
Friday, October 11, 2013

FFF - It's the Bat Phone!

I have a new phone and it actually rings.  Like with a bell and everything!

I can't remember the last time I heard a phone that rang.  Hey look, Ma, it has a cord too!  Since I split my time between the kitchen and everywhere else I decided to get a real wall phone.

We live in a time when we can send a robot to Mars and decode the Human Genome.  Why then can't we make a cosmetic case that doesn't break in the first few weeks of use ???

Have a fun weekend

See you next week, same bat time, same bat station.......


  1. You are so funny, Barb! And I totally agree--A real wall phone--it looks retro for sure now! I miss mine--with that long cord that I went all over the place with, twirling the cord around my fingers while yakking away...Enjoy! Hugs Julierose

  2. Oh my goodness! I LOVE that phone! I used to have a red rotary desk phone. I miss it!

  3. Is it a real rotary phone? I went on etsy and bought Bob a black rotary phone for Christmas last year. He has it in his workshop. I love the sound! My cell phone ring is the same as an old rotary phone too, people are always a little surprised when it rings!

  4. Ohmygosh -- don't even get me started on those cosmetic cases! I love your solution, although I have one that the top broke in half, so I can't even put a wrap around it - grrrrr. LOVE LOVE that phone!!!!

  5. Looooove the phone. I will have to show this photo to my kids. They have never seen one with a long cord in person. Hard to believe. I do miss how easily I could tuck it against my shoulder and stretch that cord across the room. Oh the memories. :)

  6. How fun! I agree about the makeup cases! ridiculous huh?

  7. A red wall phone... every kitchen should have one! Love it!

  8. Not only is it a red wall phone it has a rotary dial!!! Where on earth did you find it? I love it. :0) Brings back memories of stretching that cord as far as it would go for one of those essential, private high school conversations - lol!

  9. Awesome phone! I hope you have a comfy chair nearby.

  10. Love the phone! We had a wall phone in our house, with a short cord and noone would talk on it because you had to stay in one place. LOL
    Those cosmetic cases really do last a minute.

  11. You always make me laugh!! I love your new phone!! You'll never lose it under a pile of fabrics. They must design cosmetic cases to break so we buy more...

  12. Ps. I just have to add I love how you found a phone that is the same colour as red velvet cake.

  13. Wow, a real retro phone. I don't think I've even seen one in the stores! Fabulous in red.

  14. I had a Yellow wall phone with a 10 foot or 12 foot cord....can't remember now, but I could stretch it from the kitchen to the couch in the family room. Who needed a cell phone...LOL.

  15. I agree about the makeup cases - and the makeup itself, too! Mine sits quietly in a drawer, yet somehow I go to use it and it crumbles...and of course it's usually my favorite color too! :) Enjoy the phone - one ring a ding...

  16. We still have our old rotary wall phone. It is tucked away on a closet shelf most of the time. But when we have an extended power failure, that phone lets us communicate with the rest of the world.


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