
Thursday, April 3, 2014

What am I DOING?

Happy Friday!  I don't know how a whole week slid by.  But there it is.

I'm still pulling the rooms together that got painted but in the meantime here is what's up:

I've basted 2 more of my Hot Flash blocks.  This one has a new surprise~

I took photos outside on the front yard rock outcropping.

 It was sunny right before I got my camera and blocks, naturally.

I'm working on my doll quilt swap from Lori's blog, Humble Quilts.  Quilting little fans.

I hope my swap recipient likes it.

Spring!  Just this week I swapped out the little artificial pine trees for fresh pansies in the urns.   As usual coco is wondering what I'm doing.....

Tip of the day:  if you have these side-light windows, put your planters in front of them so you can enjoy them from the inside too.

Daffodils coming up - hooray!!

I'm working on the border of my Jubilee quit.  I haven't been quilting for about 2-3 weeks - where does the mojo go?  Hopefully I'll get back in the groove.

That's all the news I have - hope you had a good week!


  1. Your hot flash blocks always make me smile. Great idea for a quilt! Can't wait to see the entire doll quilt & it's always a pleasure to see your progression on the Jubilee quilt. I'm wondering if I need to put one of those on my quilty bucket list.:)

  2. Your quilting looks awesome!!! The hot flash blocks are so bright and fun and different. Love them. Usually by the time I get my camera the sun is gone. LOL I don't have any place outside to take a picture and the light inside is bad. I guess I have to be ready when the sun shines.

  3. I love the fabrics in your doll swap quilt - I hope you have my name!! :0) Your hand quilting is so beautiful - I'm sure your mojo will return. I like the extra leaf quilted into the border. The pansies are very pretty - I'm still a few weeks away from flowers outside...

  4. I know whoever receives your quilt will love it!
    Great idea with the urns, great idea!

  5. Your Hot flash blocks are so full of Oomph!! Your are so good at incorporating your name into quilts. You're garden rocks are so good for taking photos on, a great backdrop!! Whoever gets your doll quilt will love it!! Your urns are so pretty, it's a wonder the deers don't nibble on the flowers.

  6. The hot flash quilt is "hot" love the colors! I like your fans in the border, are you machine quilting those or hand quilting? If you are machine quilting will you show how? Your Jubilee quilt is getting towards the finish line, keep going! Now I need to go out and get some pansies.......

  7. Love, love , love the Hot Flash blocks. I am also in Lori's Doll quilt swap. Love the quilting on yours. And your Jubilee quilt is going to be stunning. Hugs

  8. Your wonderful Hot Flash blocks could cause global warming with those delicious colors! Love the coming of spring with the pansies.

  9. You are such a busy woman. And I love all of it! The hot flash blocks are soooo hot and flashy. And your Jubilee quilt is looking fabulous. When you send off your swap quilt, be sure to write my address on the package, haha.

  10. What fun blocks! What size are they? I'm sure the recipient will LOVE your doll quilt!!

  11. I love Hot Flash so far! And I know the recipient of your swap quilt will love it. Did you use any special tool to mark the fans?

  12. Love how you have "Barb" in the one block and I really dig the red background.
    Enjoyed catching up on your recent posts. I'm going to check out those Lucky Brand Jeans. Thanks for the tip!
    I've been absent from blogland because we are moving! It's all happening so quickly. We move the end of this month. Still lots to do. Will post some pics soon. We're going to a 1926 foursquare on 5 acres. So excited!

  13. It's so much fun to start planting some flowers. I love your pansies!

  14. Looks like you've been busy! Your "hot flash" blocks are so much fun. The last one looks like an appliqué with many layers, thanks to your wonderful fabric choices. Have fun with the hand quilting. It's gorgeous!

  15. You've been busy! Look at all you have gotten done :0) love the bright blocks of firer red hot flashes!
    Too darn cute.
    I wish I was getting that little doll quilt, looks like you have given it lots of TLC :0)
    I put mine in the mail yesterday and already received mine from Canada.

    Happy Sewing

  16. Your doll quilt for the swap looks so cute. I'm working on mine, but my hand quilting is terrible and I can't seem to improve it. Like you, I hope the recipient likes it. Love the Hot Flashes blocks, anything so bright and colourful is always welcome at this time of year.

  17. Fans were my first choice on my doll swap piece, but I ended up doing straight lines. I want to hit the deadline!!! Yours looks fabulous. Lucky one who receives yours! Jubilee quilt is coming along, one stitch at a time. My hand quilting suffered this winter, geez, not enough hours in the day!

  18. Oooh, I see your name! Those hot flash blocks are so fun. I'm sure your doll quilt recipient will love it -- what's not to love? And one does wonder what Coco might be thinking. Maybe she wants to play more of a starring role in the pictures???

  19. Did you choose the house because the rock outcrop was such a good quilt photography location? I would.

  20. I don't know how I missed this post!
    I like the way you worked your name into one of your Hot Flash blocks!
    Whoever gets your little doll quilt in the swap will be very lucky. Love the B.F. you are quilting on it.
    Sometimes the mojo just up and disappears, doesn't it? But you seem to be making great progress in spite of that! : )

  21. Great post!! I am still working on my 2012 year quilt too!! So much for historical accuracy ha!

  22. it's been so long since i've visited your fabulously fun blog~!! and i've missed it~!
    i'm happy to see that you are getting a little bit of spring at your house. if you are like me it makes me feel like i can breath again when spring comes back around.
    your jubilee quilt is so gorgeous. i've been working on mine but have fallen out of love with it . . . not sure if it's a mood swing thing (how appropriate would that be~!? lol) or if it's a disaster in the making. i'm currently still going forward but wonder if i should pick something else. quick. hhhmmm . . .
    i'm looking forward to seeing the reveal on your little quilt exchange quilt. it's bound to be spectacular. wait, was that a pun~!?


  23. I note a bit of B A R B in your Hot Flash block. I went back several posts to remind myself of the old quilt that's your inspiration. It's going to be a fun project. I like the way you've moved to a more fun quilt, after the formality of your Jubilee quilt. I'm not sure if "formality" is the right word, but they'll definitely be different.
    Pansies are a favorite flower, and there's no better way to welcome spring.
    Lovely, teasing photos of your little doll quilt. Hopefully I won't miss the deadline if Lori hosts another exchange.

  24. Wow, your Hot Flash blocks are fun! Love those bright colors! And it's also fun how you incorporated your name into the block.

    Your doll quilt looks great - can't wait to see the entire piece. Love the Baptist Fans border! I would have loved to do the doll quilt swap but just no time right now. :( Maybe next time I can participate!

    Your pansy urns are so appealing! I feel like I need to go get some pansies now! I couldn't block my sidelights though. That's where my cats watch the world go by, as they are 'inside only' kitties. They believe I put those windows there just for them!

  25. Great post. Those hot flash quilts are fabulous, red is my favorite color. Keep going on the Jubilee quilt. Mine is hanging at our quilt show as we speak!!! Can't wait to see what the judge thought.


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