
Friday, September 13, 2013

Fun For Friday - Souvenirs

Happy Friday!

Last week when I visited Newport I was able to add a few souvenirs to my ongoing collections.

The first was a floatie pen.  I haven't seen one in quite a while.  I picked it up at The Breakers.  It is a horse drawn carriage pulling up to the house.

Here is my collection:

Two of my favorites are Mary Poppins, floating up to the chimneys and the gorilla climbing up the Empire State Building.

On the back you can see where they came from -

I also got to smash 2 pennies, the Rose Island Lighthouse and The Breakers.

You can see more of this collection in this post.

Lastly, I'm sharing this wonderful card from my friend, Jill.  Don't you love it when your friends "Get You"??  This card has it all:  pink, glitter, a cocktail and a bit of England.  WEE!

Have a Fun Weekend!!


  1. You have such fun collections. Ill keep a look out for an Australian floatie pens for you. That cocktail card is so much fun!!

  2. great card and love that you have a smashed penny collection~!! and those pens are very fun too.

    have a wonderful weekend.


  3. I would expect nothing less than fun collections from Fun with Barb. : ) Floaty pens and pressed pennies. Very cool.
    I think my kids have pressed a penny or two on family vacations, but I couldn't tell you where they are or where we got them.
    My vacation collectible has usually been a Christmas ornament. Not very original, but it makes decorating the tree a walk down memory lane.

  4. Love your collection, I think you really have to search for them, înever see those pens.
    Here in France they take a glass of wine in stead of a cocktail. Lol

  5. Leave it to you to introduce me to floatie pens! Didn't know they existed. Your collections are such a fun way to remember your travels. Enjoy your weekend (of course you will)!

  6. It's fun to have a collection of something. I started collecting pins from National Parks when I retired and have been able to get several. Hoping for more! Love your pens and smashed pennies. Great idea!

  7. I always smile when I am here! You are so creative with your collection. We as a family have collected some of those pennies but sadly, I don't even know where they are!
    Now where ever I go, I am going to think of you when I see one of those floating pens. So cool!

  8. you have a much better collection of floaty pens than I do. marvelous. yes, that Mary Poppins is a hoot.

  9. Ohmygosh! Now I have souvenir envy. I've never given those floaty pens the time they deserve -- they're fantastic! And the Mary Poppins one -- be still my heart!!!!

  10. Wait. Did the Mary Poppins pen come from a brothel or something? You didn't turn her over LOL!!!

  11. I love floaty pens! If I see one, ill pick it up for you. Love your ollections

  12. I have never heard the term "floatie pens" but do know what you mean by looking at the picture. I had forgotten all about that style pen. I know I had one years ago but cannot remember anything about it. Just that it was fun to tip it over and watch.

  13. I have done the penny smash too, but who knows what heppened to them. I haven't seen floatie pens in awhile, you collection sure is cute. Mary Poppins sure caught my eye!
    Perfect card.
    Have a fun day.

  14. What a blast from the past! I haven't noticed floatie pens in years. I really must pay closer attention. LOL A fun post and "sweet" card from your friend, Jill.

  15. Those floatie pens are so fun! You have some great collections. Have a fun Friday!!

  16. Hi Barb
    It's so much fun when our little collections grow a bit. One of my favorite things is gift shops! Does not matter where or what! I love trawling through gift shops attached to museums, historical sights, zoo's, botanical gardens, aquariums etc! Interesting things to be found. Glad you found some keepers!

  17. I knew you would get a kick out of that card, it was so YOU. Of all of your collections I have seen over the years, I don't remember the floatie pens, how fun. I did think of you the other day when I saw a vintage advertising yard stick XOX

  18. Brilliant!
    I believe "Keep Calm and Have a Cocktail" will be my new motto - thanks!

  19. Leave it to Jill to find the best cards!!What a fun collection.

  20. great collection of pens. I remember seeing those as a kids when we would travel.
    I got one of the pennies done a few years ago when I took my first trip to S. Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore.


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