
Monday, June 16, 2014

Summer Quilts on Parade

Happy Monday!

While packing my trunk show, I decided to switch the quilts that were hanging about here at home.

This is "Bloom Where You're Planted"; a quilt that I finished in 1996.  It was a year long class and we learned a technique a month.

This is the first time I added lettering to a quilt - they are a little too spread out, but I got better at it.

The pattern was created by Irma Gail Hatcher and here is the original.  Mine is quite a bit different.

I learned ruching fabric.

I also inked the initials of our family members.

these are stuffed grapes.

It's a big one - about 100" square.  I really love the double diamond quilting. It is the only one I've quilted this way.

I also hung my Olympic Star quilt.  The quilting texture looks good with this overhead light.

 The best view is coming up from the lower level.

Have a great week!


  1. Both quilts are beautiful! Nice texture on each one. I wish I had somewhere to hang good sized quilts, but the walls on a dome are just not straight and flat. : )

  2. Please don't tell Irma, but I like yours much better! :)

  3. I have never done the double diamond quilting. So many of the antique quilts have double lines. Good that you took the time. A beautiful piece.
    I took a class where I learned the ruching technique but have never put it to use.

  4. Beautiful, as usual! I especially love the ruching. Do you quilt around all the appliqued pieces before you do the rest of the quilting?

  5. I bet your quilt does look wonderful coming up the stairway! I wish I had room to hang a couple quilts in our home. My mom has two quilts hanging in her dining room and I just love to take in the details!

  6. I love seeing quilts from your past. Bloom Where You're Planted is such a beautiful quilt. I love that you put your family's initials in the the blocks. Your Olympic Star looks made for that spot at the top of the stairs. The spot light makes is glow and shows off your wonderful quilting!!

  7. What amazing quilts. Although I am a 'blue' girl I like your quilt better. Amazing work and the quilting is gorgeous. The Olympic quilt is so bright and beautiful.

  8. I love your quilts. Can you share how you have hung them on the wall,and if you change the size of the quilt, how will you adjust the quilt hanger?

  9. I don't think I'd seen the Bloom Where You're Planted quilt before. Gorgeous! Awesome quilting and I'm glad to hear you are giving trunk shows and lectures. I, too, would like to know how you hang your quilts.

  10. fuching? How is that done?
    Your quilts are beautiful, everyone of your quilts I have seen have been delightful and ones
    I'd want for myself :0)

    Happy Sewing

  11. Gorgeous quilts, Barb! Nice that you have wall space to show them off :)

  12. Beautiful, Barb! The 1996 deserves to be shown off, as does the Olympic Star quilt. I echo Barbara's sentiments... so nice you have the wall space to display them!

  13. both quilts are just fabulous!!!!!

  14. Love them both. What great placement for your olympic quilt. Almost wish I had some stairs in my house now.

  15. Your words on the quilt is makes your quilts extra special. Both these quilts are beautiful. I agree on the view from the downstairs looking up.. just perfect!

  16. Oh and have a great trunk show. Wish I was there to attend.

  17. Your applique' quilt looks stunning hung up on the wall! Both of your quilts are really beautiful!

  18. Wow Barb -- your quilts are gorgeous. And Irma Gail Hatcher -- I haven't heard that name in awhile -- I remember seeing a quilt of hers that I loved once at a big quilt show -- if only I could remember what quilt it was LOL!

  19. Both such lovely quilts Barb! I like the double diamond quilting too and the cables and feathers in the Olympic star are fabulous!

  20. Wonderful Wonderful quilts! Love the double diamond hand quilting. I haven't tried that one yet, it will be put on the list. The ruching adds so dimension.

  21. Great quilts! It's always nice to have enough quilts to change them out from time to time and get a different look!

  22. Gorgeous quilts! Love the texture your quilting gives. Beautiful.

  23. Beautiful quilts and quilting. Very fun to rotate quilts and enjoy them at home. I'm sure your lecture is fantastic!

  24. I took a Baltimore Album class from Irma Gail too! Never made the quilt, but used the techniques to make my own version. I love your version!! I wish I could attend your lecture.

  25. How fun to change the look of a house by changing the quilts, whether it's 2 or 12. Both of these are so YOU! You're fortunate to have the walls for display and such beautiful quilts to display on them.
    Happy, happy summer! On to the show.

  26. Your quilt is stunning and of course hand quilted, I am so jealous!
    It is fun to rotate the quilts around, it gives you and others a chance to see all your talent!

  27. beautiful quilts. I love the saying bloom where your planted….
    its one I lived by when we lived in Michigan...


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