
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I Can't Believe My Luck!

I won a raffle quilt last Saturday!!

Susan and I attended the Greater Hartford Annual Gathering.    It was a great event with 2 lectures, raffle baskets, door prizes, lunch and vendors.  Here is the label on the quilt.  I still can't believe it I won it.

Here is the quilt on the guest bed - lovely for Autumn!  Fred T Bear likes it :)

I was able to add to my collection of  Creative Grids rulers.  These are my favorite rulers.  I'm replacing all the sizes I have with these a little at time.  They are pricey - but worth it to me .

I also picked up forked pins.  These pins are terrific.  They don't slip or shift.  I'm the kind of piecer that needs all the help she can get.

And here is some more great luck that came my way.  My blog buddy, Janet, picked me in her recent give away - hooray!  I got the lovely hand quilting book, fun fabric, a lovely card and special halloween candy - from Canada.  Thanks so much Janet I've been enjoying it all so much.


  1. Congatulations on winning that beautiful quilt! It looks lovely in your home. :-)

  2. Congratulations ! It looks gorgeous!

  3. Congratulations! That wonderful quilt sure found a loving home - looks perfect on your guest room bed! Have fun with all your new treasures. I

  4. Wow! Lucky 13 - lucky you! That raffle quilt is really lovely! Looks great in your guest room and perfect for fall. The forked pins sound like a great idea for me too :0) I'll have to check around for some. Glad you liked the package!

  5. Hurray! I won a raffle quilt one time so I think I have used up all my luck on that matter.

  6. Lovely prize from the giveaway, but winning that quilt is just Amazing! I only ever buy one ticket anymore because I figure it's all luck.:)

  7. You lucky girl, the quilt looks great on you're bed and perfect for fall! Hope you're enjoying your new home. Happy stitching!

  8. Wow..lucky you...amazing such luck. Bed quilt is lovely. Congrats.

  9. Boy, you have been lucky!!! Woohoo! And that quilt is beautiful in your guest room.....and goes perfectly with that maple leaf quilt on the footboard! Awesome!

  10. Congrats on both your wins. The quilt is wonderful and looks great on the bed.

  11. Wow, congratulations on your wins!
    Lucky 13 indeed!!

  12. Congratulations you lucky duck! The quilt looks so nice on your bed. I also like the Creative Grid rulers. There is nothing better than using good tools!

  13. What a lucky lady!!! Congratulations! The quilt is gorgeous and your other win of fabric and a book is wonderful! Have fun!

  14. Wow Woman! It's been your lucky week! Month??? That beautiful quilt couldn't go to a better home!

  15. How exciting to have won the quilt! Congratulations! Love the giveaway from Janet's blog as well.

  16. Oh my goodness do you think good things run in threes as well as bad things.........I hope so!
    The raffle quilt looks great on your guest bed too :0) Congratulations on your good luck and I hope it continues for a long time :0)

    Happy Sewing

  17. Holy cow! Get out there NOW and buy a Power Ball lottery! The raffle quilt looks like it absolutely BELONGS on that bed. I think it's great that it got such a great and appreciative home! XOX

  18. Hi Lucky Lady!! You've won some super duper fabulous prizes!! Fred T Bear is such a cutie with his Trick or Treat sign! Love his little robot friend too. This might be a silly question but what makes the creative grid rulers better than others?

  19. What a lucky way to start fall, a new quilt, already made!

  20. Congratulations on both wins! The quilt looks perfect on the bed...what a beautiful fall guest room. Thanks for the info on the forked pins...must check them out and also those Creative Grid Rulers. Can't wait to see what you do with that cute fabric from always have such fun creative ideas.

  21. Congrats on the win, or I guess I should say the wins! Teh quilt is a beauty, we had the sample in the shop and it has been really popular. Your other goodies look like great wins too.
    Enjoy your good luck. maybe you better go buy a lotto ticket. ;)

  22. My Oh My girlfriend!!! I must come....stay in your new red/white guest room and let you rub my head to pass on some of that LUCK you seem to have!!

    That is a FABULOUS quilt you won!! Clapping!

    Love the new rulers too, I need to start replacing some of mine. The print on them is beginning to wear off!

    Hope your winning streak continues!!!

  23. Yay!! Looks like you're on a winning streak.....guess your favourite number is 13 now! Love my fork pins.

  24. Congrats on the wins! Amazing how a quilt can change the look of a bedroom. A perfect match for the pretty maple leaf quilt. Lucky you! I'll have to keep an eye out for those forked pins - I could use some extra help, too!

  25. Congratulations! That quilt is perfect on the bed. Looks like it was made for it!!

  26. I can't believe your luck either...good for you! What do they say ~ you can't win of you don't enter. Time to buy a lottery ticket!

  27. what a beautiful quilt and i LOVE how it looks on the bed~! congratulations on this fabulous win~!!



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