
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Doll Quilt Fanfare

Happy Hump Day!  I finished my doll quilt for Lori's swap!

I used one of my favorite patriotic toiles' on the back.  Not a civil war print, but that's okay.

Here are 2 video clips that shows how I machine quilted the fans on the edge of this quilt.  I really need a manicure and younger hands.  I even use Palmolive and Madge lied!

Here is the finished little fan.  (you can see in the upper right corner where I marked it wrong.  No problemo, just change pen color and remark.)

I washed it in the kitchen sink this morning with regular detergent AND Clorox2.   The clorox 2 is the secret to removing the washable markers.

Look at all that released ink!  You can use the washer for larger quilts of course.

Thank You Brenda of Scraps and Strings, for the fun package.   I was so happy to win your Needle Book Giveaway.  The extra goodies were a fun surprise.

And lastly:  Go Connecticut!  UConn won the Men's and Women's  College Basketball Championships!  


  1. Cute doll quilt and wonderful tutorials on fans. Thank you!

  2. Barb you quilt is so darn cute. I'm in the doll quilt swap too and mine goes in the mail tomorrow. I so love the quilting and want to thank you so much for sharing the tutorial. I am so going to try this. Hugs

  3. In my opinion hands that work ARE beautiful!! I do remember Madge :0) Great little videos - I need to try this!! Your doll swap quilt is wonderful - whoever receives it will be thrilled. I love the substitutions!! I haven't used Crayola markers to mark on quilts but my 6 year old has... and it comes out no problem with Tide as well.

  4. The doll quilt is beautiful! I am finishing the border quilting on the one I'm making for the swap. This is so much fun!

  5. What a gorgeous doll quilt!! Do you know the name of the block, I dont think Ive seen it before. And the backing is your usual brilliant fabric choice. Thanks for taking the time to do a fan quilting video!! Brendas parcel looks wonderful, what a fun package to receive.

  6. Nice little quilt! You are the queen of the cool backings!!
    I would never have thought to do Baptist Fans with a walking foot. You are so smart, aside from being fun! : )

  7. Very nicely done, it is hard to tell, are you using your walking foot? I'm guessing yes.

  8. What a beautiful little quilt will it be hard to part with it? Nicely done, do you remember where you got that tiny fan template? Your hands maybe aging but they are beautiful and make amazing quilts, do gardening and take care of a home.

    Happy Sewing

  9. The doll quilt is pretty sweet especially with your toile on the back. The new owner will love it. I wish Mardge did have the secret formula, I could use it too. UConn sure did a clean sweep!

  10. What a cute quilt and a great tutorial on the quilting! I can't wait to see all the quilts. Whoever gets yours will be very happy! I sent mine out on Monday......

  11. I saw on another blog where your team won -- Congratulations LOL!

    And the old pen color change trick! Why don't I ever think of that? I always remark in the same color and then can't figure out which is the correct line. Your little quilt is adorable -- I LOVE that back!

  12. Your quilt is adorable and I love how you centered the fabric on the back. Great video on the fans, thanks!
    I love to get mail and that was a good one, lots of goodies!'re soaking in it ( :

  13. It is super cute and I know it will be loved!! The backing is fantastic!

  14. I love that T-block ~ great choice for a little quilt! Thanks for the machine quilting videos. I've never dome anything more than straight line quilting with the machine. This was quite informative! I have several of those fan templates that I've hardly used. Maybe next little quilt.
    You mentioned that you like the silk thread, do you have a brand preference? I would have scoffed at there being much difference between brands years ago, but there are several that I have used (cottons) and not liked at all.

  15. Lovely doll quilt and oh my my hands are even worser!!!!!

  16. What a lovely little quilt and a fantastic tutorial.Thank you!

  17. Adorable quilt. Thanks for the tutorial, I'm going to try it.

  18. really cute little doll quilt and i love what you did for the back~!
    it was interesting to watch you do the machine quilting demonstration. thank you for sharing.


  19. What a great little doll quilt, and the backing is just perfect. I have some of that fabric and need to find a good use for it!

  20. What an adorable doll quilt! Thanks for the tutorial. I love Baptist Fan quilting. I never thought of scooting it down to make it work (duh),
    Congrats on the win.

  21. Such a great tutorial...thanks so much! I definitely want to try it now :)
    I will look for a project! LOL

  22. Love your doll swap quilt! And your tutes are great. Never thought of moving the template to make it fit - duh! The BF look fairly simple to do - maybe just a little tedious. But on a small doll quilt they wouldn't take long at all. I never heard of using the Crayolas to mark with - thanks for that tip!

    Sweet mail treat! Lucky you.

  23. Thanks for the fans how-to info. This just went to the top of my try-it list.
    Lucky lady, whoever gets your little quilt in the mail. If she hosts an exchange again, hopefully I won't miss Lori's deadline for signing up, as I did this time. Shame on me.

  24. What a beautiful little T block quilt!
    I love everything about it from the fabrics to the layout and of course.. the wonderful quilting!

  25. Beautiful quilt! I'm sure the recipient will love it.

  26. love the doll quilt you made. the fan quilting is perfect.

  27. I have just found your blog and went to watch the video but it says "This video is private". I was wondering about the markers you used that the ink washes out. The doll quilt came out very nice!


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