
Monday, September 9, 2013

A Grand Day Out

Happy Monday~  I'm just going with it at this point.  Thanks for all the nice comments and checking in even though I have been really erratic and non-quilt related since the move.

My dear and close friend, Joan, came for a visit this past weekend and we had a grand day out last Friday to Newport, Rhode Island.  Playground of the rich and famous New York Elite in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

The Breakers, summer home of Cornelius Vanderbilt.  All I can say is WOW.  The decoration is incredible, as in hard to believe and even look at too long.  sorry, no indoor photos.

Here is the view of Long Island Sound from the terrace - not bad if you like this kind of thing  :)

We also toured The Elms, a Coal Industrialists' summer "cottage".  It was lovely and not so over the top.  They had nice gardens too.  Here is the side view.  I loved the Pergola.

I've decided women over 50 shouldn't attempt selfies, lol.   We were trying to get the house in the background.

Back here in Madison, CT, we went to one of our town beaches for a picnic.  I always wonder why we don't do this more often.  It was a lovely day and fun to walk the beach.  Here is Joan and Mr. Fun.

It was a great joy to have Joan for a visit.  I haven't talked or laughed so much in a long time.

Have a great week!

Hooray!  The gigantic media center was picked up and left my house on Saturday - Thanks Restoration Hardware, your service was great.


  1. Are you sure that those homes are not your summer places, LOL? I love those grand homes!! Glad you had a good visit!

  2. What a super day to hang out with your friend. There is a grand house like that in NC called the Biltmore which overlooks the mountains. It would be awesome to have a house that overlooks the ocean on one side and some mountains on the other. The best of both worlds. :0)

  3. I was wondering what the story would be with your giant cabinet. So glad it was happily removed. What elaborate summer houses. Interesting, but not very cozy...
    A walk on the beach sounds lovely!! :0)
    I don't want to attempt any more selfies either - I tried to take one of me and my daughters yesterday and I don't even want to talk about how many chins I had in the picture!

  4. Glad you had such a fun time with a special friend. It is so wonderful to laugh...long and hard. Looks like you are getting out about in your new area...double good.

  5. Looks like Joan did have "Fun with Barb"! At least both of your faces made it into the selfie. I've been known to miss entirely.
    Summer homes? Yikes! If I go anywhere in the summer it is usually to a tent.
    Well, your home won't be nearly as entertaining now, will it? : )

  6. A visit from a dear friend is just the restorative needed after a move! What a fun weekend!

  7. Very grand indeed!! Those homes are nearly as big as the entertainment unit that was picked up. It's great to see you and Joan having such fun!

  8. You sure do build big cottages in the US of A. Cottage here are so small you can't swing a cat in them .
    Glad your having some fun in the sun.

  9. You sure do build big cottages in the US of A. Cottage here are so small you can't swing a cat in them .
    Glad your having some fun in the sun.

  10. Thanks for the Rhode Island tour - I would have been impressed too! So relieved to hear the monster media cabinet has left home :)

  11. The photos are lovely but the comment about the selfie had me cracking up! Too funny only because I can totally relate!! Glad the furniture saga had a happy ending.

  12. Gee, I thought maybe you were showing pictures of your new house. Would be a nice one to live in.....with a whole staff to take care of it.

  13. You two did have fun! You certainly have visited some wonderful mansions over the years. I was wondering who you had gotten the entertainment center from. Glad it got resolved.

  14. Oh I remember visiting all of those mansions long ago when an America's Cup race was going on. The Bostonians with Christopher Reeve was being filmed at Chateau0sur-Mer. Those Bellevue Ave. mansions are something to see!

  15. It looks like a fun day out! Happy to get away from the unpacking and organizing, I'm sure!!

  16. I love fun to tour the 'cottages'! Did you do the cliff walk? And I just googled Madison, and realized you're at Hammonasset Beach! There's a big kite festival there every year in May! It's a fun day.....maybe you'll check it out next spring! :o)

  17. it is always good to see people having a good time and i'm happy that you got out and enjoyed the sun and some friendship~!


  18. Newport is a fun town to go to. Did you walk along the cliff? did you Drive around the beach and see all the mansions people actually live in!
    a lot of great restaurants in town too....
    Glad you had a fun day with your friend

  19. Awwww, don't you two look so cute! It sounds like you had a wonderful visit -- now I want to go there too -- must talk hubby into a trip! And I laughed out loud at your selfies comment -- toooo funny!!!

  20. Not exactly what mostof us think of when we think 'summer home'.
    We have one near here the Cuneo house. I think it was the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" that had scenes filmed on it's grounds. Very cool to see, but I can't imagine living in that kind of house.
    Time with besties is always so much fun. Especially if you don't get together that often.
    I am so glad that I am not the only one who just can not do self photos.
    So glad that you had fun.

  21. I think you picked some good places to go as it looked like you both had fun.
    I have only driven through Rhode Island it looks like I need to stop next time!


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