luck searching for the next house

  26. How wonderful that your house sold so quickly!! I hope you find your new home equally fast.

    That cake looks amazing, I can almost taste it :0)


  27. Fantastic your home is sold and you can move on with your life. How excting.
    I hope you have luck finding another home quickly so you can get back to your sewing again.

  28. Holy moley! That is fantastic. How nice to not have to keep pretending that you don't actually live in your home.

  29. What brilliant news about your house. I hope the house-hunting goes well for you this weekend.

  30. That's an amazing house-selling story -- just goes to show that you have fabulous taste! (Btw, I'd be curious to know if you followed all the new-age thinking that says you have to strip all personal things from your house. That seems like such a daunting task to me!) That cake looks fabulous -- I think I even pinned it the other day LOL!

  31. You lucky won the Carson shirt...enjoy!

  32. A super big congratulations on the sale of your house!! It's wonderful it sold so quickly!! Enjoy making fun mess! That cake looks so yummy!! I might just have to have a go at making it one day. I remember making a red velvet cake after seeing it on your blog, I think your son requested that one too. That T-Shirt is so hilarious!!

  33. Ps - I LOVE your new header - so perfect for spring!!

  34. I showed Phil this post and he's going to make that yummy cake!! And he LOVED your header!!

  35. Wow! That's amazing that your house sold so fast! I just talked with some friends at church yesterday and they have had their house on the market for 6 months here in Texas near Dallas and no offers. Either that, or people could not get a mortgage.

  36. Congratulations on the house sale! my that was quick! You must have a beautiful home. All the best for finding a new one. Love the new header!

  37. Congratulations on your house sale!Could you post some tips that you did for us? Many of are going thru that process now and of course want that quick sale too!! Thanks!!

    And that cake looks awesome!!!

  38. Awesome news - Barb! So great to have a quick sale, and move on to your next adventure. The orange crunch cake looks amazing - will definitely have to try it sometime!

  39. I am so happy for you that your house sold so quickly!

  40. I finally figured out BlogLovin and you're my second add to that list I'm building! I guess we'll all have to adjust now that Google Reader is leaving.

    LOVE the T-shirt. Now I've got to find out where to get one.

    And love the quilting on your Jubilee quilt. You've been quite productive while trying to keep the house clean for prospective buyers. I hope you find one that you like!

    Elizabeth E.


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