
Friday, July 19, 2013

Fun For Friday - OMG! Quilt Surprise

Happy Friday from hot, HOT, HOT Connecticut!

Last weekend we went to a wedding in Indianapolis.  It was lovely and what a huge quilty discovery was found at the Columbia Club where the reception took place.

My long sought after, much appreciated, and endless source of inspiration - Political Campaign Bandanas!!!

I was so thrilled and whipped out my camera as fast as I could.

Here are two of my quilts that were inspired by political textiles.

What a huge quilt surprise~  Here is another one, meeting my friend, Mary, who lives in the Indianapolis area for a drink.

And finally, I guess the new trend at weddings is to have a fun photo booth.  It was really fun.  You leave a strip for the bride and groom and you get one to take home!

Boy you can tell we haven't been out lately :)

Have a great weekend and stay cool!


  1. A true quilter, pictures of fabric and none of the bride!
    Love your Mad Men dress.

  2. So tell us about the center of the quilt with the fine red and it inking? a preprinted bandanna? It looks lovely. Nice ribbons hanging on the quilt too :0. We have been to a wedding with a photo booth too then as a party favor a little handmade stained glass frame was given to each couple for their pictures from the booth. You look great!
    Cooler here in coastal NC then up in the northeast,,,crazy weather.

    Happy Sewing

  3. Photo Fun!
    I can see why they are a great addition to a wedding celebration.
    I just saw some other pics from a friend who stayed at the Columbia Club. Quite a place with all kinds of things.
    Glad you found the hankies, and I love your quilts.

  4. Yikes! You were SO close! No wonder it's been so quiet! Looks like you had a great time - what a fun surprise to find the political bandanas - you never know where fun stuff will pop up. You're looking HOT in those horns LOL!!!

  5. What a happy coincidence to see the campaign bandanas at the same place as the wedding reception! They're such works of art. I love your political textile-inspired quilts, too!

  6. Your quilts are so perfect with the political theme. I'm in CT right now and you're not kidding about hot hot hot!

  7. Your quilts are great designs "in the style of" the bandanas! They look like they belong in the display you found at the wedding reception venue.
    I've been to a wedding reception with a photo booth, but we didn't have such fun props--and from the looks of your photos, we aren't such fun people, either. Props probably wouldn't have helped that. : )

  8. Political bandanas are indeed very cool. So is that fun dress you are wearing!

  9. Always loved those quilts. Nice you got to visit with Mary.

  10. love that you are having so much fun with your photo booth photos~!!

    your quilts are absolutely stunning~! it's always a pleasure to see them.


  11. Ohhh I love your dress Barb!!! Those bandanas are so fabulous!! I've never seen any before, I'm going to search on the internet to find more. I love seeing your political quilts!! Those photos made me laugh, what a fun idea for a wedding.

  12. Lol! Love your photos Barb and your dress is gorgeous.

  13. How wonderful for you to see all that inspiration around you. But did you say it was at a wedding? Most people take photos of brides, but obviously not if you're a quilter!

  14. So appropriate for you to find the political bandanas! Looks like it was a fun trip. The photo booth pics are a hoot!

  15. What fun! Love your beautiful dress!

  16. What a fun post. You look great - the move must agree with you.

  17. What a great post!! U surely do get out!! I love your political quilts...u r motivating me!!

  18. I love the political bandanas!! How fun to find them unexpectedly!!

  19. Those bandanas are right up your alley and how fun are those photos!

  20. So glad to see your blog again! You and Mary look great! How much had you and Rich had to drink at the wedding before the photo We miss you!!!

  21. That is really cool. Thanks for finding it. Some really good ideas there, this is going to be a real time sink. I am a china tour lover,You can learn more: Visa Free Transit Policy in China | Lhasa Tours | Beijing Attraction

  22. This is a quilty comment, unlike the spam one that got through today and stuck itself to your blog (HATE those invading our spaces!)
    The coincidence of finding beloved things in unexpected places never fails to amaze me. You were meant to see those spectacular pieces of textile.
    Looks like the wedding was a fun place to be. Big smiles all around, and I'll join the chorus--> love your dress!!

  23. Missed you! You are an inspiration and your blog always makes me smile. :)

  24. those some great quilts.
    love your dress! That is a fun idea to do the booth.

  25. I love the quilts that you made that were inspired by the pictures. It is wonderful how history can inspire us to make masterpieces. I love the idea of a photo booth at a wedding. You would get some really great and unique pictures.

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