
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Olympic Quilts!!!

Hope you are enjoying the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia.

I am a total Olympic enthusiast.  I love to watch the competition, hear the back stories, and learn about the culture of the host country.

Here is a review of Quilts that I have made to commemorate recent Olympics:

I started this quilt during the opening ceremonies of the games in Turin, Italy.  The eagles are holding the Olympic rings.

Beijing Summer 2012 - the star is made in the colors of the rings, which represent the 5 continents.  They use these colors because they are the common colors in ALL country flags.

Vancouver, Canada Winter 2010 got a pass -

London Summer 2012 games - Liberated crowns and stars.

I have too many irons in the fire to do one for these games.

Can you believe the Sochi uniforms are patchwork?  They are literally designed to represent the patchwork quilt to reflect the different regions of Russia!

The US sweaters look to me like an americana quilt pattern in the Red Wagon style.

The medals look to me like English Paper Piecing diamonds - 

Lastly who doesn't love these guys from Norway (No Way)?  I am especially attracted to them having recently finished a chevron quilt top, which I plan to pin and start quilting this week.

Grab some sewing and enjoy the games! 



  1. The London quilt is so fun; I don't recall this one. Of course, the others are great, too!

  2. It's been extra fun seeing patchwork take over the Olympics!! I love seeing your Olympic quilts, having Eagles hold the rings is such a great idea! Go World- that's brilliant!

  3. I have not yet made the time to watch any Olympic events, but I might have to tune in just to see the Norwegian curling team! Definitely fun team unis!

  4. Your Olympic quilts are wonderful! I am enjoying seeing all the patchwork at the games. Along with those sweaters the USA team is sporting I saw a pic of the jackets the snowboarders (I think) are wearing. It looks like a vintage quilt which is what it was modeled from. Too cool! And I love the Russian patchwork banners - just gorgeous! I hadn't seen a close up of the medals before and I like them too. Off to watch the games and stitch a bit.

  5. Love this post! You make the best commemorating quilts no matter what the event is! I did not know about the medals. Just visited Deb Rowdan's post about the quilted Jacket for the snowboarders. Ha- just read that Rachael mentioned it too. Are wearable quilts back in style? I think they were never out of style in some countries.. Can't see myself wearing one just yet. A question for you, How do you link your post to your fb? Help please!

  6. Gorgeous quilts Barb! You really are an Olympics enthusiast! The Russian patchwork jackets and banners are really unique... and I really like the faded patchwork jackets the US snowboarders are wearing! Funny how the Olympic fashions reflect the quilt patterns we all crave to sew!

  7. You are amazing, thanks so much for sharing. What does the Sochi quilt look like? Any ideas yet??

  8. that is so cool that you have made quilts during the Olympics.
    I really want one of those jackets with the patchwork on it.

  9. I love the Olympics, too, but never thought of making a quilt for them - very cool idea, and love each of them!

  10. I'm not a fan of the Olympics but I sure enjoy seeing all your quilts! Can't wait till you share what your project is for this year!

  11. What a great theme for the Olympics! On the news I saw inside the athletes' accommodations and the bedding has that gorgeous patchwork printed on it too - I love it! I always enjoy seeing your Olympic quilts too - the eagle quilt is my fav :0)

  12. Your quilts are great! I too love watching the Olympics and have started a red, white and blue project in honor of team USA. Not nearly as ambitious as your Olympic quilts, but still fun. Enjoy the games!

  13. You are so silly! They are great quilts but would never make a quilt to commemorate the Olympics!! I like the Olympics, too, but not that much! ;)

  14. I thought I was an Olympic enthusiast, but I have never made a quilt to commemorate them! How fun! Do you display them all during the games?
    I just try to be home as much as I can to watch them whenever possible--and work on the quilts I already have going.
    You win the prize for most dedicated quilting Olympic fan!! : )

  15. holy cats~! that last shot. wild~!!
    love seeing your Olympic quilts. i enjoy hearing about and watching some of the competitions but can't say that i'm as big of a fan as you are.
    gotta love that Russian patchwork~!



  16. The commemorative quilts you've made are very clever. If you've just made a chevron one, that could be this year's quilt looking at the Norwegian outfits!

  17. Amazing quilts! I would never think about making an Olympic quilt. I enjoy watching some of the Olympics, but wouldn't say I'm an enthusiast. I have watched some of it so far. I really enjoy the couples ice dancing and ski jumping the most. Yes, I noticed the patchwork designs! Very neat!

  18. Great post! For some reason I'm just not getting into these Olympics. I did read about Jamie Anderson this morning so that's a start. Your quilts are fabulous! I think my favorite is the Turin quilt. Not really obvious at first that it is an Olympic quilt. The Olympic patchwork is awesome. I wonder if it will inspire some new quilters.

  19. I usually love watching the Olympics too. So far this year I haven't seen anything. I really need to fix that starting today. Your quilts are amazing. Love the eagles holding the rings. And...well they are all so creative and beautiful. I do love the patchwork of Sochi. Enjoy the games.

  20. Wow! Thanks for the show. All three are absolutely beautiful. Glad you're not pressuring yourself to make one this year. Yea, I'm enjoying seeing the quilt theme. Wonder who made those diamond quilts? Have fun quilting your zigzag.

  21. Your Olympic quilts are wonderful! Very special. Thanks for a very fun post.:)

  22. You are all of the quilts!

  23. How distracting are those guys from Norway? That fabric makes my eyes go funny! Great quilts, Barb.

  24. You are too funny. Having been without power I am not up to speed with what is going on.
    Your quilts are wonderful and I didn't notice all the patchwork inspired garb!

  25. This is the first time in nearly a year without TV that I have missed watching TV.
    I love the Olympics and reading about it in the NYTimes everyday is not the same as
    watching. Oh well I guess I'll see bits and pieces online.

    Happy Sewing, loved your mini quilt show :0)

  26. Oh, you must get the winter Olympic toile print. Wonderful quilts.

  27. I had forgotten about your Olympic quilts. Such an inspiring idea.


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