
Friday, July 12, 2013

Fun For Friday - Chocolate Lab and Cake

Hello from Connecticut~  I hope you are having a great summer.  Our move was long, wet and difficult, but we are here and the unpacking has started and will continue for some time.

Coco is missing her fenced yard and freedom.  She'll be getting an invisible fence soon but in the meantime, I made her a frozen treat for fun.

Freeze in a bowl:
Beef or Chicken Broth
Miscellaneous treats (I used rawhide and jerky strips)
Miscellaneous rubber toys (if your dog likes them)

We put it in a plastic bowl on the deck.

We soon lost the bowl and I assisted to keep it from sliding around.

Coco moved to the grass for a better biting angle.

Then the front yard, where she kept a suspicious eye on me.  Our drive way winds around this large rock outcropping.  I am planning to do a lot of planting around it this fall and in the spring.

Success!  She finally got the rawhide out.  That's our new home behind her.  Not an older traditional home I had hoped for, but we love it.  It is set on 2 private acres.  Quite a switch from Jersey :)

And now for the beloved humans in my life - Copycat Chocolate Cake from Chicagoland's Portillos Restaurant.

On our recent trip to Illinois we made an emergency stop for Chicago Hot dogs - Oh my.....

All the recipes on line are the same Click Here.  Surprise a cup a mayonnaise - just like my friend Maureen's recipe. 

They all use Betty Crocker Frosting, but I always make my own.  Click Here for the one I like best.

Portillos' version here:

And Mine:

I hope your summer is filled with fun, family and some stitching - see you soon.


  1. Glad to hear you are "home" again! Looks like a beautiful place!
    What a clever looking doggie treat. But, oh my, that cake!! I don't know if I even dare click on the link for the recipe. I'd want to eat the whole thing myself. I'll at least save it for a future special occasion. : )

  2. Happy Homecoming. Hope Coco and family are all settled in soon. Enjoy your new home.

  3. Mmmmm nothing like potillo's. my favorite!

    Love that rich outcropping!

  4. I've been thinking of you lately and wondering how the move was going. Glad to hear you are all well and getting settled in. Looking forward to seeing the quilts in the new space! Wishing you many years of happiness in your new home!

  5. Oh the new place looks lovely, the outcropping is just begging for bulbs isn't it? How are the deer in the area? Maybe stick to daffodils if they are plentiful so you aren't just feeding them your tulips and crocuses!
    I hope you have many happy years in your new home :0).

    Happy Sewing

  6. What a fun foodie post! I currently have yam slices drying for dog chews...first time trying it.
    Congratualtions on the move milestone Celebrate each step - it is a lot of work. Your home and setting look beautiful.

  7. You are a good doggy mama! I was wondering if it was broiling as you were moving in...
    Wow 2 acres, I think you will enjoy the privacy it gives you. Be sure to do a post on your house. We need to see your new sewing room.
    Love the red white and blue toes!

  8. How nice to hear from you - you've been missed! So happy to hear you are settling in.
    That chocolate cake looks literally mouthwatering.

  9. So glad to see a post from you! Glad you are settling in. Coco's treat is a great idea - I bet our pups would love that and it would keep them busy for awhile. And that cake...OH MY...I really would like to have a nice slab of that right now!

  10. Yay! So glad to hear from you. You're new home looks totally gorgeous! Moving is such a huge upheaval, glad things are now coming together. Coco is such a lucky girl.

  11. That cake looks moist and yummy! Can you send me a slice :0) I'm so glad you like your new home. It has a traditional look to it - I think it looks lovely. The rock outcropping looks very pretty too - it'll be even better with some gardening love. Popsicles with surprises inside them... I think I could adapt that idea for my kids this summer. So glad you are back!

  12. Great to see you blogging again, Fridays aren't the same without a post from you. Coco must have been in heaven eating her doggie popsical. Your new house looks beautiful and you are going to have so much fun in your new garden. At least unpacking can be done at a slower pace, just one box at a time and it will all be put away in no time. Thanks for the chocolate cake link, mmm it sure looks delicious!!

  13. You 've been missed. Glad the actual move is over and the settling will just takes time. Your new home looks like it's in a beautiful location. Hope we can hear from you again soon. Loved the chocolate cake!

  14. Your new house is beautiful! Where do you live now?

  15. Hmmmmm..... Your new home wouldn't be in Manassas Virginia would it? The house looks suspiciously like my nephews house - which he just sold. That would be quite the coincidence.

  16. Welcome back Barb! We have missed you! Glad the move is OVER and sorry it was wet and miserable. Your new home looks wonderful. I am sure your quilts will look stunning in it. So pretty outside too. Coco looked like she was really enjoying her frozen treat.

  17. So great to see you back! Your new house and yard look wonderful, and it's nice to see Coco again too! That cake looks wonderful!

  18. glad you're getting settled in. whee 2 acres!

  19. I've been checking your blog wondering how you were doing with the big move. Glad to hear you are getting settled. Your new home looks lovely!

  20. wow 2 acres you must feel like you live in the woods now compared to NJ! The house looks beautiful , love the setting. Glad Coco is adjusting too.
    sorry to hear the move was long and difficult wishing you lots of happy memories in this house.

  21. So glad to see you back on the blog! Best wishes for many, many wonderful years in your new home! looks lovely! Did you find a new guild to join?

    Just a hint for that chocolate cake...try substituting some black coffee (I make a cup of instant coffee to use)for the milk. It makes a wonderful mocha icing! The cake looks yummy!

  22. Glad you are back to posting again. Look forward to seeing this beautiful house and 2 acres in your photos. coco looks happy with her cold treat! She looks right at home there!

  23. Happy to see you are getting settled in. I look forward to seeing more of your new digs as you unpack. (((Hugs)))

  24. Barb your home looks beautiful! And what a great idea on the frozen treat! I'll have to give that a try! Have fun with the unpacking. I'm almost....almost done!

  25. Yipee! You're back!!! So excited to see you "on the other side". I hope it wasn't awful -- I'm sure there's still a ton of stuff left to do. Your house looks gorgeous -- and 2 acres -- how wonderful!

    It looks like Coco is VERY happy in her new home LOL. And Oh Yum -- that cake looks divine!

  26. Glad the move went well and that you're all starting to settle in. Hope the unpacking proceeds well. You'll have fun in that garden!

  27. wow~!~looks like a terrific place to call "home"~!!~
    glad that you have arrived and are settling in.

    love your red, white and blue toenails and that special freezer everything but the kitchen sink cake that you made for Coco looks like it was a hit. i bet that Suki would like one of those too . . .

    and that cake. oh. my.


  28. What a great idea for a doggie treat!

    Love your patriotic toe nails - what fun.

    Thanks for the peek at your new home - lovely. Hope the settling in goes well and you feel at home in your new community in no time.

  29. I know you are so glad to be settled in.


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