
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Small Scale Gardening

Yesterday we did a little small scale gardening.    Terrariums seem to be making a comeback.  You can see them at a lot of nursery's and garden shops.

So Susan, Hanna and I thought we'd give it a try.
All you need is a glass vessel for an indoor one, or a shallow bowl shaped vessel for an outdoor table top garden.

The basic steps for layering it are:

Rocks for drainage
Charcoal for filtering (I bought it at a pet store)
Potting Soil
Plants - small scale, succulents or sedum
live moss (for indoor terrariums - i found mine in my yard)
Pretty Rocks for decoration

Here they are finished~


Susan's - I love the color in hers~

The Hummingbirds are back!  I set up a feeder off the deck which they seem to really like.

The Female
 The  Male - he is gorgeous in the sunlight.
I have a good view from the kitchen sink and I'm amazed how much time they are spending at the feeder.  Sometimes they just sit a spell.

Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!


  1. I have a sort of terrarium but yours looks way better than mine! What a fun project!
    Did I ever tell you a hummingbird once landed on my back while I was gardening???

  2. What a nice project but especially since sharing it with Susan and Hannah!! Happy Memorial Day to you all.

  3. Now that looks like a great way to spend some time together, I was beginning to worry about you since you haven't posted in so long and I know you are grieving for your friend.
    The hummers are so wonderful to watch, I can't get them into my yard even with feeders and I can't figure it out.
    Maybe not enough flowers since my yard is so shady?

    Have a great Memorial Day too and Happy Sewing

  4. Once upon a time, very long ago, I did terrariums. These are very pretty--and fun to put them together with your friends!
    I admire those who are consistent enough to keep a feeder full for the hummers. But the lilacs are currently in bloom and that means I sometimes get to see them in my yard. You have a great view from your kitchen. Love it!

  5. What beautiful hummingbird pictures!! Your container gardens are lovely - a fun project to work on together :0)

  6. Your little gardens are beautiful Barb. And I love your hummingbird feeder. We're not having much luck with ours this year -- maybe we need to try a feeder more like yours!

  7. Back in March when I was in Ontario, we visited nurseries. I saw some air plants.. lots of terrariums and thought it would be nice to have one. Looking at yours I am inspired. They look beautiful and looks like you all had a pretty good time making them too. A mini garden which doesn't require much is always a good thing!
    Those hummingbirds are at home! Male and a female.. there must be a next somewhere near by too! I see them sometime perched on the branches in the back yard.

  8. Your terrariums are so lovely, just like little gardens. I really like the containers you've used, they're really fun shapes. It's wonderful seeing humming birds at the feeder. We don't have them in Australia so they seem a bit magical to me.

  9. It's so nice to do some gardening this time of year. There are lots of wonderful fairy garden accessories for these mini gardens. They're pretty sweet.

  10. The terrariums are so beautiful. I don't really have any place to put plants, but I think a terrarium would be great. I might have to finda pretty glass vessel and see what I can do. Thanks for shraing

  11. Ooh, those are adorable! Thanks for sharing them, I am impressed with the details and how cute they turned out. Good job!

  12. Beautiful terrariums... love the variety of containers. it's like going back to the 70's!

  13. all of the little gardens are beautiful~!
    I've noticed that terrariums seem to be popular and have thought about making one myself but have yet to do it . . .
    love the stacked rocks in your second one.

    i have been enjoying the return of the hummingbirds to my garden too. it's not possible to watch them without smiling.

    have a beautiful weekend.


  14. Oh my word, that takes me back - I can remember making one in a glass container in the early 70's when they were last in fashion.

    I love all of the ones you all made, both the indoor and outdoor versions.

  15. Sweet little gardens. I like the trio of three littles stacked stones. So zen.
    Enjoy your long weekend!

  16. Love the terrariums! I will have to give it a try. Happy Days!

  17. Your terrariums look really good. I do not have a green thumb....not one little bit of one. So, I will just admire yours.

  18. What a fun project Barb. How do you water them? Spray bottle?


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