
Monday, June 9, 2014

What's Up Girl?

Gosh, I feel like I've been a real slacker on this blog.   I guess I'm just not doing all that much sewing at the moment or what I'm doing is slow.

Here is a quick update on my King Quilt.  I have a 6 x 11 block section put together.

I've added a row to 3 sides of the quilt after laying out my first strip on my bed.  I just hate it when a quilt is a little too small, don't you?

So this means that I'm adding 15 more double nine patches.  Ouch!  I have to make about 50 more of those 3" nine patches.  I keep saying it will be worth it.

Here are the pots that I planted for the decks this year.  Simple....I'm still not sure where to get the best or most interesting plants.

My buddy, Norma, made the ceramic snail - Mr. Slugworth and my new bunny.  Still need a name for him.  I treated myself to a miniature blue hosta (in the green pot).

I have a potted herb garden, complete with a fairy and a pixie.

Here was a great cheat!  A pre-potted morning glory.  I love this deep blue color.

My baby, Hanna, turned 21 last Friday - I made her a liquor bouquet  and found some fun girl party lights and supplies to take back to school.

That's a wrap for now.  Thanks for checking in - be back again soon.


  1. Your King quilt will be worth it! Love your fabric choices too.
    Happy birthday to your daughter. They grow up so fast don't they?
    Pretty flowers!

  2. first time I checked out your blog! Very cool! What daughter wouldn't like a liquor bouquet for there 21st!! how fun!
    As always your quilts are amazing!

  3. Your flowers are so pretty and your porch looks like the perfect place to sit and hand stitch. Even though it's a pain now, I totally agree with you that a quilt that is a bit too small is annoying! You'll be glad in the end.

  4. What a lovely post - your flowers are so pretty! I love the morning glory in a pot idea. I should try that! Yes, I hate it when a quilt is a bit too small - I'm sure you'll get your little 9 patches sewn :0) The liquor bouquet is a super fun idea.

  5. you're right about making the extra blocks for your King quilt; it will be worth it.
    better not to have that regret once everything is all bound up.

    your container pots are beautiful. i love that you can buy a morning glory already started~!! i've not seen that option around here.

    wishing your daughter a belated happy birthday. it's amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it~!?!~


  6. King Quilt is looking grand! Hard to make those "you know you'll be glad you did it" decisions when you know how much work is involved--even if it will be "worth it"!
    Great floral display!!

  7. It sounds as though your King quilt is heading for King size! It's looking so wonderful. I love how you've drawn smiley faces on your quilt plan! Your potted plants are really pretty, and inspiring. I've been thinking I should have a potted herb garden closer to the house so they're easy to pick when I'm cooking. It's so cute that you have pixies, fairies and butterflies. Lots of very special birthday wishes to Hanna on her 21st birthday. Your liquor bouquets are so much fun, I hope you have champagne too and the cork went into your special memories collection.

  8. You have been busy! Your King quilt is fantastic. I have several quilts that are a tad too small and if I put them on the bed, I'm continually trying to tug on the sides to make it fit. Kind of like when pant legs are too short. Your flower pot are summery and fun. Love the morning glory!

  9. Wow Hanna is 21, it goes so fast! Love your liquor bouquet, what a fun present.
    Your pots look beautiful I am behind in the pot department and need to get them filled.
    Your quilt looks great, what a drag that it is not quite big enough. You will be happy you went that extra mile!

  10. Hahaha -- I'll bet you're a VERY popular Mom -- what a darling bouquet! Like you, I just hate it when a quilt is too small -- and it seems like most of mine are, no matter how much I measure and think I'm making them too big. So, you're right -- all those extra blocks WILL be worth it in the end -- they're looking wonderful! Happy Birthday to Hanna!!!

  11. Fabulous King quilt! Love your fabric choices and GW! A very fun bouquet for your grown up daughter and the blue morning glory is lovely - what a great color.

  12. Your king quilt is looking fabulous! Yes, it will be worth it to make it bigger. I have so many that I wish I'd made bigger, but I just ran out of steam on them. Your pots are inspiring too. I've never heard of planting Morning Glory. All we do it pull it out of the garden here! Good thing yours is in a pot. Fun bday gifts for your little girl--not so little anymore.

  13. Your quilt is looking good - you can whip up those little blocks in no time! Love all of your flowers on the deck - so pretty and springy after such a long winter.

  14. Your King Quilt is coming along wonderfully!
    I love seeing all those beautiful potted plants - super cheerful and welcoming.
    Happy Birthday Hanna - what a clever bouquet gift!

  15. I love how your king quilt is coming along...beautiful rich color palette. You will be so glad that you went to the trouble of making it just the perfect size! Your container gardens are so inviting!

  16. Your king quilt is wonderful! Now is definitely the time to make it larger if that's the way you like them.:) I don't like them too narrow either. Your container gardens look very inviting!

  17. I have made only one king size quilt..a few queen size and honestly am glad I did. They are lovely to spread on the bed and have them as extra covers when guests arrive. Your pots are beautiful, mine are still waiting for my attention. Bought some plats the other day but still keep watering the nursery pots instead of transplanting them into my large pots on the patio. Hmm.. May be this weekend is just for that.

    Happy Birthday to Hanna! I bet she loved her gift.

    Mr. slug-worth is looking fine next to your bunny. I have got some babies running around in the yard right now. They are cute to watch. I have been a bit of slacker myself. It needs to change! I miss my blogging friends.

  18. Those are some tiny blocks. They do take some time.It is looking great. The basket and party lights are so cute. Bet she loved it. No flowers for me this year unless I go get a pot that is already planted. I used to doa good job with my flowers, but the last few years, well not so much.:( Enjoy

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  20. I'm really good at killing my outdoor planters. It just cannot handle the dry heat of summer.
    Happy birthday to your baby girl!!

  21. 21 can you believe it I still can't believe my youngest graduated college last month, how did that happen and is now off to grad school in Boston


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