
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Jill Reid - A Tribute

On Friday I lost my dear friend, kindred spirit and creative playmate Jill.

Jill was a talented quilter, devoted wife, loving mother and fiercely loyal friend.  She loved gardens, decorating for the holidays, board games, crafting and outings.  She was always busy planning something fun to do, somewhere fun to visit or a project to work on.   I can't fully realize how my life will be without her yet.

She had a long partnership with Windham Fabrics.  As a quilt designer and her quilts were often featured in the best quilting magazines, often on the cover.  Jill also won many ribbons including The Founders Award at the Vermont Quilt show.  Here are just a few of her quilts.

Jill was usually behind the camera and documented many of get togethers.  Here are a just a few photos that I had.  This first one is the Cupcake group.  We met monthly for years.

I'm so grateful for the time we had together and for all the wonderful memories I will cherish.

God Bless You Jill -


  1. She will be missed immensely! Love to you Barb.

  2. What a wonderful tribute to your friend. I am sorry for your loss, Barb.

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your friend. I am sorry for your loss, Barb.

  4. Such a wonderful and talented woman. She will be missed by many.

  5. How very sad for you. I love her quilts, especially the last one.

  6. My condolences for the loss of your dear friend!

  7. A good friend is truly special--I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. Barb, nice pictorial collage of many of Jill's favorites,quilting and most prominently her long time good friends. I will always be able to see her welcoming smile in my mind's eye and how she was such a prolific quilter, no cookie cutter, cupcakes yes, but creative was her middle name. I know you will miss her. I am glad you have so many moments held in your heart with time spent together.

    Jane M

  9. So sorry for your loss. May the memories of your rich friendship sustain you. She will live forever in your heart.

  10. The shared love of quilting is so often the start of such treasured friendships that grow throughout the years. May all those good times of fun and creativity bring you much comfort.

  11. A lovely tribute, and there is no doubt she will always be with you.

  12. Thank you so much for the photos. I got to meet Jill at the Creative Circle Event at Meredith Corp in Des Moines. We have featured many of her quilts in American Patchwork & Quilting. I think Odds and Ends is my favorite. I am making a blue and white version based on this pattern. She will be missed by many.

    Jody in Iowa

  13. Oh, I'm so sorry you've lost such a fun and loyal friend. Too darn soon, it seems. Big hugs and sweet thoughts to you. xo

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss :(
    There will be a big hole in your heart for a while... you will need to stitch a lot to heal that up.

  15. Thanks, Barb. A lovely tribute to a lovely person. I got to know Jill when she helped The Heritage Quilt Project of NJ computerize their records for The Quilt Index. She was a true professional. Cherish the memories :)

  16. In the little time I knew Jill I certainly got the measure of this wonderful generous women. I'm saddened I'm not going to have the opportunity to go on a road trip and spend quilting time with her. I'm sorry you have lost such a dear friend.

  17. A great loss - Barb I'm so sorry. What a lovely and inspiring friendship you shared. I know you will cherish your memories together. Quilter Kathy's advice is good I think - Hugs

  18. I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful, talented friend. My thoughts are with you and with her family. Thanks for sharing some of your memories of her.

  19. sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing your memories here.

  20. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. This is such a beautiful tribute to Jill, her quilts are amazing and even more your special friendship.

  21. So sad! We lost a friend this week too and honestly sometimes it is just so hard to wrap your head around
    the fact you will never see them again!
    I'm sorry for your loss, I hope all those wonderful memories keep her alive in your heart.
    We are so lucky to have these special people that walk into out lives and share so much with us.

    Thinking of you,

  22. Jill was the "entire package". She was fun, funny, caring, kind, creative, "real" and had a spirit about her that I just loved. What a fabulous woman she was. Loved, loved her family! I will miss her deeply.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am so sorry for your loss. Although, I never met Jill I have have always been inspired by her quilts. Her style and design always spoke to me. There are many of her quilts in my saved file to make someday. She will always be present in the beautiful quilts she made.

  25. I will miss her. In addition to all her other talents, she did a wonderful job for The Heritage Quilt Project of New Jersey.

  26. Jill sounds like an amazing woman, friend and quilter, I'm sure she will be sorely missed by all who knew her. My deepest sympathy to all who loved her.

  27. My heart goes out to you, Barb. I only knew her a little through email, but she was always gracious and kind. I feel privileged to have a quilt of her making on my living room sofa.
    Three years ago this month I lost my best friend after a brief illness. I understand how much things will change for you and wish you the best as you remember the good times you shared. I still miss my friend and catch myself thinking I need to tell her something and then realizing that is no longer an option. Just grateful to have had her in my life when I did. My life is richer, as I'm sure yours has been.

  28. What a wonderful friend. Her quilts are beautiful. I can only imagine how much she enriched your life.

  29. I am so sorry Barb. It must be a very sad time for you and for all her friends and family. Your photos are a lovely tribute to someone who looks as though she was always smiling.

  30. So sorry for your loss. I love all of Jill's quilts, and have made a few of them myself. Hugs and prayers to you!

  31. Thank you for sharing the photos of Jill. We were best friends in high school. I was her maid of honor in her first wedding but we lost touch after that when she moved away. We connected on FB but never knew what a talented lady she turned out to be. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. Donna Terranova-Seeber a high school friend from Fulton, NY

  32. I loved reading about your friend Jill. Folks like her are gifts to people like us.

  33. She will be truly missed. Hugs

  34. What a beautiful tribute you've written for Jill. I was looking forward to meeting her at quilt market and now I'm sorry to have missed the opportunity. You have some wonderful pictures of Jill -- it makes me realize how soon our dear friends can be gone and we should seize the moment. Sending sympathy and big hugs -- I know you will miss Jill dearly.

  35. Jill will be missed, as your words and photos prove. Thank you for making us aware of such a special lady. I'm sorry for your loss.

  36. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

    Jill's footprints will always be with you.


  37. Thank you for sharing your fond memories of your friend Jill and her quilts. Remember the good times you shared.

  38. What a talented quilter. I never met Jill, but know how prolific she was, and that you were her friend. I'm truly sorry that she is gone, way too soon.

  39. Lovely tribute. Nothing like a great friend

  40. My deepest sympathies Barb. Our friends do leave a lasting impression on our lives. We lost a good friend in March (Marybeth - MB in MI) from cancer. Too soon like Jill. Prayers for you and her family.

  41. You are truly blessed to have had such a dear friend. May every stitch that you take bring happy memories to comfort you.

  42. So sorry for your loss!
    What a beautiful tribute you your long time (very talented) friend.
    Big hugs of comfort to you....

  43. So sorry. You talked often of Jill - so hard to loose a good friend. You are in my thoughts.


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