
Thursday, August 1, 2013

FFF - Random Stuff

Hello out there....anyone home?  It seems very quiet in Bloglandia.

I finished my little cathedral Window dolly quilt - or so I thought.

I feel it would be better looking on my little bed if it was just a few rows bigger.  Easier said than done~

On the home front - here is a mountain of empty boxes.  It is literally the size of a SUV.   Our refuse service will do one free pick up to recycle, so we're holding off until we're done.  Goal; next Friday.

I have a many walls that currently look like this:

Interestingly these are the same background wall colors and also the same sample colors.  This is why it's important to do different walls and look at different times of day and lighting.

And finally.   I am a self admitted stamp nerd and here are the new offerings from the U.S. Post office:

Johnny Cash; love him.  Emancipation Proclamation; Abe Lincoln love.  Lighthouses; live in a shore town now.  Yea!

I'll be back soon with a new quilty tool and a newly acquired antique quilt to share.


  1. Hi Barb, nice to see you on the blog again. Could you put a lace edge or ruffle on the doll bed quilt?

  2. If you hadn't said it was a doll quilt, I'm not sure I would have known! It's really pretty.

  3. Oh Barb that little doll quilt is delightful!! SO pretty on your doll bed! The stamps are very cool. I like those warm yellow colors for the wall - good luck deciding! That looks like quite the nifty system for storing the bike up high in the garage - I'll have to show DH that picture :0)

  4. nice little quilt. how big are the squares in the windows? I could manage one about that big.

  5. i love stamps too. the lighthouse stamps are beautiful~!

    i can remember when we were doing a lot of paint samples on the walls . . . come to think of it, it may be time to do it again . . .
    time flies.

    the cathedral window dolly quilt is sweet and that doll bed is beautiful. i like gingerscott's idea of adding a ruffle or lace.


  6. I don't think I could manage even a doll Cathedral Windows quilt. Looks really good!
    Are you beginning to feel settled, in spite of the growing pile of boxes?
    My daughters used to collect stamps, and since then I am always more aware of them. My favs are the Gregory Peck "Forever" stamps. My sentiments exactly--Gregory Peck Forever!!

  7. Hello Barb

    I love your Cathedral Window quilt. Great job! Also great job on that pile of empty boxes. Your house must be feeling like a home now. I will have to go and check out some of those stamps at the post office. It is so interesting to see what people collect.! I adore little collections of things.

  8. I bet your dolls are fighting over who gets to sleep under your Cathedral Window Quilt, it's gorgeous!!! Great to see you getting through all your packing. Your stamps are so fun, I'm a big Johnny Cash fan!!

  9. Well done unpacking all that! And good luck with the paint colours - lighting differences are amazing aren't they?! That is such a gorgeous quilt - Cathedral window is on my list to do ...but not so small I think LOL

  10. Oh Barb , it looks like your getting there with all the unpacking but how your finding time to sew is beyond me. Lol. Super women you are.

  11. Yes, it does seem quiet in Blogland at the moment, maybe it's the weather extremes everyone seems to be having.

    Your little quilt is gorgeous - when will you be starting a king-sized one?

    As for the paint samples photo, I was amazed at the difference. I have always known you should try in different places, but that really brings it home.

  12. I love the doll quilt! And the stamps! Good luck with the painting! and unpacking!

  13. It looks like you are getting a lot done! Glad to see an update from you.

  14. So glad you are back in your dolly quilt!

  15. Nice to see you're moving in and having fun with paint colors. Your dolly quilt is wonderful!!

  16. What a sweet little quilt! Not sure I have the patience for cathedral window blocks.
    I love looking at paint colors. Always hard to make that final decision.

  17. oh i love this doll quilt, hmmm maybe you should make a bed skirt to use with this quilt !

    good luck with the boxes I bet you will be glad when its all unpacked.
    I admit I have a thing for stamps too! I had to buy a sheet of all 3 too :)

  18. The doll quilt is a beauty!
    That is some mountain of boxes out in the garage. Looks like you must be close to done unpacking. Yeah
    I can't believe how different that paint looks. It always takes time to make a new house feel like and look like home, seems like you are well on the way.

  19. The little quilt is adorable, a good handwork fix?
    Have you set up your sewing room yet?
    I love the stamps and am always looking for an interesting one.

  20. Love the dolly quilt. Gosh, choosing paint is so challenging, isn't it? Love Commemerative stamps, too...there is also a new one of Muscle Cars. Love the Johnny Cash ones. XOX

  21. I think your doll quilt looks great.
    I had to avert my eyes at the moving box much work, Imhope you make your Friday goal. Impressive you are already looking at paint samples.
    Looking forward to the antique quilt reveal!

  22. Years ago, there was a lady in my quilt guild that made several large Cathedral Window quilts. She was making one for each of her kids (adults). They weighed a ton. She surely must have gotten bored making the same thing over and over for so long.

  23. What a cute little doll quilt. Put a coverlet under it and call it done LOL.

    Good to see all the progress on the unpacking -- you'll soon be all settled in!


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