
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quilts = Priceless


Here is an update on the Cathedral Windows doll quit.  I try to get a little done here and there.  I've really enjoyed this process.

My moving date is finally about 1 week away!  Since I consider my quilts priceless, I've moved them all to a friends' house.

I didn't count, but Margaret is a trusted and dear friend and is so generous to offer her home as a storage for them.

I stacked them up and wrapped them with sheets.

This is a big bundle~

Here they are at Margarets house.  bye quilts.....see you in July.

On the home front, the sewing room is closed for business.  I have pre-organized everything for the packers so I'll know what is where.

It was a sad day when I took down the design wall.  I'll be replacing it and maybe I'll do a tutorial. It is so easy to make.

Sad....I'll never have another sewing room like this one.

On Sunday I celebrated the end of my Jubilee year.  I am grateful to my friends and family for making it a special day. 

I want to share this great gift that I received.  (I actually got 2 from different people....guess they know me :)

This is an icicle that you freeze and insert into a bottle of wine to keep it perfectly chilled.  It can also be used to quick chill red to the perfect temperature.


I don't know when I'll be back, but thank you all for the support during this move.  I hope to come back with fun and inspiration from Connecticut.  In the meantime, happy sewing!


  1. Hope all goes well with the move. Your cathedral windows mini is darling. I'd be mourning the loss of that sewing room, too.

  2. Your cathedral windows looks really great. Sad to see your sewing room all packed up:(. But...looking forward to seeing your new space. Happy birthday and happy moving day!

  3. Good luck with the move! Hope to see you down the road a piece!

  4. Cathedral Window just sparkles! Good luck with your move- it looks as if you have kept on top of the organizing. Oh yes, that sewing room is beyond lovely! But you're taking the creative spark that makes it work with you, so no worries.

  5. It must have been a wrench to walk away from all your fab quilts for weeks; what a happy reunion you'll have in July!

    Best of luck to you as the moving date arrives. Then the settling in begins...may you find some awesome quilt buddies right off. (Really, aren't they more important than finding a doctor or dentist??)

  6. Good Luck in my State! I am in the Seastern part--on the shore...hope to hear from you when you are moved in...hugs, Julierose

  7. It's all good - may you bloom and flourish in your new home. Maybe a doll quilt is the answer for my Cathedral Window quilt, I started it in 1992!! So sad that I have so many ufo's.

  8. Looks like you're all set! Good Luck with the move -- I can't wait until you're up and running again!

  9. Good luck with the move girlfriend!!

  10. happy moving can't wait to see the new house :)
    new sewing room
    love those cathedral windows... I quilt I don't think I could ever make.

  11. The doll quilt is so cute - I love cathedral window quilts. Actually, that is the first quilt I ever started (not the first one finished though) Hee Hee! Good luck with the move. It's a huge chore!

  12. Your Cathedral Window quilt is so very pretty! Comforting to know your quilts are in a safe place. I feel for you in the loss of your wonderful sewing room. I know you will continue to make fabulous quilts from your new place and I can't wait to see them as they progress :0) I hope your transition to Connecticut goes well. I'll be thinking about you.

  13. LOVE your itty-bitty Cathedral Windows! That should be one of the first things you hang to christen your new sewing room! : )
    Oh, I wish you well with your move. (You did have a pretty sweet sewing room set-up, didn't you?)

  14. New experiences are just around the corner. Wishing you a safe and smooth move.

  15. I love Connecticut and hope you do too. My sister lived there for 18 years and is moving back this summer. I can't wait to start visiting her there! The state certainly provides you with some good quilt weather.

  16. Safe is so exciting!

  17. Good luck with your moving! Brilliant way to take care of your quilts so you won't worry about them.:)

  18. Barb, your cathedral windows is lovely!!! Best of luck on your move! I feel your sense of loss when it comes to a sewing room. Mine is almost all packed up. "See" you in Connecticut! :o)

  19. Wishing you the very best in your new home. Hope time flies before you are sewing again. Your Cathedral Window is lovely. That is the first pattern I remember thinking that I would like to make. A high school boyfriend's grandma made one, and I fell in love with it. A dolly quilt is such a smart idea.

  20. Wishing you all the very best with the moving and settling into your new home. Happy birthday for last Sunday. That icicle is such a clever idea. Your Cathedral Window are absolutely beautiful, it's good your getting a few moments to stich.

  21. Good luck with the move. Make the bed then unpack the sewing room first! You can always go out to eat!

  22. Happy moving!!
    Look forward to hearing back from you when you're settled.
    xx k

  23. All the best for the move. This is both a sad and an exciting time for you. I'll be thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you when you emerge from unpacking all those boxes.

  24. Best of luck with your move. I just moved 3 months ago and am still mourning the loss of my 3 room sewing suite. Still working on setting up my new space. Hope all goes well for you and you enjoy your new home.

  25. I wish for you a smooth move, and a happy new home for you and your family.
    I also hope that your new sewing room will be open and your machine humming in no time.

  26. Your cathedral windows quilt is wonderful - glad you have some hand work during this slightly stressful time. Can't wait to see your new home. The corksickle is awesome - I need to look for one of those. Take care Barb, and we'll see you when we see you!

  27. Good luck with the move. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
    Looks like you are well organised.

    A belated Happy Birthday!

    Glad you have those catherdral windows to work on.

  28. Oh I do need some design wall ideas, I just moved too and where I had 24 feet of wall space in NY my sewing room here has slant ceilings and no space for a wall design board....ugh I've got to make some freestanding or to lean against a desk. We downsized and I should have given away even more stuff than I did, much of it has no place to go so it is still in packing boxes! Yes, I moved my quilts in the car :0).

    Safe move, happy unpacking and New Home too.

  29. HOpe your move goes well. Look forward to seeing your new sewing room when you are all settled.

  30. I hope your next sewing room ends up just as wonderful! It will probably feel like Christmas when you finally get to open everything back up :). Happy Birthday!

  31. Your cathedral windows is so darling - it does sparkle like stained glass windows indeed. Happy birthday. I wish you the best during your move, and hope you find some wonderful sewing space in your new home.

  32. How are the new digs coming along?

    Happy Sewing


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