
Friday, June 13, 2014

Self Publishing

A lot of us think of Blogging of self publishing, and it certainly is.  The only problem with it for me is that you can't touch it.  So I've been "real" self publishing my blog each year through a website:  Blog to Print.  It is very easy and very professional.

I learned the other day that the Library of Congress transfers Hollywood movies from digital to "real film" - so there you go.  It's all about the archiving.

I have noticed that each year is a little thinner.  But that seems to be the way of blogging in general.

My friend, Kelly of Pinkadot raised this question in a recent post.  Stop by and weigh in.  I blog to keep a visual record or journal of what I'm working on and creating.  I also enjoy meeting quilters around the world through their blogs.

A reader contacted me this week and is desperately seeking this fabric.  Please leave a comment here and I'll get you in touch with her if you have some you are willing to share/sell.

Fun For Friday 
New US Postal stamps. Vintage Circus - how fun are these?   I can practically smell the peanuts and cotton candy....and elephants :)

I'm hitting the road on Tuesday to give a lecture and trunk show in Illinois for the Village Quilters of Lake Bluff/Lake Forest.  Click here for details and come if you are in the area, I'd love to meet you.  I'll be adding my lecture/workshop information soon and would love to visit your guild.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Those books look oh so interesting. And even a picture of one of your quilts on each one.

  2. It's such a great idea to create annual books of your blog! I love those circus stamps, what fun!! Imagine if your trunk show was like a circus, you could arrive riding an elephant!! And trapeze artists could fly through the air while showing your quilts.

  3. I need to print my blog. Thanks for the reminder. good luck on your lecture.

  4. That is such a good idea, I may just have to do it!
    The stamps are so vintage looking.
    I will keep an eye out for the fabric, it's one I have not seen before.

  5. Wave as you drive by, we may pass each other on the turnpike! Wish I could hear your lecture. What part of the state?

  6. I have made a couple books with Blog 2 Print and really love it! I need to get all of my years done. It's a great idea and very easy to do on their web site.

  7. That is so cool that you're going to do a lecture and trunk show!! I would LOVE to go!! I think it is very cool that you publish a book each year of you blog. It's something I think about doing but never get around to actually doing... :0)

  8. How fun to be doing a trunk show! I wish I could be there as your quilts are wonderful and so distinctive! What a great idea to self-publish each year of your blog. It really is great way to journal our efforts.

  9. Wow, you will be in my neck of the woods. I will have to see if I can get to the guild meeting.
    I love your self published books. Great idea. It is fun to look back at the quilts and projects.
    Have a great trip.

  10. Your books will be a treasure for your family someday. Have fun on your lecture tour!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing the blog to book information, I have been meaning to do that for years now with my family blog and just never got it done. Now I have no excuse. :)

  12. Mary B and company will be thrilled you're in town! Safe travels!

  13. I just printed my blog on Blog to Print too. Very easy for Blogger blogs. They shipped it right away - and I love having the printed record of all my work.

  14. love the idea of having my blog actually printed into books . . . will have to check into that.
    those circus stamps are very cool and positively reek of vintage~!!
    I've not seen the fabric before so probably won't be of any help but wishing luck with the hunt.


  15. Congrats on the lecture circuit!!

  16. I love it all..the lecture, the books...the quilting fun. Congrats

  17. Barb said "I have noticed that each year is a little thinner." I immediately thought if only our bodies were like that as we get older.TeeHee

  18. I made one of those books when I posted about a trip I took to CA. It was a great way to keep the memories from the trip.

  19. Oooh, I love those stamps -- I'm going to the post office today -- I might have to actually wait in line and BUY some LOL!

    Like you, I blog for the record and the conversations. I've learned so much and met such fun people. I haven't done a book yet, but I've been meaning to -- the task gets more daunting though, as each year goes by -- those years are stacking up! My book would be much thinner too -- when I started I remember blogging every three days -- now I struggle to make it more than once a week!

    And I'll be waving madly as you drive right past me! Have a safe and fun trip!!!

  20. What a wonderful idea to annually self publish a book of your work! I love reading blogs because I like to hear the thought process behind each work and not just see a visual image.

  21. Dear Barb and Friends, I'm the quilter who is desperately looking for the CHICAGO fabric. I knew it would be a long shot, but you never know unless you try, right ? Many thanks to all who heard my plea....... The Desperate Quilter

  22. Thanks for the link to the blog to print site. I am absolutely going to do a book this summer!

  23. Love yourself first, as much as someone else in the entire world, Respect your love and perfection. love yourself first

  24. Love yourself first, as much as someone else in the entire world, Respect your love and perfection. love yourself first


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