
Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun For Friday - Candy Land

Happy Friday Again!  My Lollipop Garden Quilt header is perfect for today's theme.

Last Friday I was busy making a cake for my son's Birthday.  I was able to take a photo just in the nick of time before it gone!

FYI - I use home made butter cream frosting and added the zest, instead of the tub of frosting and cool whip.


Here is what I made with all the candy that laying around the kitchen last week.

It is a Candy Bouquet!  Here are the steps to making one.

Find a large vase and fill with with some candy.  I used Hershey's kisses.
Cut a swimming noodle to fit in the neck of the vase.

Using a couple squares of tissue paper wrap the noodle and insert into the neck of the vase.

Using Bamboo sticks (I bought them at the grocery store near the grilling supplies). Hot glue the candy to the sticks.  I also included a gift card.  I think photos or a CD would be fun too.  I used varying lengths of sticks but just snapping off a piece from the top.

 Then you insert the candy sticks into the swimming noodle arranging as you would flowers.


After all the candy is in place, I tucked pinched squares of tulle to fill in the gaps.  You can also use colored tissue paper.  I used a pre-made bow to decorate the vase.

And there you have it!  Who wouldn't love one of these?  Andrew sure did!

Yay!  I finished my flying geese quilt top.  My goal is to get it basted today.


Warm weather has finally reached us in NJ!  I was able to enjoy my favorite quilting location. 

And of course coco is loving the yard time with me!

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Your FG quilt is awesome! I have always loved FG. The problem is, I don't love making them! One of these days I want to make a quilt with lots of them though.

  2. Fun candy bouquet. Your flying geese quilt is amazing. So colorful!

  3. Your flying geese top is awesome! Wild and fun!
    It was nice getting that shot of warmth this week. Maybe a little too hot here where it hit 90 degrees on April 10th but it was nice after such cool weather.
    Love your stitching spot. Looks like everything you need is right there!

  4. Your flying geese top reminds me of a similar quilt I made back in my early quilting days. Mine was full of tropical prints and solids available in the early 90s. No pictures, and I gave the quilt to someone who needed hugs at the time. Great prints and colors in yours, and the whole effect is very crisp and invigorating!

  5. Love that candy bouquet - very clever! And is that wine that I see next to your hand quilting? Somehow I don't think that would work out well for me!

  6. What an adorable candy bouquet! I will have to remember that one.
    LOVE your flying geese....hand or machine quilted?

  7. Thanks for the candy bouquet tutorial! I do know someone who would love it.
    A girl after my own of wine on the table to enjoy while quilting...bliss.

  8. I am not much of a candy eater but, yes, I would love to receive one of these. Just because it is unique.

  9. Your flying geese quilt is so bright and happy, makes me want to make one too. Love all those bright colours.

  10. Your favorite quilting location looks wonderful! Green grass cheerful pansies... we have snow here again and more in the forecast. I love your flying geese top - does it ever look fabulous draped over your chair! I hope the basting goes well.

  11. Oh your "geese beaks" are so nice and pointy!! I canNOT get points to point it that quilt!! Julierose

  12. How super cute! What a clever idea. I like that you put a healthy subway card in the middle of all that candy too. Your flying geese look wonderful. You're amazing -- shouldn't you be packing or something LOL? And you have warm weather? I thought you pretty much get what we have but a day later. If that's the case, cold weather is on it's way. ;-(

  13. Love the candy bouquet!
    The flying geese quilt turned out so cute! Sure wish I could sit outside and enjoy the warm weather:)
    happy weekend.

  14. Your geese are great - cheery and fun! They make me want to run right to the fabric store for some fun new prints to make my own version, but I will be good and stick to the finishing I've committed to.

    I hope you have an equally wonderful favorite quilting spot in your new home.

    Thanks for the candy vase tutorial; it's a cute idea to keep in mind.

  15. Such a happy FG quilt - made me smile instantly. Glad you are having nice weather - ice storm last night up here (grrrr). Enjoy the weekend - love the candy bouquet too!

  16. That candy bouquet is a great idea! I think I may try it for our young adults' birthdays. Like your flying geese quilt too.
    We're finally warming up after the ice storm and I'm really looking forward to warmer temperatures! Just a little too cool to be quilting outdoors at this point.

  17. Have a SWEET weekend!
    Love all your quilts - you have a great sense of color and the way you mix prints....
    A little outdoor time here, but we're ot out of the snow zone yet.

  18. Was pouting so much after seeing your favorite quilting spot on Green Grass - well could hardly see straight!
    Then spotted the glass of wine - can I come for a visit?

    Your candy bouquet is so fun as is that happy flying geese quilt.

    Guess I will go pout some more as it has been snowing all day here.

  19. The candy bouquet is a wonderful idea!! I will have to remember it for parties.

    Love your flying geese quilt, so bright and cheerful :0)


  20. Oh I sure would like one of those bouquets :0) How delightful.

    Enjoy your favorite quilting spot, I wonder what your next one will look like? How is the house hunting going?

    Happy Spring AND HAPPY BASTING on your beautiful flying geese divine!

  21. Your quilt is fabulous. I struggle with flying geese. They seem to stretch on me

  22. You are sooo creative :). The FG looks wonderful and I can't wait to see what's been happening with the Jubilee quilt. Have a great weekend.

  23. Love what you did with the candy!

    I love your flying geese quilt. I personally love how they look, but have the hardest time making good geese myself. I really have to master those blocks.

  24. I love the bouquet. I received something similar from my daughter on Mother's Day. It was all Roses chocolates - do you have those over where you are? - so she bought me a bouquet of Roses. It was so pretty I didn't open it for about 2 weeks.

  25. The candy bouquet is awesome! I hope I remember this when I actually need it. I truly LOVE your flying geese quilt. So happy!

  26. From Candy to Eye Candy your post is good enough to eat. It's a great idea to use a pool noodle to stick the skewers into. Your Flying Geese quilt is the best!! I love it's movement and happy colours!

  27. Warm weather....oh, how nice. We are still having snow storms.

    Everything about your post is so cheerful today! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas and finishes - all are great! :)


  28. Started visiting and love all your posts!!

    Those candy bouquests look yummy!!What a great idea!!

    I really enjoyed seeing your flying geese. I love the colors. I'm going to attempt making one so we'll see. Thanks!!

  29. that candy bouquet is fabulously FUN~!!!~
    i'll have to make one . . . i'm trying to think of a good occasion. maybe one doesn't need a good occasion to make it~!!!~LOL


  30. Now That is a vase of sweetness!! Luuuurve your flying geese quilt.

  31. Yummy! looking cake. Great bouquet too.
    I love your quilt and it looks like a great place to quilt. I like to do hand work outside too when it is nice.

  32. What a great gift!
    And I am totally jealous of you being able to stitch in the great's snowing here today :(


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