
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Long Live The King!

Even my new design wall isn't large enough for a King sized quilt.   Here is a quilt I'm making for my bed.  I'm going to call it King George.  I started this several years ago and I'm finally getting back to it.

After the Revolutionary war, America didn't want a "King", so he became President George Washington.  In any event, he certainly was an American Hero.

I love this fabric and have been saving it for a long time.  I used it in 2009 to cover this hat box.  Check out the original post here.

Here is my sketch.  It really helps keep me on track making double nine patch blocks and cutting the setting blocks.

I used beautiful rich brown fabrics reminiscent of Civil War dressing gowns like this these.

I intend to quilt it myself, one half of at a time, adding batting half a time.  I haven't done this before so let me know if you have any suggestions or hints.

I am very late to Game of Thrones, but really enjoyed binge watching and now I'm caught up.  Here is Joffrey, King of nightmares.

And here is the future King George 7th of England.   He's dreamy!

I'm really looking forward to the reign of my King George king sized quilt.  In the meantime.....back to sewing.  99 blocks is quite a project.


  1. Fantastic fabrics. I'm glad you're getting back to it. Loved the sweet picture of King George the 7th.

  2. I love it! That fabric is incredible! This will be an awesome quilt.

  3. Love your King George quilt!! And yep...Goffrey was a critter, wasn't he? I am watching the King of Thrones too!

  4. King George looks very distinguished in deep brown! Love your design!
    Aren't those dresses something? When I was an historical re-enactor I made several dresses for myself from authentic patterns of the CW era. Lots of fabric in those things!! : )

  5. I love those rich browns! I'm glad you're enjoying your new design wall. King sized is big and I'm very curious to see how your half at a time quilting goes - sounds very intriguing!

  6. A very special project, great design and use of fabrics. I have never heard of the way you intend to quilt it, looking forward to seeing that!

  7. Your quilt is looking fabulous!! I love it's aged look. How beautiful are those dresses you've shown. I'm interested in the quilt half method. I can highly recommend reading the Game of Throne books, they're such page turning books and have deeper plot lines than the shows, though the shows are fun to watch too.

  8. Oh I love it and have always wanted to make quilt in this style. The fussy cut blocks are great!
    I have never quilted a quilt that way either, you may need to document it for me so I can give it a try! All tips welcome.
    George is the cutest baby ever, why in the world would they need to touch him up?

  9. Ok now need to add GOT to my list of shows......are you watching Fargo?

  10. Somewhere in my stash, I have some of that George Washington print....or maybe I used it already. Anyhow, I like what you are doing with the fabric. I just purchased a small amount. Not enough to do anything so grand as yours.

  11. I think it is going to be wonderful! I love your sketch with the little smiley faces. And I agree, the future King George is pretty adorable! Thanks for a smile with my morning coffee. Have a great day!

  12. What a wonderful project - love all those rich browns you are using for your quilt!
    That hatbox featuring George on the lid is fabulous! Fun..Fun!

  13. I love this quilt. Love those happy faces in the sketch too. I do love all the browns. What a great neutral to work with too. Those gowns are lovely, I wonder how women moved around with so much fluff on them?
    I have never tried quilting with half the batting. I will be watching your progress.
    We all agree, baby George, really cute! Happy sewing!

  14. That is quite a project! A lovely one indeed!! I'm partial to baby King George!!

  15. What a fun quilt to make! Love your design wall - the tutorial was excellent!

  16. Love your WIP...King George. That will be one beautiful quilt.

  17. I love having such fun with a quilt...great job..putting a smile on my face

  18. I love 9-patch and historic fabric, so it's perfect! I have quilted in sections a few times and it works quite well. It is kind of awkward when you are sewing the two halves together, but not really hard. I think I leave about 2-3 inches not quilted along the edges that go together, then trim the batting so it meets (you can pin or spray baste the top and batting so the batting stays together) and then slip stitch the backing together. That's it! Actually, I think it makes it easier to baste as well as to quilt. Basting a king size quilt is not fun and doing that in 2 sections will make it a lot easier.

  19. Love, love your King George quilt. I don't know anything about the quilting method you describe, but am looking forward to future posts on this. Hurray to you for working on this project - love this fabric - wish they would reprint!

  20. Your fabric selection is very unique, and you're creating a quilt with a wonderful, aged, used, antique look. I'm looking forward to watching your progress on it.
    Love the dressing gowns, and how I'd enjoy pinching those cute little Prince George cheeks (gently, of course).

  21. Your quilt is looking good--coming along nicely. I just finished my Amish quilt and it was king-sized--baby, but those are big things! You are much braver than I am. I sent mine out to be quilted, as I just can't do the monster-sized quilts at all. I've never heard of half batting it, so I'll be watching as you go.

    I loved all the photos of the little Prince George, and must admit to clicking through on my yahoo news to see what new photos were posted that day. A real cutie!


  22. I've been wondering where George went...It looks great. I'll be looking forward to learning how to quilt half the quilt at a time.

  23. Oh, I remember this project very well, and am loving seeing it again,

  24. it's going to be beautiful and i love the way that you used that fabric on the hatbox too~!!
    i've not heard of doing the quilting half at a time before. sounds interesting.

    isn't joffrey totally awful~!? i'm hooked on this show and am thinking about reading the books.
    we don't actually get the channel so i'm currently watching season three . . . when season four comes out on disk then i'll be able to watch what you are seeing now.


  25. What a great quilt Barb -- it's going to be fantastic! It looks like you'll soon be ready to sew blocks together. This will be a fun quilt to watch to completion!

  26. Love your King George quilt!!!

  27. It's looking good! Never heard of piecing or inserting the batting as you go? Look forward to hearing about it.

  28. What a great looking project. Good luck, that thing will be huge!


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