
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun For Friday - How to Make a Quilt

Hello - Just checking in with a couple of fun items to share. 

While going through over 20 years of "kid" papers, like writing assignments, homemade cards, school art project, etc, I found this gem.

This 4 page book was made by my now 20 year old daughter, Hanna.  She was probably 6-8 years old.

"How to Make a Quilt" by Hanna

Take a needle and thread -

And now you have a finished top -

Add borders and now you are done -

The dedication page on the back cover.

Oh, if only it were that simple - I love it!

My little coco had her first Dairy Queen this week.  It is an especial treat and she really enjoyed it, I was over so fast :)

I'll pop in next week for an update on my Cathedral Windows doll quilt which is all I'm working on when I can steal a few minutes.


  1. That how-to book is priceless! Even the child-writing is so cute. Blue and purple crayon is just the ticket. Lucky Coco!

  2. Hope you put that priceless booklet in a treasure box. Yum, a Dairy Queen sounds good.

  3. Love the book, Barb. Had she watched your process and just streamlined the instructions? : )

  4. That book is priceless!!! Coco will be dreaming of eating dairy queens now. I used to have a sweet little dog who would beg up on her two back feet when she saw ice cream. Thanks for making me smile with your wonderful post.

  5. How adorable, yes if only it was that easy!
    That ice cream looks good, especially today 94 here!

  6. Love the quilt book! So fun to save stuff like that. My lab loves ice cream too - she knows when I'm eating a scoop, and sits patiently until I'm done, so she can like the cup. :)

  7. I have a few gems like that saved. It's fun to show the grandkids some of their dad's papers!

  8. I have a few gems like that saved. It's fun to show the grandkids some of their dad's papers!

  9. Wow! Can we take lessons from Hanna? Love that style of quilting!!

  10. I was just flipping through Bloglovin' and saw the title of this little made me smile a big big smile and I had to comment! I have a 7 year old and so it just really makes me think of how innocent and simple things are at that age! :)

  11. LOVE the book. Obviously influenced at an early age. Where do the years go?
    Coco might be a Frosty Paws fan, so cute.
    Enjoy those bit of stitching time.

  12. So sweet. It's funny how kids minds think.

  13. That book is so cute! I wish it was that easy to make a quilt too.

  14. What a wonderful book. I love it. I think you should print it onto fabric and make the quilt!

  15. Love this post - I used to love when my girls' friends would come over and they would all bundle up in quilts I had made to watch tv. Happy memories.

  16. Fun to see that little book! I think some of my non-quilter friends still think it's that easy.

  17. Very cute! It takes me forever to clean out because I spend so much time reminiscing over things like Hanna's book.
    Congrats to the new grad!


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